Your location
Andradas, State of Minas Gerais, 37795-000, Brazil
Aug 19, 22 / Lib 07, 06 13:14 UTC
When all the idea around Asgardia started (and I followed from the very beginning), there were some people in favor of having our own physical place to establish the first Asgardian settlement. Some places were in discussion. Islands, remote and/or inhabited areas, etc. Then, I kind of became a far ...
Dec 7, 22 / Cap 05, 06 18:34 UTC
Во-первых, извините за мой русский. Боюсь, я не согласен, потому что изначально идея заключалась в том, чтобы занять наше место. Мы должны применять на практике наши убеждения.
Sep 17, 22 / Sco 08, 06 23:37 UTC
It should be in Vienna , especially since thats where HQ is!
Sep 16, 22 / Sco 07, 06 09:07 UTC
Думаю, что не нужно отдельное место поселения. Мы везде, в этом суть Асгардии. Там где мы, там Асгардия.
See all 13 comments
Apr 16, 22 / Tau 22, 06 17:25 UTC
Olá meus amigos, tudo bem? Talvez esteja enganado, mas não encontrei nenhuma comunidade espírita em Asgardia. Gostaria de convidar asgardianos a começar uma nova comunidade espírita, Abraços! Hello my friends, how are you? Maybe I'm wrong, but I haven't found any spiritist communities in Asgardia. I would like to invite ...
Apr 25, 22 / Gem 03, 06 17:04 UTC
Give it time, or start it yourself.
Apr 17, 22 / Tau 23, 06 00:48 UTC
I am for the good spirit..
Sep 28, 21 / Sco 19, 05 00:54 UTC
Very Interesting theory!! Link below.
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:07 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
May 12, 21 / Gem 20, 05 22:10 UTC
Se está nação se considera aberta a todos os seres humanos precisa de uma tradução automática também para os posts de usuários para melhorar a interação de todos os que quiserem deixar suas mensagens ☺️
May 13, 21 / Gem 21, 05 14:52 UTC
As muitas, muitas línguas realmente falam comigo de uma comunidade muito diversa, o que é maravilhoso de ver. Sim, pode ser doloroso usar idiomas diferentes. Eu tenderei a manter o Google Translate ativo enquanto leio os fóruns. Não é perfeito, mas ajuda até que apareça algo melhor. The many, many ...
Feb 21, 21 / Pis 24, 05 03:02 UTC
Github profile and projects
Hello, people I would like to know if some of you have a profile on github, we could create projects together or follow each other to generate knowledge. my github profile is
Dec 15, 20 / Cap 14, 04 16:06 UTC
I would like to thank all Asgardians who participated in the election. The process was flawless and very clear to everyone. Congratulations to all event organizers. Very happy to have participated in this process. Many thanks to all.
Dec 18, 20 / Cap 17, 04 21:35 UTC
Ivan, now we are 05 Brazilians in parliament.
Dec 18, 20 / Cap 17, 04 21:34 UTC
Parabéns Eduardo. Seja bem vindo ao Parlamento de Asgardia.
Dec 18, 20 / Cap 17, 04 19:30 UTC
Thank's a lot.
See all 5 comments
Dec 12, 20 / Cap 11, 04 23:58 UTC
Hello to all Asgardians; I would like to invite all residents to participate in the election for Parliament. Your vote is very important as it will help define the direction of Asgardia for the coming years. I applied, but I'm not here to ask for your vote, but to vote ...
Aug 14, 20 / Lib 03, 04 01:44 UTC
Biotechnologies from microalgae

I am an enthusiast of new technologies and I believe that in order to live in space, we must not "fight" for survival, but rather adapt our technologies to give us support to live in this new environment. One proposal I have for this is to use biotechnology, that ...

Aug 15, 20 / Lib 04, 04 05:07 UTC
I can certainly hope!
Aug 15, 20 / Lib 04, 04 01:42 UTC
Maybe it isn't so distant ...
Aug 14, 20 / Lib 03, 04 03:15 UTC
wow, I'd love to see this in person! not possible for me for a few years at least, but would still be neat!
Aug 13, 20 / Lib 02, 04 01:29 UTC
Meet 'Tenacity': 1st Dream Chaser space plane gets a name
The first orbital Dream Chaser space plane recently got its wings, and a name. Dream Chaser, which is built by Colorado-based company Sierra Nevada Corp., is the world's only non-capsule private orbital spacecraft. The winged vehicle will launch vertically atop a rocket but end its missions with runway landings, like ...
Aug 3, 20 / Vir 20, 04 21:28 UTC
Fungi that

I read in recent research that in the city of Chernobyl they discovered fungi that eat radiation. This is in line with my scientific research work on microalgae for the production of biodiesel. I completed a study on bio-transformation in which the use of microalgae can produce biodiesel, but ...

