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Deurne, Antwerp, Belgium
Dec 13, 21 / Cap 11, 05 10:54 UTC
imagine.. Wien.. link:
Dec 12, 21 / Cap 10, 05 17:07 UTC
an additional fact that gravity is a dimension of magnetism/electricity is that when something is loaded with statics like natural fibers against plastics it does no longer respond to gravity.. but one can say yes but that is because of magnetism and electricity.. well.. difficult to believe but that is ...
Dec 12, 21 / Cap 10, 05 05:58 UTC
maybe it is time for a golden resident era.. like with the golden status of the first 100k Asgardians.. lets do some rewarding.. Grtz, Dirk.
Dec 7, 21 / Cap 05, 05 10:37 UTC
the Asgardian flame.. link: Grtz, Dirk.
Dec 3, 21 / Cap 01, 05 22:15 UTC
i am an Asgardian since the beginning in 2016.. i have tried to go as mayor but i quite at the last moment because of not having 100 residents.. now, i am still alone after 5 years.. i was thinking of creating gatherings for residents and future mayors or representatives ...
Dec 5, 21 / Cap 03, 05 14:41 UTC
Hey Dirk ! It is a hard road; I have also tried to contact the Asgardians who live in my region; all young, there are not many , about twenty, but I have never received an answer. Embittered I begin to think that these boys were animated by an initial ...
Dec 4, 21 / Cap 02, 05 06:32 UTC
I would suggest go to the Asgardia social groups and start inviting people to have zoom calls in your area. When you get it big enough then write up something about your group and their goals to help Asgardia move forward.. When thats done talk to an Asgardai MP about ...
Dec 4, 21 / Cap 02, 05 02:12 UTC
Отличная идея.
Dec 3, 21 / Cap 01, 05 11:56 UTC
from where originates life.. life is energy by electricity.. so if we look at my previous posts we can say that life originates between poles and disks.. that is where electricity is being created.. the poles for cold gas.. the disk for heat radiation.. so not to hot and not ...
Dec 3, 21 / Cap 01, 05 09:42 UTC
if we look further from my previous post.. then we can assume that hot vs cold or cold vs hot creates electricity.. but now we have the question what about cold vs cold.. there must be a reaction to the action from robbing cold against cold.. could it be that ...
Dec 3, 21 / Cap 01, 05 09:08 UTC
every body in space that spins (and that are most of them) creates some kind of vortex in some kind of dimension.. and with that the returning force from the center should be a jet of some kind in some kind of dimension.. while the spin originates from the disk ...
Nov 28, 21 / Sag 24, 05 11:39 UTC
what if we would see the universe as negative (-) magnetism and all cores as positive (+) magnetism.. all cores would react as magnets aka gravity.. maybe there is something like a magnetron particle in the core of all atoms.. so that the main rule of the universe can be ...
Nov 29, 21 / Sag 25, 05 00:55 UTC
The time when the individual scientist reached the certainty that his experiments had become a reality is basically an emotional memory. Today the discoveries are the result of multidisciplinary work . It is necessary, sometimes, to discover new materials that allow to build new machinery that in turn allow to ...
Nov 14, 21 / Sag 10, 05 12:33 UTC
if we would be able to capture ice-cold small asteroids or meteors and en-capsule them in a cabin, then we could harvest condense and gasses while the atmosphere in the cabin heats up by the sun.. Grtz, Dirk.
Nov 17, 21 / Sag 13, 05 07:43 UTC
Hey Dirk! The idea you propose is theoretical ( still), but interesting . It all depends on the size of the asteroid. Create a cabin around it and then take advantage of the heat accumulation of a closed environment as a source of energy, take advantage of the presence of ...
Nov 14, 21 / Sag 10, 05 19:33 UTC
У меня уже есть в голове проект "Паровой двигатель для метеорита" В космосе не надо топливо из нефти, это не экологично и не экономно. Водяных капель в космосе очень много, что бы его собрать в ёмкости для жидкости. А в космосе и паром можно управлять метеорит. Нужны только математические вычисления ...
Nov 11, 21 / Sag 07, 05 20:11 UTC
a quick conclusion.. if we want to be member of the UN.. then why not choose a UN member as head of nation?.. Grtz, Dirk.
Nov 14, 21 / Sag 10, 05 23:19 UTC
That´s a interesting idea... Is this possible ??
Nov 12, 21 / Sag 08, 05 12:36 UTC
Дорогой Дирк. ! Вы всегда полны плодотворных идей. Благодарю !
