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3090 Overijse, Belgium
Dec 31, 23 / Cap 29, 07 13:22 UTC
Feliz año nuevo ASGARDIANOS! Muchos éxitos, salud y dinero a toda sus familias.
Aug 25, 23 / Lib 13, 07 18:03 UTC
Big things are happening in the parliament ! Make sure to check out :
Jul 30, 23 / Vir 15, 07 11:22 UTC
Buenas! Por casualidad alguien se ha topado ya con Thor por aquí??
Jul 30, 23 / Vir 15, 07 14:44 UTC
con freya
Apr 2, 23 / Tau 08, 07 07:39 UTC
We are thé future! À le Space!!
Jan 2, 23 / Aqu 02, 07 17:53 UTC
Je suis en train de me former sur le sujet, donc il va surement se passer du temps avant que j’apporte du contenu significatif. Mais ne vous privez pas si vous maitrisez le sujet ou bien si votre curiosité est débordante ! D’un autre côté les questions permettent aussi de ...
Jan 2, 23 / Aqu 02, 07 17:55 UTC
Je suis dyslexique (entre autre), aussi si vous voyez des fautes insupportables à vos yeux dites-le moi ! Je me ferai le devoir de les corriger et ça va m’aider à progresser. MERCI
Jan 2, 23 / Aqu 02, 07 16:27 UTC
Ravi de trouver cette communauté francophone, car il est vrai la pratique d’une autre langue bien qu’enrichissante demande un effort certain. Quelques langues sont bien utiles selon les domaines. J’apprend personnellement (du moins j’essaye ^^') pour les principales : Anglais, Espagnol, Russe, Chinois simplifié, Grec ancien. J’envisage de créer ou ...
Oct 9, 22 / Oph 02, 06 21:16 UTC
I've just read an artikel about out Asgardia-1 sattelite. According to several agencies, Asgardia-1 should've returned into the atmosphere betwween september 10 en september 14. I've been searching for a related article on our Asgardian website, but I couldn't find any. Now I'm wondering if the article I've read is ...
Oct 12, 22 / Oph 05, 06 05:19 UTC
Today would be a good day for some news..
Oct 10, 22 / Oph 03, 06 20:20 UTC
Hello there! I can't speak to the validity of the specific article you read, but according to, ASGARDIA-1 completed its orbital decay on 03 Scorpio (12 September.) Until we receive some kind of official announcement, however, it appears that we're in Schrödinger's territory.
Oct 5, 22 / Sco 26, 06 20:51 UTC
Ben şifremi kaybettim napabilirim
Sep 13, 22 / Sco 04, 06 06:42 UTC
Grateful to be a part of a project whose visionary initiators so well anticipated the future, of which we are increasingly becoming aware, and saw the need to develop alternative strategies for mankind.
Sep 13, 22 / Sco 04, 06 14:35 UTC
Alternative is a key part I feel, with how we as humans are things can go south very fast. These alternative strategies should address the way human nature can knock everything down. At this part in time we still have war and murder and hate but there has never been ...
Aug 17, 22 / Lib 05, 06 13:51 UTC
Hey everybody, Not sure if this has been discussed in the past, is any Asgardian working on the broad Web3 scene? Is this kind of tech something that's interesting this community?
Dec 6, 22 / Cap 04, 06 09:15 UTC
Aug 28, 22 / Lib 16, 06 05:55 UTC
Does Asgardia have any shelters for the residents?? Or any plans on surviving the Polar Reversal??
Jul 1, 22 / Leo 14, 06 05:26 UTC
Although the structure of Asgardia is extremely fantastic, I have my thoughts about the fact that an official degree is demanded to be able to run for parliament. Asgaardia really stands for anti discrimination, racism and all sorts of negative influences. but isn't demanding a degree to be able to ...
Jul 1, 22 / Leo 14, 06 10:18 UTC
If I would compare it to the old times then a paper makes you a non-slave aka non-worker..
Jun 19, 22 / Leo 02, 06 08:20 UTC
Half Italian, half Hungarian living in Belgium, ready to be part of space. greetings.
Jun 18, 22 / Leo 01, 06 12:06 UTC
Etant descendant direct de Vóden de la maison Thrymheim (séjour de la force) du royaume des géants qui ont bâti Asgard entouré d'une grande muraille infranchissable dans les temps mythologique, je déclare Asgardia comme l'UNIQUE NATION NUMÉRIQUE de notre berceau galactique - la planette Terre. Aucunes autres Nations numériques existantes ...
Apr 5, 22 / Tau 11, 06 12:06 UTC

My asgardian number is... Moderator edit: We have edited out your Asgardian ID as it's your own person ID. Please do not share with everyone.

Apr 5, 22 / Tau 11, 06 18:48 UTC
Félicitations,soyez le bienvenu parmi nous.🙏
Oct 15, 21 / Oph 08, 05 21:46 UTC
Dear fellow Asgardians It’s really time to start and live in are new Nation because all the other countries and there politicians are just saving there one political positions . It’s time to create and moving to are own world where we can live in peace with each other . ...
Oct 12, 21 / Oph 05, 05 22:14 UTC
Humanity is slowly waking up to this subconscious drive to our evolution process. As the planets from the solar system spiral down towards the sun, some feel eager to fly away and some want to take care of the earth. Both action should be nurtured to empower each other (and ...
Oct 20, 21 / Oph 13, 05 04:49 UTC Reference to Ian Lungold and Johan Calleman
Oct 19, 21 / Oph 12, 05 16:17 UTC
At level 9 of the pyramid, the capstone. Each level is a wave divided in 13 wavelengths (seven days and 6 nights) I guess this capstone tells us that we’re in that time we will be able to colonize another planet
Oct 18, 21 / Oph 11, 05 19:38 UTC
14th is a capstone ?
See all 4 comments
Jun 21, 21 / Leo 04, 05 06:37 UTC
Dears, I am looking for pieces of information about Asgardian's economical company setup process ? It is already planned ? Regards, Thibaut.
Jun 21, 21 / Leo 04, 05 11:54 UTC
The website proposed looks unstable. I have posted my company details but not sure it has arrived. For elements in the top green menu a few elements return an error page :-/
Jun 21, 21 / Leo 04, 05 09:04 UTC
You can apply to register your already existing company or business idea on the official website of the Ministry of Trade and Commerce here:
Jun 21, 21 / Leo 04, 05 06:48 UTC
Hello and welcome! If you have any questions or interested in what's going on with Asgardia lately, we suggest you taking a look at our FAQ and News section above!
Apr 4, 21 / Tau 10, 05 19:37 UTC
Hangi dünya olursa olsun Türk'suz düşünülemez
Apr 4, 21 / Tau 10, 05 18:11 UTC
New Space Ambient music : Pulse Mandala - Astravoid
I continue composing and releasing Space Ambient music with my Pulse Mandala project. Space Ambient is a genre of functional music that evokes a sense of "floating in space", and is great for focussing, meditating, studying, relaxing, fight insomnia ... and I imagine it would be great as a soundtrack ...
Mar 25, 21 / Tau 00, 05 17:49 UTC
Si l’on vous proposait d’aller vivre sur Mars mais sans retour possible au vu de notre technologie actuelle comme c’est le cas pour Mars One.