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Roman, Romania
Aug 30, 21 / Lib 18, 05 16:45 UTC
Mar 19, 21 / Ari 22, 05 05:58 UTC
Jul 6, 19 / Leo 19, 03 19:37 UTC
Space, cosmos, universe - are notions that are controversial topics for scholars of all time, ranging from mysticism to complex definitions. Cosmic space is an infinite territory for man, but man is tempted to explore it, even if the necessary technological developments are extremely small. Over time, several sciences and ...
Nov 19, 18 / Sag 15, 02 20:07 UTC
100 E

Serios,sa platesc 100 E,pentru ceva ipotetic?

Eram siguri ca se va ajunge la ceva gen....baga 100 ron in aparat sa vezi cat de prost esti..

Jan 26, 19 / Aqu 26, 03 14:26 UTC
Cere si ti se va da... Nu asa se zice? Cere-i universului, sefului, iubitului, managerului de la banca, soferului de autobuz, tipului care-ti repara masina... Cere-le ceea ce-ti doresti si nu astepta ca ei sa-ti ghiceasca nevoile si sa-ti sara in ajutor din altruism... Dar daca vrei sa-ti asiguri sansele ...
Nov 20, 18 / Sag 16, 02 02:39 UTC
De acord. Nu înțeleg totuși cum ar putea o inițiativa de acest gen funcționa fără suport financiar din partea membrilor. Voi ce părere aveți?
Nov 20, 18 / Sag 16, 02 02:29 UTC
Nu ai privi contribuția asta cu atâta reticență dacă ai avea o imagine clară asupra bugetului și ai avea dreptul să votezi pro/contra inițiativelor economice. Poziția noastră ar trebui să încurajeze aspectele de mai sus.
See all 4 comments
Jul 13, 18 / Leo 26, 02 11:05 UTC

Rather 2% of GDP for health technologies and space that for militarisation.

Jul 13, 18 / Leo 26, 02 10:57 UTC

As almost all already know the battle at political level is high on Earth states to decrease militarization, but as far we see these days, is going on the other side.

In the same time Earth’s ...

Jul 8, 18 / Leo 21, 02 21:03 UTC
Nov 9, 17 / Sag 05, 01 05:11 UTC
follow me. this is the shortest way up!

Father, Husband, Engineer, Asgardian with a good reasoning sense and a self-assessed radical approach, with a fairly good background in multiple technical and humanistic areas.

Apolitical by nature, guided solely by logic and characterized by dynamism - I think we will have the chance to hate or ...

Jun 27, 17 / Leo 10, 01 16:59 UTC

"A Human Being Is Part Of A Whole Called By Us The Universe".

Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 14:28 UTC
I think, therefore i am

Simple person with complex thinking, great ideas ( my opinion ) and friends all over the world.
When i first saw this project i tought to myself, thank the void for this oportunity. I do not consider myself as a born leader, leaders are not born, but built, ...