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Saquarema, State of Rio de Janeiro, 28990-000, Brazil
May 20, 23 / Can 00, 07 01:40 UTC
Estou anciosa para que este momento acontece😃😃
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:41 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Dec 9, 22 / Cap 07, 06 04:56 UTC
Se te perguntassem: Porque você quer ir ao espaço? Qual seria sua resposta mais verdadeira pra te fazerem ir ao espaço?
Dec 9, 22 / Cap 07, 06 10:59 UTC
weightlessness and power.. like superman..
Dec 9, 22 / Cap 07, 06 05:19 UTC
Olla üks uute maailmade avastajatest.
Dec 6, 22 / Cap 04, 06 13:04 UTC
Bom dia meu povo! Teremos eleições ano que vem. Alguém pensa em se candidatar?
Dec 9, 22 / Cap 07, 06 23:00 UTC
hola Leonardo la verdad que no !!! Tu si Aplicas para candidaturas ????
Dec 6, 22 / Cap 04, 06 13:00 UTC
Entrevista com o premiado neurocientista brasileiro Miguel Nicolelis:
"O cérebro é analógico e não digital" " Os sistemas digitais excluem a criatividade" " Não devemos aceitar um futuro de conformidade" " O casamento entre o Big Money (grande quantidade de dinheiro) e o Big Tech (alta tecnologia) pode gerar o Big Control (controle exacerbado do comportamento humano)"
Dec 6, 22 / Cap 04, 06 12:58 UTC
Depressão Como Ajudar ( Curso Completo): A depressão como sintoma de um sujeito que luta uma guerra de resistência contra o soterramento de suas esperanças
Olá, bom dia a todos! Eu sou mestre em psicologia , especialista em saúde mental e psicologia clínica com mais de 10 anos de experiência na área. Estou divulgando o meu livro e o meu trabalho! O livro "Depressão Como Ajudar" (Curso Completo) está disponível a preço de custo por ...
Sep 4, 22 / Lib 23, 06 20:01 UTC
Minha tia fez 78 anos. Eu , ela e mamãe almoçamos fora. Depois dois tios vieram nos visitar. Um deles trouxe uma torta doce. Cantamos parabéns para ela. E o parabéns foi muito engraçado. Parabéns , tia. Minha segunda mãe. Que me abriga desde os 17 anos . Feliz aniversário ...
Aug 28, 22 / Lib 16, 06 22:22 UTC
Uma nova semana começa. Que nossas almas saibam apreciar o poder do começo.
Aug 27, 22 / Lib 15, 06 23:00 UTC
Desculpas ter sumido tanto tempo e ter esquecido de adicionar as pessoas.
Sep 2, 22 / Lib 21, 06 12:37 UTC
Olá, Mariana! Seja bem vinda novamente! (ᚦ)
Jun 18, 22 / Leo 01, 06 02:48 UTC
Olá, pessoal! Alguém se tornou residente em Asgardia?
Sep 9, 22 / Sco 00, 06 09:28 UTC
Sou residente desde o primeiro sol
Aug 17, 22 / Lib 05, 06 22:01 UTC
Me tornei a uma semana.
Jul 18, 22 / Vir 03, 06 14:07 UTC
See all 9 comments
Dec 24, 21 / Cap 22, 05 18:10 UTC
- These are my wishes of happy holidays to you all. I know how "challenging" this year in particular is for all of us, just as 2020 has been. Many are gone and many others are fighting for their lives, but today especially I wish a little hope for all ...
Dec 9, 22 / Cap 07, 06 02:17 UTC
Good luck 🤞
Aug 4, 22 / Vir 20, 06 22:15 UTC
Hola Thor, un saludo fraterno..
Jul 25, 22 / Vir 10, 06 18:27 UTC
Kind words can heal hurt souls. Your Compassion is WELCOME. Namaste. s*
See all 21 comments
Dec 19, 21 / Cap 17, 05 11:55 UTC
This nation is younger than my children, so... No one is more than a founder of Asgardia. We are the founders of the nation, it was practically born yesterday. Asgardia when it was born had a goal, it still does. Some governmental organization was needed to make an "interest group" ...
Sep 9, 21 / Sco 00, 05 13:33 UTC
Who do they want to be asgardia?
Who do they want to be asgardia? today is september 9, 2021 Most of them are American? No, they are much more Chinese and Turkish. What is the reason for this? Don't think for more than a minute about the reason.
Nov 26, 21 / Sag 22, 05 02:13 UTC
Dear Antonio, Hopefully we set aside our country of origin when we join. We accept all races as our own. Thank you for your post. I’m from America. Most of our citizens have not heard of Asgardia. Others believe it to be a marketing scam. I cannot speak for all ...
Oct 2, 21 / Sco 23, 05 18:30 UTC
Şuan ki dünya bizi bezdirdi yeniliklere açız bu yüzden diye düşünüyorum kanka
Sep 7, 21 / Lib 26, 05 12:29 UTC
Asgardia is a digital nation, not yet a space nation. We are not a country either, without a territory we are just a people. On the Internet a people like ours are called registered users. Today there are three types of Asgardians, the registered, the resident and the government. Many ...
Oct 5, 21 / Sco 26, 05 17:47 UTC
Greetings, fellow Asgardian. I believe everyone has their own personal reasons for becoming an Asgardian. My own is to gain the multicultural collaboration that is necessary to achieve full comprehensive improvements to all our lives here, the other worlds, and the Space between.
