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Oct 4, 19 / Sco 25, 03 14:58 UTC
Crazy For Asgardia: What Would You do for the Space Nation?
Just a week left to show us what you've got: send us photos and videos of the most daring, spectacular, and bizarre ways you celebrate our Space Nation! 5 winners will get up to 500 Solars, and a shoutout from Asgardia in a feature article. Use the hashtag #CrazyForAsgardia to ...
Oct 3, 19 / Sco 24, 03 16:30 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest - October 3, 2019
Here's the Asgardia Space News daily digest for you to enjoy! NASA to Send Astronauts to ISS in US Spacecraft Next Year, Roscosmos Confirms Looks like finally, US astronauts will travel to the ISS with Boeing-built CST-100 Starliners and SpaceX’s Crew Dragons Rumor Has It, NASA Is Building Another ...
Oct 3, 19 / Sco 24, 03 16:11 UTC
Christine Hellweg: 'Spread the Fascination of Space Exploration!'
Asgardia Space News interviews key ASIC2019 speakers before the first-ever Asgardia Space Science and Investment Congress launches October 14 in Darmstadt, Germany. Stay tuned for more quotes from the speakers!
Oct 3, 19 / Sco 24, 03 14:01 UTC
Asgardia Poll of the Week
Here's the new poll of the week!
Oct 7, 19 / Oph 00, 03 10:37 UTC
Мне кажется, что цивилизации, которые способны путешествовать между звездными системами и галактиками, достаточно развиты, чтобы уйти от устаревшей и неэффективной системы захватчиков и войн.
Oct 2, 19 / Sco 23, 03 20:07 UTC
Number of the Week
Neptune, the farthest known planet from the Sun, orbits the star every 164.8
Oct 2, 19 / Sco 23, 03 16:16 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest - October 2, 2019
Here's your daily news digest! Catch up on all of the amazing articles posted by the Asgardia Space News team! Higgs Bosons May Have Stolen Most of the Antimatter in the Universe Scientists may have solved the mystery of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe. Planet 9 Big Bang ...
Oct 2, 19 / Sco 23, 03 15:31 UTC
Dr. Mark Belakovsky: ‘Space Will Become Our Home’
Asgardia Space News interviews key ASIC2019 speakers before the first-ever Asgardia Space Science and Investment Congress launches October 14 in Darmstadt, Germany. Stay tuned for more quotes from the speakers!
Oct 1, 19 / Sco 22, 03 22:18 UTC
Ask Asgardians - October 1, 2019
Which of the First Asgardia Space Science and Investment Congress topics matter to you the most? Is it overcoming cosmic radiation or living in artificial and lunar gravity? Or is it the issue of procreation and growing up in space? Do you find the problem of life support systems, space ...
Oct 1, 19 / Sco 22, 03 15:03 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest - October 1, 2019
Here's a round-up of all of the news stories released in the last twenty-four hours by the Asgardia Space News team! Love, Sex And Robots: How Sexbots Affect Our World? Is there a possibility that hyper-realistic machines can replace physical intimacy between real people? 15-Ton Gasoline Powered Car-Smashing Piloted ...
Sep 30, 19 / Sco 21, 03 16:29 UTC
Asgardia Space News Digest - Weekend Roundup
The Asgardia Space News team released so many articles this weekend! Here's the weekend roundup in case you missed any! NASA’s Self-Assembling Robot May One Day Explore Titan NASA’s Shapeshifter robot can fly in the atmosphere, roll on a smooth surface, navigate subsurface caves, float on a lake surface ...
Sep 30, 19 / Sco 21, 03 15:34 UTC
Astronaut Birthdays
Asgardia would like to extend their best wishes to these astronauts who are celebrating birthdays this week! We wish you all the best and thank you for your bravery.
Sep 30, 19 / Sco 21, 03 15:27 UTC
Last Week in Asgardia

Want to know what's going on in Asgardia? Catch up with our latest news! See more on our website:

Sep 30, 19 / Sco 21, 03 14:37 UTC
Asgardia Book Club - The New Gold Rush: the Riches of Space Beckon! By Joseph N Pelton
The author, who is a realistic optimist, tracks the growing number of space industries and opportunities for investors, covering space mining, commercial space transport, and solar power. The book also explains many possible benefits of spaceplanes, space stations, and even space colonies. #AsgardiaBookClub #ROOMSpaceJournal
Sep 30, 19 / Sco 21, 03 12:38 UTC
Parliamentary Update - September 29 2019
Here is the weekly Parliament update on their official blog!
Sep 30, 19 / Sco 21, 03 12:28 UTC
Parliament Update 2019-SEP-30 | 003-SCO-20

Hello, again fellow Asgardians. We’re back with another Parliament update - But before we get into it, we wanted to let you know that it’s possible for you to directly contact Parliament. Our primary job is to represent the will of the people through the development and application of ...

Oct 1, 19 / Sco 22, 03 04:09 UTC
Awesome!! keep up the great work <3
Sep 29, 19 / Sco 20, 03 19:08 UTC
Sci-Fi Sunday September 29 2019
It's been a busy week so enjoy your Sci-Fi Sunday!
Sep 28, 19 / Sco 19, 03 11:21 UTC
Satoshi Iwase: 'I Believe a Baby Will be Easily Born in Space'
#AsgardiaSpaceNews interviews key #ASIC2019 speakers before the first-ever Asgardia Space Science and Investment Congress launches October 14 in Darmstadt, Germany. Stay tuned for more quotes from the speakers! #AsgardiaSpaceNation #AsgardiaScience
Sep 28, 19 / Sco 19, 03 20:35 UTC
if we can model our environments in motherstations and ships (etc) to that of earth, and simulate the artificial gravity to be like earth's, on our mother stations, than yea i can see that is possible.
Sep 27, 19 / Sco 18, 03 19:11 UTC
Weird Space Facts
Neptune's moon, Triton, orbits the planet in the direction opposite to Neptune’s rotation, so, basically, backwards #AsgardiaSpaceNews #WeirdSpaceFacts
Sep 27, 19 / Sco 18, 03 16:48 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest - September 27, 2019
Here's the news digest of the day for you to enjoy! Launching from Air: UK Startup to Use Balloons Balloons aren't just romantic and beautiful to watch, they also can be used to lift rockets to high altitudes Vostochny Cosmodrome Could Be Named After Vladimir Putin the head ...
Sep 27, 19 / Sco 18, 03 16:07 UTC
Want to visit a black hole? Not the best choice for a vacation, but if you insist on going there, please, watch this video before the launch!