Your location
Deurne, Antwerp, Belgium
Dec 14, 19 / Cap 12, 03 12:58 UTC
Ok, what could we do as a community with linux for Asgardia. We have to start somewhere from null. I am a linux debian user and as i have read there is a new version of linux mint comming out this end of the year. A good time to dive ...
Dec 15, 19 / Cap 13, 03 21:17 UTC
We are already on the road for it. By now, we are currently developing the Wayland interface(which will allow us to build render contexts, input handling, and draw, resize, relocate, etc.... the main window). But why limitate ourselves to just Linux? Multiplatform is a good thing
Dec 14, 19 / Cap 12, 03 11:15 UTC
our goals..
Lost my text during uploading.. we need a text-buffer in the editor.. Ok, going to try to find my words back.. The golden satellite is meant to store our goals in space, accessible true the mindset of the golden key. It would be a more interacting version as Asgardia-1 but ...
Dec 14, 19 / Cap 12, 03 14:08 UTC
Dec 14, 19 / Cap 12, 03 03:42 UTC
Message from space..
Good News. I have found the golden key. This key symbolizes the future for humans, earth and the heavens. This key is to unlock our future but before we can use it we have to acknowledge our mistakes from present and past. As a follow up we have to work ...
Dec 14, 19 / Cap 12, 03 08:13 UTC
Sweet dream. But it gives strength.
Dec 12, 19 / Cap 10, 03 21:59 UTC
A new ROOM.. Grtz, Dirk.
Dec 13, 19 / Cap 11, 03 14:17 UTC
Looking forward to it too!
Dec 11, 19 / Cap 09, 03 19:28 UTC
I was just thinking about mars. What if its atmosphere is actually frozen full with layers of dust. If it has a hot core there must be an environment where it meets the cold and gives 20°C. Would that not be an ideal environment for at least bacteria to survive? ...
Dec 11, 19 / Cap 09, 03 19:46 UTC
And already on 30 October 1938 the attack of Martians on Earth caused panic in the United States.
Dec 11, 19 / Cap 09, 03 19:40 UTC
As early as 1912, Edgar Rice Burroughs noticed a Princess on Mars :-)
Dec 11, 19 / Cap 09, 03 13:23 UTC
Interesting article about full moon..
Dec 11, 19 / Cap 09, 03 13:51 UTC
Strawberry Moon or Hot Moon, sounds appetizing ...
Dec 11, 19 / Cap 09, 03 10:40 UTC
I've been away for a while and it's nice to see Asgardia is still very much alive! I would like to make a proposition related to the economy of Asgardia. From what I have read it seems like the Solar is built on the same principles as the Euro, Dollar, ...
Dec 11, 19 / Cap 09, 03 18:42 UTC
Maybe we need passport
Dec 11, 19 / Cap 09, 03 14:21 UTC
I would like to join this community:)
Dec 7, 19 / Cap 05, 03 17:46 UTC
fast creation..
Now in space..
Dec 7, 19 / Cap 05, 03 16:52 UTC
Dec 7, 19 / Cap 05, 03 14:39 UTC
in the new beginning..
History from after the previous ice-age from wiki:
Dec 7, 19 / Cap 05, 03 12:49 UTC
Why not create a digital earth as a communication tool to the real earth. We could create our own useful continents and city's according to languages and members counts. The more input a city is giving the more advanced the level of city becomes. Certain city's can become specialists in ...
Dec 11, 19 / Cap 09, 03 15:46 UTC
Давайте поспим тогда. :)
Dec 11, 19 / Cap 09, 03 15:40 UTC
Только наша матрица. Реальность в виртуальности. )
Dec 11, 19 / Cap 09, 03 08:45 UTC
Вы правы. И если мы просыпаемся внезапно, что тогда?Матрица: Перезагрузка?
See all 8 comments
Dec 6, 19 / Cap 04, 03 20:08 UTC
First Contact Dec. 6 2017, 23:11.00 • UTC "Hello Igor" Grtz, Dirk.
Dec 7, 19 / Cap 05, 03 10:56 UTC
current satelite position in Earth orbit:
Dec 7, 19 / Cap 05, 03 10:55 UTC
Dear Asgardians, you can upload your data to our satelite:
Dec 1, 19 / Sag 27, 03 05:33 UTC
2way system
Our solar-system is in fact a 2-way system. A hot source and a cold source. This can be described as a high-pressure core and a low-pressure core. The high-pressure is of-course the solar-system with the sun which makes heat,light and dust. The low-pressure system is the tail of the heliosphere ...
Nov 30, 19 / Sag 26, 03 17:49 UTC
For the visitors of space-events or space-organizations maybe Asgardia could introduce coupons for nice prices and such. Grtz, Dirk.
Nov 30, 19 / Sag 26, 03 14:44 UTC
We should quit testing and start building things. The best school is practice while working. Grtz, Dirk.
Dec 6, 19 / Cap 04, 03 00:04 UTC
Dec 5, 19 / Cap 03, 03 16:36 UTC
I like the concept of a electromagnetic magnetic force. Such as that aluminum foil lifter. Try to form it to a self contained device that can be scaled into a asuable craft. Or possibly adjusting fuel nozzles for jet engines capable of operating at 80,000+ feet. To use liquid hydrogen ...
Dec 4, 19 / Cap 02, 03 22:26 UTC
У меня у самого есть в голове проекты. Как и по постройки лифта для поднятий платформ в космос, так и изобретение простого цепного лифта, было бы удобно.
See all 4 comments
Nov 30, 19 / Sag 26, 03 07:10 UTC
jupiter - sun view
1 - Located on Jupiter looking towards the Sun. 2 - Located on Mars viewing on the side line.
Nov 27, 19 / Sag 23, 03 12:00 UTC
save heaven
run to the hills when the flood comes.. Grtz, Dirk.
Nov 25, 19 / Sag 21, 03 16:16 UTC
The most easy commerce is packaging. We buy a big-bag of dry food, package it in small Eco-friendly packages and sell it for 1 euro gain. This can be under the name space-food for earthly use, so that people can feel a bit like they are already in space. We ...
Nov 24, 19 / Sag 20, 03 10:26 UTC
gravity test
adjusting gravity
Nov 17, 19 / Sag 13, 03 22:15 UTC
Would it not be convenient to integrate important Asgardia events into the calendar? Grtz, Dirk.
Nov 27, 19 / Sag 23, 03 15:15 UTC
A calender feature would be awesome indeed
Nov 17, 19 / Sag 13, 03 22:38 UTC
Indeed! You can get started with it and everyone can jump in to add others! :-)