Nov 3, 21 / Oph 27, 05 14:27 UTC
i think we might have to switch from political language to coder languages.. we use the framework from Asgardia.. copy it.. and ask the coders for 12 coder languages and set these as the main coder languages.. from there we organize leaders and projects.. and integrate them later into the ...
Nov 1, 21 / Oph 25, 05 11:49 UTC
the outer shell of earth which we call nature is in fact a protective layer against all negative (+) elements in the earth originating from lava, rocks, ground, water and ice.. if we mingle all these negative (+) elements with the living environment then we loose the protection against bad ...
Nov 2, 21 / Oph 26, 05 07:57 UTC
Our planet we begin to know it in its mechanisms only from a few decades ago . From the geological point of view it is a continuous scramble between what is on the surface and what is in the depths of the Earth . Some examples ; The Ring Of ...
Oct 21, 21 / Oph 14, 05 15:12 UTC
today something about light.. if we start with the origin of light then we can say that stars and other big body's and events emit light.. what happens next is that this light travels true space till it hits a reflection and loses the part that is being absorbed by ...
Oct 26, 21 / Oph 19, 05 16:58 UTC
there are types of matter (and elements) that are not on the periodic table of elements that are taught in your science classes. for instance, there is phillip schneider, a government geologist, who worked on building deep underground military bases.... (get the book, 'phillip schneider' by arthur berkeley, and look ...
Oct 21, 21 / Oph 14, 05 09:18 UTC
Asgardia we have a problem.. if i take a look from the outside to Asgardia then i can not see any good works for earth or space.. i only see a selfish state.. remember from the outside.. - what can we do with that picture.. should we not be working ...
Oct 25, 21 / Oph 18, 05 11:23 UTC
Hi Dirk. How are you? I want you to know that I'm always here. I read your posts with interest. If you have a request that I can make, please leave a note in my message box. I will forward your message to the relevant channel of the parliament.
Oct 19, 21 / Oph 12, 05 17:26 UTC
today a story about working.. in the past.. it where not the pharaoh's who build the pyramid's but the slaves.. it where not the kings who build the castles but the masons.. it where not politics who made nations but workers.. so my question is who shall eventually make our ...
Oct 20, 21 / Oph 13, 05 19:56 UTC
Прежде чем готовить астронавтов, нужен комплекс с оплачиваемыми сотрудниками, а для комплекса нужна земля где его можно построить. С начало надо заиметь землю для жителей Асгардии, верней свою колонию на земле, что бы потом можно и осуществлять свои мечты и иметь оплачиваемых своих работников, желательно жителей Асгардии.
Oct 20, 21 / Oph 13, 05 14:17 UTC
If all that matters is going into outer space then Asgardia need not be a nation it is enough to be a company. The doubt still remains, who will hire, how will they pay, who are the owners. But if the case is to unite a people to go to ...
Oct 20, 21 / Oph 13, 05 00:58 UTC
The theory is excellent, super correct, but now tell me how to get from paper to practice. For example those aluminum workers / astronauts. Who will design the training program and who will subsidize the individual / hours of work / training? And for what, after all?
Oct 16, 21 / Oph 09, 05 14:52 UTC
today a little telling about vortexes and poles.. if we start from a rotating disk then the heaviest material does not go to the outside but to the inside.. that is because it creates a virtual vortex in the middle of the disk.. and because we are talking about a ...
Oct 16, 21 / Oph 09, 05 10:04 UTC
Recently I got very interested in living off the grid. My first step will be growing my own vegetables through 'permacullture' gardening. Healthy food from healthy soil. At the same time creating a space for healthy wildlife. Off the grid - a small community - a member of Asgardia. ...
Mar 8, 22 / Ari 11, 06 08:57 UTC
Oct 15, 21 / Oph 08, 05 21:46 UTC
Dear fellow Asgardians It’s really time to start and live in are new Nation because all the other countries and there politicians are just saving there one political positions . It’s time to create and moving to are own world where we can live in peace with each other . ...
Oct 12, 21 / Oph 05, 05 22:44 UTC
an Asgardian Artificial Intelligence.. how would we start building an A.I. for Asgardia?.. inserting the constitution as base code?.. inserting all players to find useful bridges.. insert al Asgardian specialties and knowledge?.. inserting temporary goals?.. inserting businesses that lead to our goals?.. storing digital data?.. etc,etc,etc.. Grtz, Dirk.
Oct 18, 21 / Oph 11, 05 19:34 UTC
Thanks for the idea I'll work on it myself
Oct 13, 21 / Oph 06, 05 10:12 UTC
maybe there are some good recipes online
Oct 13, 21 / Oph 06, 05 05:12 UTC
that’s quite interesting, i’m sure there’s quite a few AIs already in existence we could base it off.