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Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 16:57 UTC
#ASIC2019: Speakers' Thoughts in Short - Floris Wuyts
Professor Floris Wuyts, Asgardia Minister of Science, shares thoughts on Asgardia's mission and #ASICspace at the Congress
Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 15:55 UTC
CrazyForAsgardia Contest Winners announced!
Last week, we celebrated the Space Nation's 3rd Birthday, and Asgardians have shown us their creativity in a contest with a grand prize of 500 Solars! Today, we announce the 5 winners, 5th to 1st place: Freja Husdahl, Sebahattin Devecioglu, Ifeanyi, Ivan Rosel, and Mr.V Asgardians, thank you for your ...
Oct 15, 19 / Oph 08, 03 10:27 UTC
Thank you Crazy For Asgardia CrazyForAsgardia Contest Winners announced! Last week, we celebrated the Space Nation's 3rd Birthday, and Asgardians have shown us their creativity in a contest with a grand prize of 500 Solars! Today, we announce the 5 winners, 5th to 1st place: Freja Husdahl, *Sebahattin Devecioglu*, Ifeanyi, ...
Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 16:01 UTC
Thank you #Asgardia
Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 14:06 UTC
LIVE: #ASIC2019 continues! 2nd Session is live
Watch the live stream here, on YouTube or on the Congress page
Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 16:26 UTC
i was trying to watch live,,,,but every talk is not fully covered, it was sectioned <<< is there going to be any full release, for each Speaker ?!
Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 13:52 UTC
Parliament Update 14-OCT-2019 | 07-OPH-0003

This week Parliament has been getting stuck into a wide range of activities for Asgardia including marking the 3rd Birthday of the Nation and bagging an invitation to the United Nations/Austria World Space Forum. ASGARDIA’S BIRTHDAY One of Asgardia’s most notable holidays happened on the 5th of Ophiuchus (Oct ...

Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 13:45 UTC
Last Week in Asgardia!

Catch up with Asgardian news! See more on our website:

Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 12:28 UTC
The Head of Nation: 'We Will Introduce the Concept of the Space Child Tax'

Head of Nation opens #ASIC2019 with a speech on Asgardia's role in paving the road to living in space Stay tuned for more #ASICspace updates and live streams all 3 days of the congress! #AsgardiaScience #AsgardiaSpaceNation

Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 11:29 UTC
LIVE: #ASIC2019 Begins! Opening Ceremony and the 1st Session are live

Watch the live stream here, on Facebook, YouTube or on the Congress page #AsgardiaScience #ASICspace #AsgardiaSpaceNation

Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 10:56 UTC
Asgardia Space Science & Investment Congress: Guests Arrive at ASIC 2019
#ASIC2019 is kicking off in Darmstadt, Germany in 10 minutes! Don't miss the live stream here, on YouTube or on the Congress page #AsgardiaScience #ASICspace #AsgardiaSpaceNation
Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 10:26 UTC
Asgardia Space Science & Investment Congress: In Anticipation of the Grand Opening
#ASIC2019 is kicking off in Darmstadt, Germany in half an hour! Watch it live here, on Facebook, YouTube or on the Congress page #AsgardiaScience #ASICspace #AsgardiaSpaceNation
Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 08:41 UTC
Follow Science Committee Chair Luca Sorriso-Valvo's blog for updates on #ASIC2019 from the field!
Guests are arriving soon, stay tuned for more updates and a live stream of the opening at 13:00 GMT+2 #AsgardiaScience #ASICspace #AsgardiaSpaceNation
Oct 13, 19 / Oph 06, 03 21:03 UTC
Preparations for ASIC 2019 are in Full Swing
Asgardia's First Space Science and Investment Congress is almost ready to begin! Participants are arriving and preparations are underway. You can join in too! Watch the livestream of the days programs on our YouTube channel or Facebook page starting at 13:00 GMT+2!
Oct 13, 19 / Oph 06, 03 21:11 UTC
For the Love of SEO and everything web based please don't use for your shorten links. full links please and if you REALLY need to use a smaller URL use google.
Oct 13, 19 / Oph 06, 03 18:51 UTC
Sci-Fi Sunday, October 6 - 13 2019
It's Sci-Fi Sunday again! #AsgardiaSpaceNews #SciFiSunday
Oct 12, 19 / Oph 05, 03 13:29 UTC
Asgardia’s Amazing 3-Year-Long Journey: First Space Nation Celebrates Anniversary
How did we get here? A brief look at the history of Asgardia.
Oct 12, 19 / Oph 05, 03 12:36 UTC
Head of Nation Congratulations
Head of Nation congratulates Asgardians with the 3rd Anniversary of the First Space Nation! #HappyBirthdayAsgardia #AsgardiaSpaceNation #AsgardiaSpaceNews
Oct 12, 19 / Oph 05, 03 11:10 UTC
Our Space Nation is 3 years old today, celebrate with us! Let's take a look at our journey to statehood
Oct 11, 19 / Oph 04, 03 16:39 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest - October 11, 2019
Here's a round-up of all of the news stories released in the last twenty-four hours by the Asgardia Space News team! SpaceX Capsule Abort Test to Take Place in November The key safety test to demonstrate whether the Crew Dragon is able to get astronauts to safety in case ...
Oct 11, 19 / Oph 04, 03 13:02 UTC
CrazyForAsgardia: What Would You do for the Space Nation?
Last chance to send us photos and videos of the most daring, spectacular, and bizarre ways you celebrate our Space Nation! 5 winners will get up to 500 Solars, and a shoutout from Asgardia in a feature article. Use the hashtag #CrazyForAsgardia to submit your amazing contribution before October 12, ...
Oct 11, 19 / Oph 04, 03 17:25 UTC
I will organize and host an art exhibition of international artists who address issues to do with space, citizenship, civil rights, the future and other related topics. It will be presented at the Torrance Art Museum and tie in with the Pacific Standard Time series of exhibitions umbrella formed by ...
Oct 11, 19 / Oph 04, 03 14:09 UTC
‪We will running for Asgardia..!‬ ‪#CrazyForAsgardia Upvote me plz
Oct 10, 19 / Oph 03, 03 16:20 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest - October 10, 2019
Here's the news digest of the day for you to enjoy! What Does a Look at Deaths in Space Say About Flight Safety? Unfortunate and tragic stories of space travelers Behold, a New Shape-Morphing Self-Healing Material This material can sense, process and respond to the environment without any ...
Oct 10, 19 / Oph 03, 03 15:46 UTC
Prof. Floris Wuyts: ‘The Congress Allows Us to Think Outside Borders’
German newspaper about Asgardia's global space society-building initiative, philosophy, structure, and goal
Oct 10, 19 / Oph 03, 03 14:16 UTC
Asgardia Poll
It's this weeks Asgardia Poll! Let's see your opinion!
Oct 11, 19 / Oph 04, 03 02:10 UTC
Only if iam in space!
Oct 10, 19 / Oph 03, 03 18:26 UTC
There have been experiments with "non-food" food replacements in the past. The most recent and most successful so far being "Soylent" [now a product that is NOT made of people: ] I watched this become a thing and the man who invented it started with supplement replacements for food ...