Your location
Jandaia do Sul, State of Paraná, 86900-000, Brazil
May 17, 23 / Gem 25, 07 17:25 UTC
I'm Diego, I'm 43, a teacher and I speak from Brasil.
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:50 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Sep 12, 22 / Sco 03, 06 18:32 UTC
I was away from the community for some time, I apologize to the Asgardian brothers, but we need to promote projects faster, much has been said about politics, but practical actions, time is being lost, and the most important point and the most important asset we have it's time. When ...
Jul 19, 22 / Vir 04, 06 18:38 UTC
Happy to be welcomed as a resident of Asgardia! May we all have the same purpose to bring strength to each other, aiming at a peaceful and just nation. Let us be the change we want to see!
Jun 19, 23 / Leo 02, 07 09:00 UTC
Dear Asgardians, I inform you that I am running for a second elective term. If you wish to renew your trust in me, you can support me by voting for me on this link: Best regards. Asgardia's Member of Parliament Deputy Chair of the Citizenship Committee General Secretary and ...
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:06 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Aug 6, 22 / Vir 22, 06 15:19 UTC
Congrats Mari. If you have any doubt, please call me! : )
See all 6 comments
Sep 7, 21 / Lib 26, 05 17:29 UTC
Nonviolent Communication: essential method for achieving world peace through better relationships
The word is requesting even more emotional intelligence to deal with its crisis. The interpersonal relationships are being compromised even more when people don't know how to deal with their emotions in the proper way and express this to the other person in a empathic language. Have you ever thought ...
Jul 12, 21 / Leo 25, 05 07:44 UTC
Olá asgardianos, recentemente entrei em asgardia e estive com problemas aqui,não faço ideia de como ajudar o governo,gerar renda ou qualquer coisa do tipo,decidi entrar pelo fato de achar interessante asgardia e por isso preciso de uma ajuda para um passo direto.... Glória a asgardia
Oct 21, 21 / Oph 14, 05 22:57 UTC
Aug 15, 21 / Lib 03, 05 03:14 UTC
Como que recebe solares? Sim eu sei que precisa ter a carteira autorizada mas como eu ganho?
Aug 15, 21 / Lib 03, 05 03:14 UTC
Sim, estou começando a aprofundar mas por enquanto vou descobrindo
See all 11 comments
Apr 29, 21 / Gem 07, 05 20:07 UTC
Olá asgardianos estou muito feliz em ser mais um de vocês um salve para so BR que podem ler isso.
Apr 29, 21 / Gem 07, 05 23:03 UTC
Jul 23, 19 / Vir 08, 03 12:58 UTC
Proposal to create support systems for Asgardia!
May everyone who can bury, welcome! I always see numerous posts regarding Asgardia, both regarding politics, but our base of science and creativity is opaque, almost nonexistent, I call the interested brothers here, so that ...
Jul 23, 19 / Vir 08, 03 23:45 UTC
It happens, at least in the old world yet and we can overtake the best of the best and make a fine tuningof these technologies adapted to our targets - soon more on this, stay tuned
Jul 23, 19 / Vir 08, 03 17:03 UTC
Although it may not be as much... These topics are slowly being addressed in the Communities section my friend. Please, if you have not done so already, join our Art community. We can always use more ideas and fresh inspiration. Here is a link:
May 4, 19 / Gem 12, 03 15:26 UTC
Olá, meu nome é Jean. Tenho atualmente 19 anos e encontrei conteúdos sobre Asgardia em minhas pesquisas sobre micronações. Achei a ideia incrível e que tem um grande potencial. Moro atualmente em Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. Nasci em Curitiba, Paraná. Estou fazendo faculdade de Psicologia. Acredito fortemente nos ideais de Asgardia ...
Oct 8, 18 / Oph 01, 02 14:17 UTC

Bom Dia! Estou muito feliz por ingressar em Asgardia.
Como idéia para a equipe de TI, colocar uma ...

Aug 23, 18 / Lib 11, 02 01:28 UTC
Introdução-Lucas Lima Gomes

Olá meu nome é Lucas Lima Gomes no momento que escrevo esse texto tenho 15 anos e moro em londrina no estado do paraná. desde pequeno eu tinha interesse por astronomia e física e no futuro pretendo cursar engenharia areospacia no ITA e depois astrofísica.

Jun 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 12:47 UTC
Saudações / greetings Asgardia

Saudações membros de Asgardia!

Devemos unificar nossas forças para a realização deste grande sonho de todos nós.

Precisamos de uma "casa" sem ódio e guerras, precisamos ter foco em melhorar nossa humanidade e nossa tecnologia para fazermos desta nação um lugar melhor ...

Jul 10, 18 / Leo 23, 02 21:07 UTC
; )