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Mar 16, 20 / Ari 20, 04 16:36 UTC
Weekly Parliament Update!
Here is this week's new Parliament update on their official blog!
Mar 16, 20 / Ari 20, 04 16:31 UTC
Parliament Update - Aries 20, 0004/March 16 2020

The past week marks the beginning of the work needed for parliaments next digital sitting at the end of May. Parliamentarians are focussing on the legislative foundations that will help with Asgardia’s economic growth and its mission of humanity living, and thriving, in space.

May 5, 20 / Gem 14, 04 13:17 UTC
May 4, 20 / Gem 13, 04 19:26 UTC
Apr 18, 20 / Tau 25, 04 13:55 UTC
Very excited and cant wait!
Mar 10, 20 / Ari 14, 04 17:39 UTC
The Concept of the Asgardian Economy
Building a new economy from scratch isn’t an easy task, but is absolutely necessary for the evolution of the Space Nation. Here you can learn about the steps we’ve already taken and the overall concept of the Asgardian economical system.
Mar 10, 20 / Ari 14, 04 18:24 UTC
Pretty cool ❤
Mar 10, 20 / Ari 14, 04 17:47 UTC
Every nation need its own economy to stand up and service and hence Asgardia too. Great going ,more powers to you .
Mar 9, 20 / Ari 13, 04 12:38 UTC
Last Week in Asgardia
Another week, another batch of Asgardia news. Stay tuned for more news #AsgardiaSpaceNation
Mar 6, 20 / Ari 10, 04 19:31 UTC
Upcoming Astronaut Birthdays
Congratulations to the astronauts celebrating birthdays this week. We thank you for your courage and pioneering spirit.
Mar 6, 20 / Ari 10, 04 17:36 UTC
The 5th Digital Sitting of Parliament: Focus on a Thriving Economy
Building a prosperous economy in the First Space Nation. Read the full article:
Mar 6, 20 / Ari 10, 04 16:42 UTC
Ask Asgardians - Responses
Will we find life outside our own planet? Asgardians share their opinions on the matter!
Mar 8, 20 / Ari 12, 04 16:57 UTC
Credo con tutto me stesso che ci sia vista al di fuori della nostra. In uno spazio infinito credere che siamo gli unici nello spazio e improbabile e spero che un girono di scoprire altre forme viventi oltre alla nostra
Mar 3, 20 / Ari 07, 04 16:30 UTC
Ask Asgardians - 03-MAR-2020
Do you think we will discover any lifeforms outside our planet? If so, when do you think this might happen? Share your thoughts with us and we will share the best responses on Friday! Comment below with your thoughts!
Mar 4, 20 / Ari 08, 04 04:00 UTC
Why would there not be.
Mar 3, 20 / Ari 07, 04 23:15 UTC
世界及宇宙就像 高麗菜 !😊
Mar 3, 20 / Ari 07, 04 22:37 UTC
But maybe they live on the moon? And if they there, we will meet them soon!
See all 7 comments
Mar 2, 20 / Ari 06, 04 16:28 UTC
People of Space
Let's learn about people who have helped to advance space technology and our understanding of space! Today, we bring you the cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova who is also celebrating her birthday this week!
Feb 25, 20 / Ari 00, 04 16:31 UTC
Upcoming Parliament Digital Sitting
The Digital Sitting is coming! Stay tuned for updates this week
Mar 13, 20 / Ari 17, 04 11:42 UTC
Hi hello
Mar 5, 20 / Ari 09, 04 00:27 UTC
Feb 29, 20 / Ari 04, 04 02:51 UTC
Where can I find a stream link please?
See all 4 comments
Feb 25, 20 / Ari 00, 04 16:31 UTC
Upcoming Parliament Digital Sitting
The Digital Sitting is coming! Stay tuned for updates this week
Feb 26, 20 / Ari 01, 04 03:48 UTC
Feb 18, 20 / Pis 21, 04 16:23 UTC
Parliamentary Update Pisces 21, 0004/February 18, 2020

Parliamentary work has been focused on preparations for the upcoming digital sitting. Pending legislation continues to be refined and avenues for more are being identified.

