Your location
France, Drumettaz-Clarafond
Apr 5, 24 / Tau 12, 08 23:34 UTC
皆是同根生,相煎何太急! 太空时代已经来临,停止内耗,齐心协力奔向太空,奔向银河系,开拓和发现未知;为人类的伟大成就添上属于自己的一笔。 今日以为的可笑,就是明天最大的骄傲!
May 29, 22 / Can 09, 06 15:34 UTC
Asgardia ring ...
Asgardian jusqu'au bout des doigts
Jun 18, 22 / Leo 01, 06 13:17 UTC
May 31, 22 / Can 11, 06 02:59 UTC
Cómo lo obtengo
Mar 20, 21 / Ari 23, 05 22:03 UTC
Hi everybody ! I noticed an error in the French version of our constitution. Chapter 1, after the 12th article, in the final chapter : (...) notre nouvelle nation spatiale créée par nous-même (...) A 's' is missing. The correct orthography is : (...) notre nouvelle nation spatiale créée par ...
Mar 27, 21 / Tau 02, 05 21:10 UTC
OHOU Jean-Nico ! Oui, il y a quelques erreurs de frappe dans la Constitution version française et même dans la version anglaise. J'avais fait une liste il y a quelques années mais il faut ouvrir un référendum pour pouvoir modifier la Constitution donc il faut attendre que les conditions soient ...
Mar 24, 21 / Ari 27, 05 01:19 UTC
I am Ahmad Khabrani, a cybersecurity expert. I live in Saudi Arabia, in the city of Jizan
Mar 21, 21 / Ari 24, 05 16:11 UTC
the title also has a typo : it's "La Constitution du Royaume Spatial d'Asgardia"
See all 4 comments
Nov 15, 20 / Sag 12, 04 21:33 UTC
Asgardia’s Parliament candidate
Nov 15, 20 / Sag 12, 04 21:33 UTC Space News, ten years of specialized blog
Jun 28, 20 / Leo 12, 04 16:40 UTC Space News was ranked 21st on Top 60 Space Websites, Blogs & Influencers in 2020!
Jan 10, 20 / Aqu 10, 04 00:53 UTC
First teleportation between computer chips
Scientists from the University of Bristol and the Technical University of Denmark have carried out an unprecedented quantum experiment.
Jan 10, 20 / Aqu 10, 04 19:00 UTC
Jan 10, 20 / Aqu 10, 04 00:51 UTC
A Swiss researcher creates a mathematical language
Researcher Nicolas Gisin proposes to change the mathematical language spoken by classical physics to make room for indeterminism and offer an open future.
Jan 10, 20 / Aqu 10, 04 19:01 UTC
Nov 8, 19 / Sag 04, 03 21:00 UTC
Our existence should focus well-being of the earth from the perspective of the non-earthly citizen(away from political, religious, racist, patriotic and other discriminations), who sees real problems and wishes to alleviate them for the sake of saving the earth. We should understand that running away and leaving the earth forever ...
Nov 9, 19 / Sag 05, 03 04:15 UTC
When looking at a situation as clustered as are problems are as a hole I think it wise to have a foot out the door.
Jul 16, 19 / Vir 01, 03 14:31 UTC
Gaia, Milky Way
Gaia starts mapping our galaxy’s bar
May 31, 19 / Can 11, 03 16:05 UTC
The radiation showstopper for Mars exploration
An astronaut on a mission to Mars could receive radiation doses up to 700 times higher than on our planet – a major showstopper for the safe exploration of our Solar System. A team of European experts is working with ESA to protect the health of future crews on their ...
May 29, 19 / Can 09, 03 01:13 UTC
Russia - Astronomical fraud in the space sector
Russia - Astronomical fraud in the space sector
May 28, 19 / Can 08, 03 00:32 UTC
Asteroid Apophis 2029 It's Coming Very Close to the Earth
May 26, 19 / Can 06, 03 15:54 UTC Space News on Twitter Space News on Twitter
Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 11:39 UTC

Хочу запустить майнинг ферму на солнечной батарее в Асгардии.

Какие требование ЭлектроСнабСбыта к оформлению потребителей электроэнергии? Сколько киловатт полагается одному владению? Какой тариф на киловатт и есть ли льготные киловатты на человека? Счетчики сколько тарифные??

За охлаждение космосом и за нагрев окружающего космоса предусмотрены ли ...

Jun 9, 18 / Can 20, 02 14:29 UTC
Asgardia, la cité de l'univers

Être un Être de l'Univers! Appartenir à un monde sans frontière, sans distinction d'aucune sorte! Œuvrer pour le bien de tous et vivre une aventure intergalactique incroyable... n'est ce pas cela la finalité de l'Homme?! Tellement hâte

Mar 4, 18 / Ari 07, 02 23:35 UTC
An idea regarding recognition

The idea that this project, which is what it is, will gain any sort of recognition, is nonsense.

What the heads of this project, and those being elected to server as parliament members, should be focused on, instead, is establishment as a functionally independent entity with the ...

Nov 23, 17 / Sag 19, 01 15:28 UTC
random draw candidate, district france

Organize a worldwide representation of Random Draw candidates for Asgard kingdom
Make them win because we will all benefit from the first worldwide democracy.

Nov 17, 17 / Sag 13, 01 11:16 UTC
Toucher les etoiles

L'espace à portée de main