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Kabulpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Sep 14, 23 / Sco 05, 07 05:27 UTC
Non-Human” Alien Corpses shown From Peru At Mexico Congressional Hearing
The remains of alleged "non-human" beings were presented on September 12 at Mexico’s first public congressional hearing on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), also known as UFOs. The two stuffed bodies recovered 2017 in Peru were 700 and 1,800 years old, with only three fingers on each hand and elongated heads. ...
May 20, 23 / Can 00, 07 20:29 UTC
Infact SPACE is not the thing what we understanding since long. SPACE is such type of demi solid medium (similar to water) in which all the Planets are floating. SPACE is not a VACCUM. This demi solid is a thung beyond your perception and imagination, in the same way - ...
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:40 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
May 22, 23 / Can 02, 07 20:08 UTC
”Infact” space is a “thung” beyond our comprehension? Yah oooook Einstein. And there are STILL only 7 visible light spectrums - infrared and ultraviolet are not part of the visible spectrum. So stating that the knowledge of the visible spectrum changed because of the discovery of invisible light is nonsensical. ...
Mar 1, 23 / Ari 04, 07 15:01 UTC
Tarot readers don't actually know what is going to happen in the future. Instead, they use the cards to help them get an idea of what might happen. It's a bit like looking at a map to help you plan a journey. The tarot reader will look at the cards, ...
Jan 4, 23 / Aqu 04, 07 13:36 UTC
A Tribute To InSight Mars for it's legacy.
After more than four years, 1,300 marsquakes, and countless scientific discoveries, our InSight Mars lander has reached the end of its mission. InSight may be retiring, but its legacy—and its findings from the deep interior of Mars—will live on:
Jan 4, 23 / Aqu 04, 07 14:07 UTC
a space robot gives space data which gives digital income which gives progress..
Sep 3, 22 / Lib 22, 06 16:52 UTC
Roswell Was Real’ Claimed Apollo 14 Astronaut
The legendary incident that happened in 1947 was indeed real, according to moon-walking astronaut Edgar Mitchell. He claimed in his interviews that he had informants that had told him about the inside story of Roswell, but he never disclosed their names.
Sep 8, 22 / Lib 27, 06 17:02 UTC
You're welcome.
Sep 5, 22 / Lib 24, 06 08:55 UTC
Thank you for sharing that video! I had never seen it and found it interesting. Daniel.
Aug 19, 22 / Lib 07, 06 06:55 UTC
I came to know through Facebook that ID cards of Asgardiya are being issued, I am also a member of Asgar, please kindly provide Resident ID cards.
Aug 19, 22 / Lib 07, 06 10:52 UTC
You can receive your Resident ID card by becoming a Resident. You can read more about it here: Then after becoming a Resident, you can order your Resident ID Card by going to your Asgardia Profile and under the Government Service's tab. You can learn more by reading
Aug 19, 22 / Lib 07, 06 10:50 UTC
Please be patient. If you have not received it after 2 months then contact
Aug 19, 22 / Lib 07, 06 10:43 UTC
Would like very muchh to have an Asgardian ID card too. How do I go about getting one?
See all 5 comments
Dec 22, 21 / Cap 20, 05 17:35 UTC
आखिर विस्तार का लक्ष्य शांति ही तो है किंतु शांति बाहर नही हमारे अंदर है और हम विस्तार बाहर कर रहे है अंदर नही, बाहर सिर्फ जीवन की सुगमता के लिए ही विस्तार की उपयोगिता है किंतु जब तक आत्म शांति नही प्राप्त होती तब तक विस्तार अशांति का कारक ...
Dec 22, 21 / Cap 20, 05 17:23 UTC
जीवन में ऐशा कुछ भी नही रखना चाहिए जिसे खोने का भय रहे तभी आप निर्भय हो सकते है , फिर निर्भय हो कर अपने कर्तव्यों का निर्वाहन करना चाहिए , जीवन में बंधन में बंधना ही है तो विस्वास, कर्तव्य , और लक्ष्य के बंधन में बंधे और सारे ...
Dec 21, 21 / Cap 19, 05 07:07 UTC
चेतना ही सारे ज्ञान का कारक है और स्वयं सर्वत्र होते हुवे भी शून्य है
Dec 6, 21 / Cap 04, 05 08:07 UTC
Umbrela Group's
Oct 24, 21 / Oph 17, 05 16:01 UTC
Oct 27, 21 / Oph 20, 05 15:25 UTC
Indeed, Far Sight is really doing good work.
Oct 26, 21 / Oph 19, 05 04:37 UTC
if you want to know about this stuff....for starters, try remote-viewing. (farsight institute and others can teach this) nasa is a front to distract the public, they will not tell you the truth, or, being compartmentalised, do not know, and would only speculate..... but for those of us who have ...
Jul 6, 21 / Leo 19, 05 05:54 UTC
Saturn and Six Moons
So far 82 have been confirmed, the smallest being only a fraction of a kilometer across. Six of its largest satellites can be seen here in a composite image with 13 short exposure of the bright planet, and 13 long exposures of the brightest of its faint moons, taken over ...
Jul 4, 21 / Leo 17, 05 15:55 UTC
UFO Crash Roswell Radio Report July 8, 1947
Radio broadcast news report of flying disc crash near Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947.
Apr 16, 21 / Tau 22, 05 17:04 UTC
Blue Dunes On The Red Planet
A sea of dark dunes, sculpted by the wind into long lines, surrounds Mars' northern polar cap and covers an area as big as Texas. In this false-color image, areas with cooler temperatures are recorded in bluer tints, while warmer features are depicted in yellows and oranges. Thus, the dark, ...
Apr 16, 21 / Tau 22, 05 16:53 UTC
So, Pyramid Shaped UFO Was Real.
The Pentagon is confirming that leaked video appearing to show an unknown object flying in the sky is an unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP, according to multiple reports. The grainy video from the U.S. Navy shows a pyramid-shaped object that was spotted by one of their pilots. It’s real, they ...
May 15, 21 / Gem 23, 05 18:55 UTC
This one looks genuine.
May 15, 21 / Gem 23, 05 18:11 UTC
Perhaps, but I think TR3B's maneuvering capabilities are very limited.
May 14, 21 / Gem 22, 05 06:02 UTC
to my knowledge there was a new hanger build on area 51 in Nevada and the TR3B is supposedly coming out of their.
See all 6 comments
Feb 21, 21 / Pis 24, 05 10:41 UTC
Welcome to Asgardia
Love u all Best wishes from India To be a Healthy and wealthy person. Keep Growing
Feb 21, 21 / Pis 24, 05 09:39 UTC
love to all
hi love to all world from india stay happy love animal save environment make the world of peace lover
Dec 22, 20 / Cap 21, 04 15:32 UTC
Winter Solstice Jupiter-Saturn great conjunction..!
People around the globe has witnessed a rare celestial phenomenon, the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter on 21st of this month. Regular conjunctions take place every 20 years but this is the first time in 400 years that the two appeared so close to each other. This is the ...
Jan 7, 21 / Aqu 07, 05 10:00 UTC
unfortunately, never seen it these past few days because of permanent cloudy weather
Dec 25, 20 / Cap 24, 04 01:16 UTC
Dec 14, 20 / Cap 13, 04 11:25 UTC
In space country
Oct 8, 20 / Oph 02, 04 16:34 UTC
Got a ROOM journal with wonderful memories.
Being a resident of Asgardia I have got my ROOM journal. I was just checking some Journals Online version and then found The Space Journal ROOM (4) 2018 where found a special report on one of the early major event, Asgardia First Economic Forum, an event was held at the ...