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Nov 12, 19 / Sag 08, 03 16:09 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest - November 12, 2019
We bring you a round-up of all of the news stories released in the last twenty-four hours by the Asgardia Space News team! Equal Opportunities For Everyone Who Joins the Space Nation Why the Golden Hundred Thousand Asgardian Residence privileges expired on November 12th and how to renew your ...
Nov 12, 19 / Sag 08, 03 15:45 UTC
Asgardia's First Satellite Celebrates its Second Year in Space
Congratulations, Asgardians! It’s been two years since the Asgardia-1 satellite was sent into orbit. This legendary launch marks the day the First Space Nation gained its own sovereign territory.
Nov 14, 19 / Sag 10, 03 02:31 UTC
Congratulations, incumbents of Asgardia.
Nov 12, 19 / Sag 08, 03 12:52 UTC
Space History: Gemini 12
On November 11, Gemini 12 launched Buzz Aldrin and Jim Lovell into orbit. The last mission of the Gemini program, Gemini 12 was made with more handholds on the spacecraft so that Buzz Aldrin did three spacewalks and spent more than five hours working in space. Picture Credit: NASA
Nov 12, 19 / Sag 08, 03 09:06 UTC
Equal Opportunities For Everyone Who Joins the Space Nation
Why the Golden Hundred Thousand Asgardian Residence privileges expire today and how to renew your Residence
Nov 14, 19 / Sag 10, 03 19:15 UTC
We can definitely see your point on that and we'll mention it to the IT team to see if we can get something added to show that it's official.
Nov 14, 19 / Sag 10, 03 19:13 UTC
ok., but why you don't have a special status for this account? There are enough scammers that can abuse this also
Nov 14, 19 / Sag 10, 03 19:10 UTC
We are the official team for Asgardia. We make up the moderation and social media teams of Asgardia.
See all 8 comments
Nov 11, 19 / Sag 07, 03 16:53 UTC
Asgardia Space News Digest - Weekend Roundup
Heads up! Here's the weekend roundup of all of the great articles released by the Asgardia Space News team! NASA Opens ‘Time Capsule’ With Apollo Era Moon Sample The 47-year-old sample will be studied with new scientific tools that were not available when the Apollo-17 crew first brought them ...
Nov 11, 19 / Sag 07, 03 14:20 UTC
Last Week in Asgardia
Catch up with Asgardian news! See more on our website:
Nov 13, 19 / Sag 09, 03 14:13 UTC
This Is Great Stuff !!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 11, 19 / Sag 07, 03 13:52 UTC
Parliament Update 11-NOV-2019 | 07-SAG-0003

In this update, we’re going to be giving information about the upcoming Physical Sitting and sharing the exciting news about Parliament’s official Space Art Contest. Asgardia’s Parliament has officially launched its SPACE ART COMPETITION. The focus of this competition is Space Art and other Visionary Art dedicated to our ...

Nov 10, 19 / Sag 06, 03 16:51 UTC
Sci-Fi Sunday, November 3 - 7 2019
Let's see what is up in the world of sci-fi!
Nov 9, 19 / Sag 05, 03 18:41 UTC
Planet of the Month - MARS
Mars is hopefully the place humanity will soon travel to. So let’s review what we know about this amazing planet. Here’s the first series of educational facts about the Red Planet for the month of November!
Nov 8, 19 / Sag 04, 03 19:31 UTC
Weird Space Facts - November 8, 2019
Sunsets on the Red Planet are... blue. Such an unexpected color comes from the sunlight that scatters from dust particles in the Martian atmosphere. #AsgardiaSpaceNews
Nov 8, 19 / Sag 04, 03 17:08 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest - November 8, 2019
Here's your daily news digest! Catch up on all of the amazing articles posted by the Asgardia Space News team! Ram Jakhu: ‘Humanity Cannot Live on Earth Forever’ Fascinating interview of Professor Ram Jakhu, who helped with Asgardia’s establishment Unique Experiment Sheds Light on the Origin of Life ...
Nov 8, 19 / Sag 04, 03 16:36 UTC
Ram Jakhu: ‘Humanity Cannot Live on Earth Forever’
A fascinating interview of Professor Ram Jakhu, who helped with Asgardia’s establishment
Nov 8, 19 / Sag 04, 03 20:50 UTC
Perhaps better stated Mr. Jakhu, "Humanity Can Not Live Forever". But can Asgardia help extend humanity's longevity here on Earth or elsewhere?
Nov 7, 19 / Sag 03, 03 16:44 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest - November 7, 2019
Here's the Asgardia Space News daily digest for you to enjoy! Asgardia’s Space Congress Highlight: Earthly ‘Baggage’ Stays on Earth Britain’s popular newspaper, The Mail Online, about Asgardia, the Head of Nation Dr Igor Ashurbeyli and the recent Space Science and Investment Congress held in Germany Sudan Launches Its ...
Nov 7, 19 / Sag 03, 03 15:59 UTC
Asgardian Parliamentary Space Art Competition
Calling all artists of Asgardia! The first Asgardian Parliamentary Space Art Competition is now live! Submit your art before the competition ends on December 13, 2019. We can’t wait to see what all of the talented artists within our community come up with! Learn more about the rules and prizes ...
Nov 6, 19 / Sag 02, 03 19:57 UTC
Number of the Week
’42’ isn’t just an answer to everything, it's also the number of years Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 have been exploring the space. Both spacecraft were launched back in 1977. Since then, the ‘hitchhikers’ have each taken its own path to interstellar space. Voyager 1 left the Solar System in ...
Nov 6, 19 / Sag 02, 03 15:38 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest - November 6, 2019
Here's your daily news digest! Catch up on all of the amazing articles posted by the Asgardia Space News team! A Space Tether May Solve Space Debris Problem The tether will work like space dental floss Hitchhike Across the Universe... And Find Yourself Locked in a Sphere Whatever ...
Nov 5, 19 / Sag 01, 03 16:25 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest - November 5, 2019
We bring you a round-up of all of the news stories released in the last twenty-four hours by the Asgardia Space News team! Cheers! The Finest Wine Launched to ISS Unfortunately, the wine experiment aboard the ISS will not involve drunken astronauts Sweet Dreams to Chang’e 4 Lander and ...
Nov 4, 19 / Sag 00, 03 16:17 UTC
Asgardia Space News Digest - Weekend Roundup
Heads up! Here's the weekend roundup of all of the great articles released by the Asgardia Space News team! What Does It Take to Have a Superman in Space? A leading UK newspaper compares Asgardia to the space industry leaders SpaceX and Blue Origin Paper Phone: Innovation From Google ...
Nov 4, 19 / Sag 00, 03 14:57 UTC
Last Week in Asgardia

Catch up with Asgardian news! See more on our website:

Nov 4, 19 / Sag 00, 03 14:02 UTC
Parliament Update 04-NOV-2019 | 28-OPH-0003
With the Physical Sitting due to take place in Tallinn this month, Parliament and Government have been buzzing with activity - The Physical Sitting will be one of the cornerstones of Asgardia’s financial development as it will see laws, processes and systems debated and agreed upon to allow the Nation ...