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Deurne, Antwerp, Belgium
Jan 16, 19 / Aqu 16, 03 23:04 UTC
Magnetic travel

Ok, this one is going to attract some type of space observers. Lets say we place a magnet between the earth and the moon in space, what should happen is that it should follow the magnetic route that is at that moment present. Now, lets ...

Jan 30, 19 / Pis 02, 03 20:07 UTC
i learned his in physics
Jan 26, 19 / Aqu 26, 03 22:09 UTC
Jan 10, 19 / Aqu 10, 03 21:36 UTC
artificial planet

If we would start in orbit and on the moon with some basic central structure and then travel to mars with it to place it in the orbit of mars around the sun and there we could add some further structures made in space with the ...

Jan 11, 19 / Aqu 11, 03 07:41 UTC
Dear Dirk, With regard to gravitational force, we can address the issue. If we want to live in orbital stations or in outer space in the future, we will need to produce artificial gravity. This is why ISS astronauts cannot function continuously. I hope I'm old enough to go on ...
Jan 11, 19 / Aqu 11, 03 06:13 UTC
Solar Power Stations closer to the sun could beam via laser, their power to stations further out in the solar system. These beams could also be used for communication at the same time.
Jan 8, 19 / Aqu 08, 03 18:41 UTC
energy storage

I was thinking about what space could offer us and at first thought one would think nothing as it is empty. But if we would take our thoughts a step further what we notice are different states of matter and energy in space. So in ...

Jan 15, 19 / Aqu 15, 03 06:17 UTC
This is innovative.
Jan 10, 19 / Aqu 10, 03 10:02 UTC
Wow it cool
Dec 31, 18 / Cap 29, 02 13:17 UTC
Best wishes
   for 2019...

Best wishes for 2019 to everyone on planet Earth ...

Dec 30, 18 / Cap 28, 02 18:40 UTC
space data

Space data, the next sources of income. If we could send a mini-satellite with a cam and other sensors to the asteroid belt and let it drift along within the belt while we store some close-by data then this data could be picket up by passing ...

Jan 1, 19 / Aqu 01, 03 00:45 UTC
What kinds of data are you looking to collect from the Asteroid belt? types of rocks, what they are made of etc.etc. or for Navigation purposes?
Dec 31, 18 / Cap 29, 02 09:19 UTC
Happy new year Dirk :)
Dec 28, 18 / Cap 26, 02 14:29 UTC
civilization crossroads

To go somewhat further on my previous idea. In the map above you see blue lines. Those lines are parallel with the track that Hawaii made in the past on the pacific plate in the red lines. First we have the somewhat horizontal lines which picture ...

Dec 26, 18 / Cap 24, 02 22:35 UTC

If you are curious what space-crafts are up in the sky then you can look them up on the Outer Space site:

Grtz, Dirk.

Jan 26, 19 / Aqu 26, 03 22:12 UTC
A Man with the Plan (Brain) 👍
Dec 27, 18 / Cap 25, 02 00:03 UTC
Very good information Dirk, thank you...
Dec 20, 18 / Cap 18, 02 21:49 UTC

Today we had a big quake near Russia at the top of the big old plate from the Pacific Ocean. This plate causes much quake activity to the west where it goes under Asia. Today something fell to my attention and that is that Hawaii is ...

Dec 19, 18 / Cap 17, 02 02:15 UTC

Tonight i woke up with an idea about sub-particles. We know that atoms have particles and that these particles have even more sub-particles. These are very sticky so they must have come from great energy sources. My idea is now that every time there is a ...

Dec 12, 18 / Cap 10, 02 14:09 UTC

Everything we know at what ever level exists as bubbles. Lets go to space. We have earth with his space-bubble, that goes on to the most outward regions around earth, high orbit i think it is called. To me everything inside that high-level orbit is part of earth. So ...

Dec 8, 18 / Cap 06, 02 10:59 UTC
Safe zone..

As from today we have a map from the moon from incoming body's on the moon, see yellow dots. That is not such good news for building something on the moon. But then i saw a structure in these impacts. If the moon has a metal ...

Dec 1, 18 / Sag 27, 02 21:38 UTC
new theory..

Today i question the expanding universe, the big-bang, etc.. Lets start with a galaxy but i will also be talking about other happenings who follow one and the same theory. Lets start by imagining space as a big collection of bubbles. How big that the universe ...

Dec 2, 18 / Cap 00, 02 08:49 UTC
Добрый день. Трудно спорить с опанентом не имея возможности РЕАЛЬНО на ПРАКТИКЕ доказать ему ошибочность его мнений ...Веть как не крути а даже те мнения что мы считаем незыблемыми вполне могут быть ошибочны . А потому и теория эта расширяющейся Вселенной вполне может быть ошибочна , хотя скажем десятилетие назад ...
Dec 1, 18 / Sag 27, 02 17:12 UTC

A basic form of digging. I am sure there are lots of interesting concepts to do digging on the moon and using the ground as protecting or something else. Could be interesting of what the ground workers come up with.

Grtz, Dirk.