Sep 13, 21 / Sco 04, 05 23:16 UTC
The future of Asgardia depends on the future of its people. Going into space is no easy task. Only with a lot of technology and a lot of financial resources can one think of going into space, or living there. But the evolution of a people is not only technological ...
Sep 12, 21 / Sco 03, 05 12:57 UTC
And if a solar eruption happens, like the one in 1859, Asgardia is vanished because of the disappearance of the electricity and internet. With a territory we will have a chance to rebuild the civilisation and Asgardia will still exist despite this event.
See all 5 comments
Aug 31, 21 / Lib 19, 05 20:53 UTC
I followed Atakan Aydin's idea and I dyed my hair color. Thank you, @AtakanAydin! I miss my old ginger hair sometimes, but I am loving it. And yes, my hair has grown a lot this year, I hope the colored dye doesn't affect the health of my hair strands, I ...
Jul 15, 22 / Vir 00, 06 00:39 UTC
Saludos Thor, felicidades por tu proximo cumpleaños recibe un afectuoso abrazo desde Mexico pais donde naci. Mas ahora estoy entusiasmado de participar y colaborar en esta naciente y espacial nación. No tengo duda que muchos o todos los asgardianos deseamos que esta comunidad sea distinguia por su vanguardia y pacifismo.
Mar 4, 22 / Ari 07, 06 08:03 UTC
Fully endorses
Dec 21, 21 / Cap 19, 05 12:38 UTC
I would like to thank you for doing your part in making this world more beautiful. You, and your hair, are quite Adorable.
See all 6 comments
Aug 26, 21 / Lib 14, 05 19:29 UTC
It's my birthday! I want to thank you all so much for your company. I sincerely care about all of the Asgardians here and I consider you all like family. Thank you for being a part of my life. Best regards, with love. (ᚦ)
Oct 28, 23 / Oph 21, 07 13:32 UTC
Hi, happy birhday to you.
Nov 13, 22 / Sag 09, 06 12:55 UTC
Ha söyle bremın
Oct 19, 22 / Oph 12, 06 06:58 UTC
Happy Birthday
See all 13 comments
Aug 24, 21 / Lib 12, 05 21:53 UTC
How are you? We are all aware of the problems in Afghanistan and unfortunately there is not much that can be done. What we can do right now is give some of our support to the refugees from Afghanistan. And with this purpose I, with the help of some Asgardians, ...
Aug 25, 21 / Lib 13, 05 01:07 UTC
The link is going up on my tik tok, Thanks Thor!
Aug 10, 21 / Vir 26, 05 21:17 UTC
Birthday coming up... And I am thinking about dyeing my hair, what color do you think suits me? (ᚦ)
Aug 20, 22 / Lib 08, 06 02:11 UTC
Hi, I know it's late, but the purple color is beautiful
Aug 24, 21 / Lib 12, 05 20:37 UTC
You are welcome! :) (ᚦ)
Aug 22, 21 / Lib 10, 05 23:24 UTC
Hi Thor, thanks for the Asgardia Brother-Citizen invitation.
See all 10 comments
Aug 5, 21 / Vir 21, 05 06:12 UTC
How are you? I created a channel on Asgardia TV and I will be very happy if you watch and subscribe. ( There are videos every Thursday, I also have my Instagram @thorofasgardia where I like to have a closer contact with all of you, and you can also give ...
Aug 3, 21 / Vir 19, 05 18:17 UTC
How did civilizations form and grow? Is man a social animal or does union come from necessity? In fact, a nation does not grow with a goal, it can be created with a goal, but it will not grow that way. It will be necessary to consider each human being ...
Aug 3, 21 / Vir 19, 05 22:33 UTC
What will these professionals create? Digital platforms for Asgardian cultural development, Asgardian social development, Asgardian economic development, spiritual development. Creating identity and unity, interdependence and personal relationships.
Aug 3, 21 / Vir 19, 05 22:29 UTC
Why astronauts at a time like this? They would be useless because Asgardia is digital. I say that the line of delivery for Asgardia should be programmers, system analysts, software engineers and people like that.
Aug 3, 21 / Vir 19, 05 22:26 UTC
In short, because I lost all the text I typed, each person has their own goal, whether here, in the USA or in Japan, etc... Their goals are to be Asgardians in space, but... In fact we are Ordinary people living and supporting our families with work, some are engineers, ...
May 24, 21 / Can 04, 05 17:10 UTC
It suddenly occurred to me that the countries where asgardians live when they know that we want to be citizens and residents of asgardia they may want to deport us. They may claim to be an act of betrayal subject to imprisonment, prosecution and punishment. Am I traveling? You who ...
Jul 30, 21 / Vir 15, 05 12:37 UTC
Okay, but the case is a little different, I don't want to go to another country, I want to be considered an Asgardian here where I am. A country that doesn't even exist. This can be considered an act of civic rebellion or a similar thing. I don't question dual ...
Jul 29, 21 / Vir 14, 05 04:01 UTC
Pelo meu entendimento, para um país querer deportar um indivíduo por ter interesse em adquirir outra nacionalidade é uma atitude de países com regimes "totalitaristas", pois a "manifestação de interesse" em outros países e nacionalidades são um tipo de processo normal entre embaixadas dos mesmos.