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Jan 21, 20 / Aqu 21, 04 14:05 UTC
Parliamentary Update 21-JAN-20/21-AQU-04
This last week was busy for the Parliament of Asgardia. Parliament held two meetings, the weekly touch-base Q&A with the Chairman of Parliament and an all-day working meeting to discuss legislation that is being worked on. In the weekly meeting, the Chairman of Parliament and AMPs discussed the goal of ...
Jan 21, 20 / Aqu 21, 04 20:29 UTC
Kulai si necesitas algo envíalo a la coordinación del parlamento ya sabes el correo para que se analice y si es viable ya saben que todo queda en el registro y archivo
Jan 21, 20 / Aqu 21, 04 20:28 UTC
Saludos a todos los que han colaborado y siguen semana a semana las noticias de lo que estamos realizando , poco a poco pero con paso seguro ahí vamos!!!
Jan 20, 20 / Aqu 20, 04 14:54 UTC
Last Week in Asgardia

Catch up with Asgardian news! See more on our website:

Jan 19, 20 / Aqu 19, 04 19:45 UTC
Sci Fi Sunday - 19-JAN-2020
Is it Sunday already? It definitely is, enjoy it with Sci-fi news of the week brought to you by the Asgardia team!
Jan 17, 20 / Aqu 17, 04 18:06 UTC
Become a Resident of Asgardia
Take that first amazing leap to your space dreams! Become a Resident of Asgardia today!
Jan 17, 20 / Aqu 17, 04 18:05 UTC
Weekly Fun Asgardia Fact - Lena De Winne
Did you know? A weekly fun fact about the Space Nation: This week, learn something new about Head of Administration to the Head of Nation Lena De Winne!
Jan 17, 20 / Aqu 17, 04 18:01 UTC
Best Asgardian Post of the Week
Ravaging wildfires in Australia have already affected a billion animals nationwide, destroyed more than 3000 homes and killed 28 people. There are 38 Asgardian citizens in Australia. Ugur Aydin in his fire awareness post wrote: ’I hope all the people there and 38 citizens are in good health.’ We care ...
Jan 17, 20 / Aqu 17, 04 17:59 UTC
Artemis Program Graduating Class
One day Asgardia will have its own space program to help pave the way to our nation living in space. Until then, #NASA has it covered with their new astronauts who recently graduated for their Artemis program.
Jan 17, 20 / Aqu 17, 04 17:58 UTC
'The Asgardian Society': Ana Mercedes Diaz on Asgardians and Their Future
Evolution of the First Space Nation by Asgardia’s Prime Minister. What transformations could our society expect?
Jan 16, 20 / Aqu 16, 04 15:17 UTC
Asgardia Weekly Poll - 16-JAN-2020
It's time for another weekly poll! Asgardia is working towards a greater understanding of space and our place in it. What do you think? Can we do it?
Feb 11, 20 / Pis 14, 04 19:38 UTC
Mechanical Hive
Feb 11, 20 / Pis 14, 04 18:54 UTC
Knowing the future means knowing what the house you are building will look like, as well as all the steps and in order.
Feb 11, 20 / Pis 14, 04 18:47 UTC
It's a machine, full automatic control. it's a Ark and Army of machine.God is the owner. G.O.D.(O.S.) is General of Defense (of Sion) Sion is the Paradis. Invader in Paradis
See all 8 comments
Jan 16, 20 / Aqu 16, 04 14:06 UTC
Dr Ashurbeyli: ‘Our Research From the UK Is Hugely Encouraging’
Statistics is astonishing: 18 percent of the UK could be willing to invest their life savings to briefly become an astronaut.
Jan 17, 20 / Aqu 17, 04 13:29 UTC
If we build it they will come.
Jan 16, 20 / Aqu 16, 04 17:19 UTC
Jan 13, 20 / Aqu 13, 04 15:54 UTC
Parliament Update 13-JAN-20 | 13-AQU-04
Members of Parliament met digitally for the first time in 0004 (2020) officially with the Chairman of Parliament, Lembit Opik. The meeting launched with a brief new year greeting and outlining the agenda of the day. The Chairman outlined the confirmed schedule for key parliamentary meetings throughout the year which ...
Jan 19, 20 / Aqu 19, 04 06:57 UTC
I am eagerly waiting for that live performance by Electric enemy. I think that would help send a message to people of our pop based culture
Jan 16, 20 / Aqu 16, 04 14:45 UTC
Is there any video of the meeting?
Jan 14, 20 / Aqu 14, 04 21:28 UTC
Great Job!
Jan 13, 20 / Aqu 13, 04 15:35 UTC
Last Week in #Asgardia
Catch up with Asgardian news! See more on our website:
Jan 13, 20 / Aqu 13, 04 18:20 UTC
Jan 9, 20 / Aqu 09, 04 17:30 UTC
‘The First Major Breakthrough is the Normalization of Space Tourism’ shares insights from space development leaders on prominent trends in the industry, including Head of Nation, Dr Igor Ashurbeyli
Jan 9, 20 / Aqu 09, 04 17:42 UTC
Jan 6, 20 / Aqu 06, 04 17:24 UTC
Last Week in Asgardia

What happened in Asgardia this week? Find out! See more on our website:

Jan 6, 20 / Aqu 06, 04 17:22 UTC
Reflections on Asgardia, 0003

What was 0003 like for Asgardian parliament and What challenges are the parliament facing this year?

Jan 4, 20 / Aqu 04, 04 20:15 UTC
A quote (in episode 2) from season 4 of "the expanse" opened my eyes to what is currently going wrong at earth. The problem with most people currently is their mindset. Most people think no further than their own death. Politicians are worse. They think no further than the next ...
Jan 5, 20 / Aqu 05, 04 13:40 UTC
<3 yes! Longevity of vision :) The martian legacy :)
Jan 3, 20 / Aqu 03, 04 15:23 UTC
Today's Asgardia Date Is...
In the Asgardian calendar, today is Aquarius 3, 0004! You can find the Asgardian calendar here:
Jan 2, 20 / Aqu 02, 04 16:30 UTC
Weekly Poll - Immortality Achieved or Not?
It's time for another Asgardia Poll! Let's hear your opinions on this topic! Vote below and comment!
Feb 11, 20 / Pis 14, 04 19:44 UTC
Yes we Can, maybe even already, live,die, repeat
Jan 2, 20 / Aqu 02, 04 20:42 UTC
Yes we can, because it’s not easy to do!
Jan 2, 20 / Aqu 02, 04 15:18 UTC
Hubble Picture - NGC 1999
Just weeks after astronauts finished working on Hubble in Dec. 1999, the telescope captured this shot of NGC 1999, a nebula lit by the star V380 Orionis. Infrared observations show that the dark region near the star is a hole in the nebula.
Dec 31, 19 / Cap 29, 03 15:12 UTC
Happy Year Day from Asgardia's Head of Nation Dr Igor Ashurbeyli!
An Asgardian New Year greeting from Asgardia's Head of Nation, Dr Igor Ashurbeyli
Jan 1, 20 / Aqu 01, 04 01:56 UTC
С новым годом Вас и вашу семью уважаемый.
Dec 31, 19 / Cap 29, 03 22:32 UTC
Dec 31, 19 / Cap 29, 03 19:03 UTC
Happy new years everybody:)))) have a blast and keep up the good work:))
See all 5 comments