Chairman Lembit Öpik has been meeting with the developers of Zoom, the platform in which the Asgardia Parliament uses ...

Feb 11, 20 / Pis 14, 04 16:58 UTC
Parliament Update 06-February-2020 / 10-Pisces-0004
This week’s meeting focussed on preparing for the upcoming Parliamentary digital sitting taking place from 03 - 05 Aries 0004 / February 28 - March 1, 2020, promoting Asgardia and licensing ideas. In the digital sitting, parliament will have eight pieces of legislation to discuss during the sitting. Two pieces ...
Feb 18, 20 / Pis 21, 04 18:27 UTC
Very true but we as To start Practicing the constitution. Chapter 3 of the constitution Space citizenship of Asgardia / Article 8 Rights and freedoms of citizens #4.f Right to access to information about the Activities of governmental bodies and Monitor them.
Feb 17, 20 / Pis 20, 04 22:24 UTC
I'm sure it will come in its own time. Let's be patient and in the meanwhile content ourselves with the news shared by the AMPs' own social media comments and other sharing after the sitting will be over...
Feb 16, 20 / Pis 19, 04 21:18 UTC
🥺 why not? We need to be as much involved as we can be.
See all 7 comments
Feb 10, 20 / Pis 13, 04 16:45 UTC
Last Week in Asgardia

What happens in Asgardia is shared to all Asgardians. Don't miss out on our news! See more on our website:

Feb 3, 20 / Pis 06, 04 16:23 UTC
Parliamentary Update 03-FEB-20 / 06-PIS-04

This week, Asgardia’s parliament moves closer to passing key legislation and setting precedence as the most organized parliamentary systems in the world, working at every level of parliament. It also brought back Head of Administration of the Head of Nation Lena De Winne to attending the weekly meeting which ...

Feb 29, 20 / Ari 04, 04 02:17 UTC
Türkçe dil eklenmesi çok iyi olmuş, çalışmaların devamını bekliyoruz.
Feb 13, 20 / Pis 16, 04 19:07 UTC
thanks for telling us.
Feb 13, 20 / Pis 16, 04 19:06 UTC
thanks for informing us.
See all 4 comments
Feb 3, 20 / Pis 06, 04 12:46 UTC
Last Week in Asgardia

What's new in Asgardia? Catch up with our news from last week! See more on our website:

Jan 27, 20 / Aqu 27, 04 13:00 UTC
Last Week in Asgardia

It was an extremely productive week. Don't miss out on the Asgardian news! See more on our website:

Jan 22, 20 / Aqu 22, 04 17:47 UTC
Weekly Space News Digest - 22 - JAN - 2020
Most exciting space news of the week: intern at NASA discovers a new exoplanet on his 3rd day at the agency, SpaceX proves it's ready to take astronauts aboard, and everyone is laughing on the US Space Force' uniform
Jan 22, 20 / Aqu 22, 04 14:09 UTC
Why are you an Asgardian? Share your story with us!
Comment below and tell us why you joined Asgardia — we will share the best replies on Friday!
Mar 6, 20 / Ari 10, 04 18:02 UTC
Porque me inspira las cosas nuevas y tan interesantes como formar una parte de unica nacion espacial ,que puede ser mejor?
Jan 23, 20 / Aqu 23, 04 06:12 UTC
I became an Asgardian, because I am very close in spirit to the activities of the Asgardian Space State (and what is declared in the Constitution, but not yet implemented), and most of the topics that are addressed at events (for example, Congress) and in publications, especially on climate Earth’s ...
Jan 22, 20 / Aqu 22, 04 19:24 UTC
Touched by the concept of Unity, the vision of the World seen borderless and the future of Mankind in Space :-)
See all 5 comments
Jan 21, 20 / Aqu 21, 04 14:07 UTC
Weekly Parliamentary Update - 20-JAN-2020
Here is this week's new Parliament update on their official blog!