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Sep 4, 19 / Lib 23, 03 17:20 UTC
Number of the Week: Neutron stars
Neutron stars can rotate up to at least 60 times per second when born. But if they are a part of a binary system, they can increase the rotation rate to over 600 times per second!
Sep 4, 19 / Lib 23, 03 17:14 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest
Here’s a round-up of all of the news stories released in the last twenty-four hours by the Asgardia Space News team! Remotely Controlled Soft Robot to Treat Blood Clots A team at MIT has developed a thread-like robot that has the potential to become a major upgrade to existing ...
Sep 2, 19 / Lib 21, 03 15:12 UTC
Asgardia Space News Digest - Weekend Roundup
Here's the weekend roundup of all of the great articles released by the Asgardia Space News team! (In case you missed any!) Scientists Create Gentle Robot That Can Capture Jellyfish Without Hurting Them Researchers have created a robot that’s as gentle as human hands to avoid injuring or killing ...
Sep 2, 19 / Lib 21, 03 14:57 UTC
Last Week in Asgardia!

Here's some of the top Asgardia news of this week! See more in the news section:

Sep 2, 19 / Lib 21, 03 14:56 UTC
Interview with Fernando Motte on The Asgardian Institute of Standards

There is a lot going on in Parliament ahead of the upcoming Sittings - and as outlined in our previous update - there is going to be a core focus on building up the Nation’s economy so that we can start to implement important Government services and strategies that ...

Aug 9, 20 / Vir 26, 04 13:40 UTC
Asgardians would #Love to have more information on #AsgardiaStandards
Sep 3, 19 / Lib 22, 03 02:37 UTC
Intense work with the collaboration of manufacturing deputy Mr. Burham, congratulations on your work and delivery
Sep 2, 19 / Lib 21, 03 14:00 UTC
Asgardia Book Club - One of Ten Billion Earths
One of Ten Billion Earths Karel Schrijver Among 100 sextillion planetary systems in the universe, how many Earth-like planets are there?
Aug 30, 19 / Lib 18, 03 17:05 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest - August 30 2019
We bring you a round-up of all of the news stories released in the last twenty-four hours by the Asgardia Space News team! Jupiter’s Moons Get New Names Five new moons were found orbiting Jupiter. Thanks to suggestions from all over the world, they now have names! Gaia Studies ...
Aug 29, 19 / Lib 17, 03 16:59 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest - August 29 2019
Here's the news digest of the day for you! Dogbot Philya Is Ready to Become Our BFF At the 2019 International Aviation and Space Salon in Zhukovsky, the Arzamas Instrument-Engineering Plant first introduced a social robo-rehabilitator, a small lab called Philya. Russia Is Developing a Nuclear Space Tug ...
Aug 29, 19 / Lib 17, 03 14:26 UTC
Asgardia Weekly Poll
Feeding the crew of your ship or station is a huge task so scientists and nutritionists are looking into the different ways it could possibly be done. Vote in the poll and let us know what you think!
Aug 28, 19 / Lib 16, 03 18:09 UTC
Number of the Week
Haumea is a dwarf planet located in the Kuiper belt. As Haumea orbits the Sun, it completes one rotation every 4 hours, making it one of the fastest rotating large objects in our solar system.
Aug 28, 19 / Lib 16, 03 17:03 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest - August 28 2019
Heads up, there’s a new daily digest of all of the news of by the Asgardia Space News team from the last 24 hours! Will Luca Parmitano be the Last ESA Astronaut to Use Soyuz? The Head of the ESA announced that their astronauts will soon be flying to ...
Aug 28, 19 / Lib 16, 03 14:08 UTC
What Brings You To Asgardia?

What brings you to Asgardia? What is it that interests you about our budding space nation? Comment below and let's hear your story!

Sep 3, 19 / Lib 22, 03 03:23 UTC
A new hope. And the fact I've always been attracted to the cosmos ever since i was a child, and I go against the grain of society's standards.
Aug 30, 19 / Lib 18, 03 10:46 UTC
Originally, a really cool future - now, just seems like y'all post on social media and there really isn't any interaction with us little people - not like it was a year ago at least.
Aug 28, 19 / Lib 16, 03 20:12 UTC
I just want to try everything new and exciting, Asgardia is one of a kind for now.
Aug 27, 19 / Lib 15, 03 19:07 UTC
Ask Asgardians!
Asgardia's first Space, Science and Investment Congress will take place in Darmstadt, Germany on October 14-16 2019! What other types of big events would you like to be held by Asgardia? We want to hear your voice!
Aug 27, 19 / Lib 15, 03 16:55 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest
We bring you a round-up of all of the news stories released in the last twenty-four hours by the Asgardia Space News team! Tugboats for Satellites Might Clean Up Space Debris Are small space tugboats the answer for clearing up the massive amounts of space debris circling our planet? ...
Aug 27, 19 / Lib 15, 03 18:09 UTC
Aug 26, 19 / Lib 14, 03 17:02 UTC
Asgardia Space News Digest - Weekend Roundup
The Asgardia Space News team released quite a lot of articles this weekend! Here's the weekend roundup in case you missed any! Earth’s Inner Core Mystery Puzzles Scientists Scientists are trying to end the debate on just how fast Earth’s core is spinning. Robot Fedor is Not Alone: Japanese ...
Aug 26, 19 / Lib 14, 03 13:16 UTC
Last Week in Asgardia - August 26 2019

Catch up with Asgardian news since last Monday! See more in the news section of the website:

Aug 26, 19 / Lib 14, 03 12:11 UTC
Physical sitting to serve as a summit on Asgardia’s economy.
In Asgardia’s most complete digital sitting that took place on 26-28 July Parliament passed approval on the distribution of funds to hold a physical sitting. In recent meetings, Chairman of Parliament, Lembit Öpik revealed details about what will be Parliament’s second physical sitting since they met in Vienna on June ...
Sep 2, 19 / Lib 21, 03 00:48 UTC
Se eu não estiver enganado, este padrão usa o XML como base de arquivo.
Aug 27, 19 / Lib 15, 03 17:09 UTC
What is the Akoma Ntoso?
Aug 26, 19 / Lib 14, 03 13:15 UTC
Due to the fact that Mr. Öpik is interested in his national roots, I invite him to visit those places where his grandfather’s compatriots settled of their own free will and became successful, never complaining about the Soviet occupation and not cooperating with Hitler’s: I hope he likes ...
See all 4 comments
Aug 25, 19 / Lib 13, 03 19:33 UTC
It's Sci-Fi Sunday!
What's going on in the world of sci-fi? Let's find out! #AsgardiaSpaceNews #SciFiSunday
Aug 23, 19 / Lib 11, 03 21:13 UTC
Weird Space Facts

Haumea is a football shape dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt, roughly the same size as Pluto. It has the fastest spin among the large objects in our solar system, which is the reason for its unusual shape.

Aug 23, 19 / Lib 11, 03 17:11 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest
We bring you a round-up of all of the news stories released in the last twenty-four hours by the Asgardia Space News team! Hydrogen Fuel: Efficient, Eco-friendly, and Now Economically Viable Canadian Professor Ian Gates has come up with a new method of hydrogen extraction from oil sands and ...