Nov 28, 18 / Sag 24, 02 14:33 UTC

1. The young are impatient...and need to be guided.


Nov 29, 18 / Sag 25, 02 07:56 UTC
Nov 28, 18 / Sag 24, 02 14:58 UTC
Yes Dirk..100 / 100...We have to follow the formation of our ministries.
Nov 24, 18 / Sag 20, 02 18:13 UTC

Lets not confuse laws with ideals. A law is a limitation where we can move in. An ideal has no limits.
For example: we have a law of moving for max. 50km/h. This law is for safety. It says that it is preferable to not go over that ...

Nov 29, 18 / Sag 25, 02 21:24 UTC
But I had luck, again, resuming the classification, non several concussions could be very problematic, can last days, weeks or months.
Nov 29, 18 / Sag 25, 02 21:15 UTC
I'm better now. Is the second time I have a concussion, so It's a concussion that doesn't cause any damage, just stay a little weird for a few days, it's a normal reaction that totally disappears. No neurological side effects, I'm practically a PHD in neurology in this matter because ...
Nov 27, 18 / Sag 23, 02 05:33 UTC
Discard everything I said in the last 48 hours, I had a concussion, I hit my head, I do not sleep and I was talking on the internet and I was not me … My head was not thinking very well, a drunk dizzy Alice in Wonderland. There was nobody ...
See all 19 comments
Nov 24, 18 / Sag 20, 02 17:36 UTC
Moon geology..

If we are planning to build on the moon then it is necessary to know what we can find where. The only geologist on the moon was with the Apollo 17 mission, that was some time ago. Luckily we have better technology now and can from distance examine the ...

Nov 25, 18 / Sag 21, 02 02:29 UTC
Asteroid mining is no longer science fiction, but a reality that materializes at times and is already setting off a whole "gold rush" space between countries and companies around the world. The idea, in principle, is simple. In the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, millions of ...
Nov 25, 18 / Sag 21, 02 02:28 UTC
Nov 25, 18 / Sag 21, 02 02:27 UTC
The lunar base will allow a site with equipment to explore the minerals that the asteroids possess, it is known that many of them can provide precious metals and the lunar materials themselves can form the moon-iglues of the settlement, if a wonderful idea
Nov 18, 18 / Sag 14, 02 18:28 UTC

We live in an universe which we can see and touch. But there is also an opposite universe which we can mostly not see or grab. Sometimes there are special events in the universe which make us question if there are also other things in the ...

Nov 22, 18 / Sag 18, 02 20:39 UTC
The language would consist of 1. Phrases with symbols to explain ideas that can not be explained with words sometimes. 2. "Normal" or "usual" words, but a language of its own. 3. Mathemathics. And not discarding any tongue. But you raised a question and I think, it is very advanced ...
Nov 22, 18 / Sag 18, 02 20:16 UTC
I tried to create a language with symbols that are in the subconscious mind, but it is complicated to make all ideas fit, it is to be simple to understand and be able to talk complicated things in a way that people without understanding in the subject can understand more ...
Nov 21, 18 / Sag 17, 02 12:40 UTC
It is fair proportional, in its proporcinality of Acord with the reasonableness of the idea that he wanted to pass, just in his idea, did the best he could. You want to know if I’m intelligent but sorry, I am The mental retarded but if I'm that all theThe world's ...
See all 18 comments
Nov 16, 18 / Sag 12, 02 19:09 UTC

I have here a link to a news article from the UN. It is about a cooperation between unoosa and an university. Now my thinking is if we could do not the same and sign a cooperation between Asgardia and the OOSA from ...

Nov 12, 18 / Sag 08, 02 20:13 UTC

As our head of parliament, Lembit Öpik said in a today announcement, the main goal is to have a base on the moon in 2043. Ok, so that makes it clear on what to work towards to. Asgardia started in 2016 on earth and went into orbit in 2017. ...

Nov 13, 18 / Sag 09, 02 12:48 UTC
Разработка темы Паралельный мир открывает возможности ВЕРНУТЬ свою молодость и продлить жизнь до бесканечности .Все это описывается в моей теме на форуме .Хотите вернуть свою молодость подключайтесь в помощь разработки данной темы .
Nov 13, 18 / Sag 09, 02 10:15 UTC
Это конечно все интересно , НО ....а есть ли вообще уверенность в существовании самого КОСМОСА ? Дело это сложное , доказательств ни каких , одни сплошные высказывания ученых , которым и верить то не сильно стоит .... Планета наша Земля окружена оболочкой с высокой температурой более 2 тысяч градусов , ...
Nov 13, 18 / Sag 09, 02 08:17 UTC
There are lots of questions to be answered before we make a colony on the moon surface. It needs to be selfsustaining. How do we provide our colony with the following: -Oxigen, food(biomass),water, heat, pressure, power, waste management,etc. Space weather can also be an issue. I believe radiation would be ...
See all 4 comments
Nov 5, 18 / Sag 01, 02 04:35 UTC

Ok, lets do a little survey of what you people think what the sequence is of the forces in space. I have below 8 forces that i have put in an order i think it should work in the universe. You can add or delete or change naming's, do ...

Nov 13, 18 / Sag 09, 02 06:58 UTC
What about radiation in space?
Nov 8, 18 / Sag 04, 02 14:16 UTC
приглашаю посетить мою тему паралельный мир в разделе Наука и техника . Оставьте свое сообщение .
Nov 5, 18 / Sag 01, 02 10:33 UTC
Gravity, weak interaction, electromagnetism and strong interaction