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Apr 1, 20 / Tau 08, 04 13:31 UTC
Civil Servants Act approved by Head of Nation
Another big moment for the First Space Nation. Civil Servants Act was adopted!
Mar 31, 20 / Tau 07, 04 16:30 UTC
A Look at the Topics on the Head of Nation Q&A Livestream
Did you watch the first-ever livestream of Head of Nation? Let's dive into some topics brought up during this event!
Mar 31, 20 / Tau 07, 04 22:05 UTC
Have a Nice Day Igor ^^
Mar 31, 20 / Tau 07, 04 15:40 UTC
The Citizen’s Act of Rights has been adopted!
There's new legislation that ensures the rights and freedoms of all Asgardians in the First Space Nation Read more about it in the news:
Mar 30, 20 / Tau 06, 04 19:33 UTC
Historical Space Pic of the Week - Mariner 10
On March 29, 1974, Mariner 10 became the first space probe to fly by Mercury. The spacecraft passed just 704 km from the planet. Mariner 10 was an American robotic space probe launched by NASA on November 3, 1973, and the first spacecraft to perform flybys of multiple planets. The ...
Mar 30, 20 / Tau 06, 04 16:31 UTC
What is Asgardia?
We have a new article that explains the main concepts the First Space Nation is based on. So when people ask you what Asgardia is, you can just show them this!
Mar 30, 20 / Tau 06, 04 13:32 UTC
Last Week in Asgardia - March 30, 2020
Wow, what a week! Don't miss any news, because we are moving forward fast See more on our website:
Mar 27, 20 / Tau 03, 04 20:34 UTC
Head of Nation Dr Igor Ashurbeyli on the present and future of Asgardia
Did you watch the first-ever livestream of Head of Nation? Let's dive into some topics brought up during this event!
Mar 26, 20 / Tau 02, 04 15:03 UTC
Asgardia Poll - How often would you like the Head of Nation livestream to happen?
The recent livestream by Asgardia's Head of Nation was an amazing success with viewers tuning in from around the world. So this weeks poll is important and we'd like to know what you think!
Mar 27, 20 / Tau 03, 04 16:16 UTC
It's not the cost of a program to live broadcast, it's also paying the nine translators and the professional company we used to coordinate the nine streams to be broadcast. :)
Mar 26, 20 / Tau 02, 04 16:17 UTC
We would love that but right now with the state of Asgardia's finances that would be cost prohibitive.
Mar 26, 20 / Tau 02, 04 16:17 UTC
An email was sent out to Asgardians beforehand asking for questions to be submitted. Also questions were gathered from the live chat participants.
See all 4 comments
Mar 24, 20 / Tau 00, 04 16:25 UTC
Head of Nation Livestream Official Discussion
Did you watch the Head of Nation live stream? What did you think? Let's discuss! Also, if your question wasn't answered or you have additional questions, you can submit them using this form:
Mar 24, 20 / Tau 00, 04 13:06 UTC
Two Hours until the Head of Nation livestream!
Only two hours left until the livestream! Don't forget to login to your YouTube account and join the chat of your chosen language. There's a chance your question may be answered live by the Head of Nation!
Mar 24, 20 / Tau 00, 04 13:33 UTC
i am excited, cant wait!
Mar 24, 20 / Tau 00, 04 11:55 UTC
How to access the Head of Nation livestream in China
We've been getting questions from Asgardians in China about how to access the YouTube stream of the Head of Nation's first-ever live Q&A session, so we decided to throw together some useful tips on VPN services. Here are the basics: Step 1 — choose a VPN service Step 2 — ...
Mar 23, 20 / Ari 27, 04 22:04 UTC
Counting Commission Parliamentary Voting Results
The Counting Commission is back from verifying the results of the voting from Parliaments 5th Digital Sitting.
Mar 24, 20 / Tau 00, 04 06:00 UTC
Where are the results?
Mar 23, 20 / Ari 27, 04 13:51 UTC
Space Quote - Lawrence M. Krauss
Seeking our place in the universe
Mar 23, 20 / Ari 27, 04 13:43 UTC
Last Week in Asgardia
Here's a round-up of what's new in Asgardia for the last week! You can catch up with the news here:
Mar 21, 20 / Ari 25, 04 13:44 UTC
Only three days left until the Head of Nation livestream!
Only three days left until the first-ever livestream by Asgardia's Head of Nation! #AsgardiaSpaceNation
Mar 22, 20 / Ari 26, 04 13:28 UTC
中国好像无法进入YouTube频道。怎么办? It seems impossible to enter YouTube in China. How to deal with it?
Mar 20, 20 / Ari 24, 04 16:52 UTC
4 Days Until Asgardia's Head of Nation Livestream!
Set your reminders! In only four days the first livestream by Asgardia's Head of Nation will be held!
Mar 20, 20 / Ari 24, 04 16:56 UTC
Why arent dogs allowed in Asgardia?
Mar 19, 20 / Ari 23, 04 15:03 UTC
Asgardia Poll - Working from home
The weekly Asgardia poll is back! Working remotely might be the job of the future, even in space.
Mar 19, 20 / Ari 23, 04 15:31 UTC
Was a personal proprietor for a while doing home renovations and repairs pluse up keep.
Mar 17, 20 / Ari 21, 04 12:28 UTC
By-Elections are coming!
Asgardia Parliamentary By-Elections are coming. Have a voice in your governance, are you a Resident yet?
Mar 16, 20 / Ari 20, 04 19:30 UTC
Coronavirus: How to Stay Safe... And Keep Others Safe
Dear Asgardians, we care about you, please, stay safe! Here are a few tips on what you can do to help yourself and others
Mar 16, 20 / Ari 20, 04 16:39 UTC
This Week in Asgardia - March 16, 2020

Another week, another batch of Asgardia news! Learn more on our website:

Jun 23, 20 / Leo 07, 04 05:29 UTC
Apr 16, 20 / Tau 23, 04 22:47 UTC