Your location
Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Apr 11, 24 / Tau 18, 08 07:01 UTC
Hello...Nice to meet me, Paula 😊 I am very interested in the world of outer space and really want to become a citizen of ASGARDIA THE SPACE NATION. For me ASGARDIA THE SPACE NATION is one of my real dreams and fantasies in creating a new world.😎
Apr 16, 24 / Tau 23, 08 02:56 UTC
Demokrasinin yılmaz savunucuları selam olsun sizlere
Apr 11, 24 / Tau 18, 08 06:58 UTC
Asgardian is my dream
Banyak pertanyaan untuk alam semesta ini. Sungguh penuh tanda tanya besar. Many questions for this universe. It's really full of big question marks.
Apr 13, 24 / Tau 20, 08 08:10 UTC
When the asgardians take of the space
Mar 22, 22 / Ari 25, 06 15:42 UTC
Sep 1, 21 / Lib 20, 05 01:11 UTC
Listrik tenaga induksi
Kedepan kitak tak perlu repot mengisi ulang batrai, karena skema ini sudah dapat nengisi sendiri, dan tegangan 5vdc batrai bisa dinaikan menjadi 220vac. Sekema sederhana yang belum terfikirkan.
Oct 5, 21 / Sco 26, 05 18:43 UTC
this is really good
Sep 1, 21 / Lib 20, 05 00:54 UTC
Kemanapun kita berada palingkanlah wajah kita ke masjidil haram, walaupun ke angkasa sekalipun, maka palingkanlah ke masjidil haram.
Jul 25, 21 / Vir 10, 05 09:56 UTC
Miliknyalah (allah) tentara langit dan bumi. Kami menjadikanmu bersuku-suku, berbangsa-bangsa, supaya kamu saling mengenal.
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 13:41 UTC
Saya ingin mencoba menjadi penduduk Asgardia
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 15:26 UTC
Anyone can become a Resident of Asgardia when they pay the yearly fee through the Government Services tab in their profile.
Jul 11, 19 / Leo 24, 03 01:39 UTC
Lets go to the next level, brads
Jan 11, 19 / Aqu 11, 03 07:39 UTC

Copyright is a legal right, existing in many countries, that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to determine whether, and under what conditions, this original work may be used by others. This is usually only for a limited time. Copyright is one of two types of ...

Jan 17, 19 / Aqu 17, 03 02:28 UTC
Mar 22, 18 / Ari 25, 02 10:01 UTC
My question

Is there free to smoke, sorry I just ask ..

Mar 22, 18 / Ari 25, 02 08:06 UTC

Introduce My Full Name Natalis Wimpi Pernandez, Nickname Natalis.

I was born in the State of Indonesia precisely in Pontianak. I have 5 brothers including me. Women three and two men. I love music, I love to sing. I want to channel a variety of hobbies, but ...

Mar 22, 18 / Ari 25, 02 07:51 UTC

What is your main factor to go and leave the earth. What wants to be away from parents and other families. Are we in Asgaria a peaceful, peaceful life.

Unlike in this country that always arises debate, looking at differences in religion, race and class.


Mar 22, 18 / Ari 25, 02 07:51 UTC

What is your main factor to go and leave the earth. What wants to be away from parents and other families. Are we in Asgaria a peaceful, peaceful life.

Unlike in this country that always arises debate, looking at differences in religion, race and class.


Mar 22, 18 / Ari 25, 02 07:50 UTC
What we need to know ..

What is your main factor to go and leave the earth. What wants to be away from parents and other families. Are we in Asgaria a peaceful, peaceful life.

Unlike in this country that always arises debate, looking at differences in religion, race and class.


Mar 22, 18 / Ari 25, 02 07:50 UTC

What is your main factor to go and leave the earth. What wants to be away from parents and other families. Are we in Asgaria a peaceful, peaceful life.

Unlike in this country that always arises debate, looking at differences in religion, race and class.


Jan 19, 18 / Aqu 19, 02 08:22 UTC
The fellow of hope

I hope asgardia kingdom will bring joy and piece on to the new world and bring a new step for humand kind and creation all over the world because we have something miss in the earth and hope will fix it with asgardia kingdom,so every creation is no need ...

Mar 21, 18 / Ari 24, 02 12:44 UTC
Hay, Nurul.. Pontianak dimananya...
Aug 3, 17 / Vir 19, 01 21:14 UTC
dream will be come true

Who know about this world in the future, somehow I want to make a changes, and hope these be will release soon as well.

Jul 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 23:40 UTC
I hope!


Jul 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 16:37 UTC

Need Freedom

Jul 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 02:22 UTC

I'm Ready for the Evolution