Aug 12, 20 / Lib 01, 04 12:26 UTC
Love it. Thank you. 💋
Aug 11, 20 / Lib 00, 04 01:49 UTC
Hi Chad Roeder. This technology sounds crazy but it is very real and many companies and organizations like NASA are studying seriously to deploy in future space missions.
Aug 5, 20 / Vir 22, 04 03:53 UTC
Great article Eduardo. I agree with you. This would be a great technology. I believe I've heard of a gel layer in suits or ships/stations that would assist absorbing the radiation. This might be really useful if there was a way to keep a live layer of bacteria or a ...
See all 4 comments
Aug 2, 20 / Vir 19, 04 00:54 UTC
SpaceX Crew Dragon undocks from space station to bring NASA astronauts home for 1st time
The first astronauts to fly in SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft are on their way back to Earth from the International Space Station. NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley, who spent about two months at the space station following the historic launch of the Demo-2 mission on May 30, climbed ...
Aug 2, 20 / Vir 19, 04 14:55 UTC
Asgardian's Please Vote
Jul 29, 20 / Vir 15, 04 01:42 UTC
Pale Blue Dot - By Carl Sagan
I consider Astronomer and Scientist Carl Sagan one of the human beings most dedicated to enlightening humanity about the Universe. His books and his research work on the Cosmos form a great mosaic of information for us who crave the stars. I would like to share with everyone a small ...
Jul 26, 20 / Vir 12, 04 02:09 UTC
New ways / Novos caminhos
Humanity is going through a difficult time with the Covid19 pandemic. However, we can see that this situation has transformed our Terran society. We work in different ways through the internet. We can no longer embrace or even socialize with person as we were used to. This gives us an ...
Jul 25, 20 / Vir 11, 04 00:41 UTC
Trabalhar em homeoffice é mais cansativo do que trabalhar presencialmente em uma empresa. As demandas parecem ser maiores pois quando você termina um trabalho já aparecem outros para serem tratados. Ter uma vida produtiva é importante para ajudar a crescer nossa sociedade, mas se analisarmos as demandas de trabalho será ...
Jul 23, 20 / Vir 09, 04 02:49 UTC
Uma nação é formada pelo seu povo, seu território e sua riqueza. A população de Asgardia se diferencia dos outros povos porque olha para cima ao invés de olhar para baixo. O território de Asgardia não tem limites pois não há fronteiras. E sua riqueza é baseada em idéias e ...
Jul 23, 20 / Vir 09, 04 01:49 UTC
Multiplanet system around sunlike star photographed for 1st time ever
For the first time ever, astronomers have directly imaged multiple planets orbiting a sunlike star. The European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile photographed two giant planets circling TYC 8998-760-1, a very young analogue of our own sun that lies about 300 light-years from Earth, a new study ...
Jul 19, 20 / Vir 05, 04 02:26 UTC
Saturday at night. Reason to believe in a better Universe
Qual a principal razão de tanto trabalharmos e nos esforçarmos por um mundo, por que não Universo, melhor? Sábado a noite deitado na cama com meus dois filhos mais novos assistindo um filme divertido. Muitas risadas. Essa é a razão !!!! Viva em harmonia e feliz, buscando sempre estar com ...
Jul 18, 20 / Vir 04, 04 13:50 UTC
Acredito que a construção de uma base lunar seria a opção mais lógica. Temos material para construção de estruturas, extração de combustíveis oxigênio e água dos materiais lunares, órbita estável e proximidade com a Terra além de facilidade de lançamentos devido a baixa gravidade. Segue foto da Lua que tirei ...
Dec 10, 20 / Cap 09, 04 14:32 UTC
Dear Asgardian, You have the power to decide on the quality of life and future of ASGARDIA. Take the time to help me and give your VOTE. Make sure your voice is heard – I kindly ask your VOTE for the parliament of Asgardia. I will do the best for ...
Jul 18, 20 / Vir 04, 04 21:36 UTC
Да Луна это хорошая перспектива прыжка в космос за пределы иных миров. Но, там могут быть и другая цивилизация. Венера хорошее начало, там можно спокойно и обжиться.
Jul 18, 20 / Vir 04, 04 11:17 UTC
Para uma nação se tornar forte primeiramente seus cidadãos tem que ser fortes. Quando digo cidadãos fortes me refiro a pessoas comprometidas com um ideal, sérias, dedicadas ao seu trabalho. Não devem procurar emprego, devem criar empregos, transformar em realidade suas ideias e não esperar que alguém ou algo faça ...
Jul 12, 20 / Leo 26, 04 03:23 UTC
Three missions are poised to launch toward the Red Planet this month, including NASA's car-sized Perseverance rover, which will hunt for signs of ancient Mars life and cache samples for future return to Earth. The action will start next week, if all goes according to plan. The United Arab Emirates' ...
Dec 4, 20 / Cap 03, 04 14:00 UTC
I have just found recent news from space X . Elon Musk has revealed that Space X plans on bringing humans to Mars in about six years from now and an uncrewed mission in four. Musk said that he was ``fairly confident`` in this timeline and that it would be ...