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Aug 8, 19 / Vir 24, 03 17:56 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest
Here’s a round up of some of the news released by the Asgardia Space News team from the last 24 hours! ‘Good Economics’: Lembit Öpik on the Differences Between Apollo and SpaceX Chairman of the Asgardia Parliament was quoted in the International Business Times financial outlet recently. Roscosmos Declares ...
Aug 8, 19 / Vir 24, 03 12:34 UTC
Abstract submissions for ASIC close August 15 2019
Abstract submissions for Asgardia's First Space Science and Investment Congress end on August 15 2019. Submit your one-page abstract before the deadline! Student papers are welcomed and encouraged.
Aug 9, 19 / Vir 25, 03 13:23 UTC
There is no virtual ticket for this event although that's a great idea! We've passed that along for consideration for the next event. However, we are currently working on a way to share as much material as we can after the congress.
Aug 8, 19 / Vir 24, 03 21:52 UTC
Even though I will not be attending this event in my capacity as an Asgardia MP, it's my hope that many brilliant minds known and unknown submit their work to begin great conversations and put Asgardia on the forefront for cultivating and encouraging the exchange of ideas.
Aug 8, 19 / Vir 24, 03 15:03 UTC
Will any recordings or content be available after the congress for those of us unable to attend this year and DEEPLY interested in the topics? Could there be a 'virtual ticket' for people to attend webcast panels or virtual conferences?
See all 5 comments
Aug 7, 19 / Vir 23, 03 18:30 UTC
Number of the Week: The ISS menu
The menu on board the ISS includes about 200 different foods and beverages. Astronauts choose their daily menus long before they fly into space. There are three meals per day, plus snacks that can be eaten at any time.
Aug 7, 19 / Vir 23, 03 17:43 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest
Here’s a round up of some of the news released by the Asgardia Space News team from the last 24 hours! New Research Shows Cosmic Radiation Could Dumb Us Down Before We Get to Mars Are we getting ahead of ourselves and radiation might be to much in traveling ...
Aug 7, 19 / Vir 23, 03 15:52 UTC
Asgardia's First Space, Science and Investmen Congress

Attend Asgardia's first Space, Science and Investment Congress at the European Space Operations Center Darmstadt, Germany taking place October 14 - 16 2019!

Aug 8, 19 / Vir 24, 03 21:53 UTC
It is exciting to see Asgardia has come so far to the point where we can put on these types of events. I encourage everyone to share this event with anyone you know involved or interested in these of fields. It will be interesting to see what type of informational ...
Aug 7, 19 / Vir 23, 03 12:48 UTC
Asgardia mayor starts Asgardia's educational path by organizing a new initiative in Moscow!
Aug 7, 19 / Vir 23, 03 12:46 UTC
Asgardia on Social Media
Did you know that Asgardia has several social media accounts to meet your on-the-go news and information needs? Facebook Twitter Telegram Instagram We hope to see you there!
Jun 10, 22 / Can 21, 06 20:19 UTC
Social networks have become the main way of communication between people, and it's very cool. I like that now I can find friends in different countries thanks to common interests. I also like that the paintings that I share on Instagram are gaining popularity with people from different countries, and ...
Jun 9, 22 / Can 20, 06 19:33 UTC
That's great news . Thanks !
Jun 13, 21 / Can 24, 05 00:09 UTC
See all 4 comments
Aug 5, 19 / Vir 21, 03 16:56 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest
The Asgardia Space News team released a lot of news items since our last digest on Friday! Chandrayaan 2's Fourth Step Towards the Moon Accomplished India’s Chandrayaan 2 completed it’s fourth orbit out of five on it’s trip to the Moon. What is it and what are its mission ...
Aug 5, 19 / Vir 21, 03 12:25 UTC
Parliament Update - Vir 21 0003 (Aug 05 2019)
// Physical Sitting Confirmed // Parliament has agreed to hold a physical sitting after passing a vote on the matter during the Parliamentary sitting earlier this month. Chairman of Parliament, Lembit Öpik cited this physical sitting as an important moment for the nation as it would allow Parliament to come ...
Aug 8, 19 / Vir 24, 03 21:55 UTC
As an Asgardia MP I know our work may seem small at the moment but we are building a great foundation of our blossoming space nation.
Aug 3, 19 / Vir 19, 03 18:32 UTC
Asgardia Book Club Reviews
Worlds Fantastic, Worlds Familiar: A Guided Tour of the Solar System by Bonnie J Buratti A book is written by a scientist with plenty of expertise in the subject. And there's an asteroid named after the author!
Aug 2, 19 / Vir 18, 03 18:32 UTC
Weird Space Facts
Discovered by Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi in 1801, the dwarf planet Ceres was the first, and largest, object to be considered an asteroid. It is located in the Asteroid Belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter and accounts for 33% of the entire belt’s mass. Do you know any ...
Aug 2, 19 / Vir 18, 03 16:59 UTC
Here is a round up of some of the articles the Asgardia Space News team released in the last day! Happy birthday, Yury Romanenko! Yury Romanenko spent 430 days 20 hours 21 minutes 30 seconds in space. He celebrated his 75th birthday on August 1 2019. Read all about ...
Aug 1, 19 / Vir 17, 03 16:59 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest
The Asgardia Space News team has been bringing the latest space, science, and tech news to Asgardians for the last year. We don’t want you to miss even one article so here’s the latest in the last 24 hours! NanoRacks: First UAE Astronaut, Student Experiments and 'Death Wish Coffee' in ...
Aug 1, 19 / Vir 17, 03 13:33 UTC
Ministers and MPs Work Together for Asgardia’s Future at Parliament’s 4th Digital Session
Asgardia Prime Minister, Ana Mercedes Diaz, reports on the governments involvement with the 4th digital sitting of Parliament.
Aug 2, 19 / Vir 18, 03 10:37 UTC
A suggestion for future sittings of the parliament. A digital recording should be made available for every Asgardian after the sitting of the parliament. A written record is good, but as the saying goes: " A Picture says more then thousand Words".
Jul 31, 19 / Vir 16, 03 20:13 UTC
Number of the Week
Winds on Neptune are very strong. The speed of hurricane winds on the planet exceeds 2000 km / h. Only once a spacecraft approached and studied the planet: it was NASA’s Voyager 2, in 1989. During the expedition, the existence of a magnetic field was confirmed, and several new satellites ...
Jul 31, 19 / Vir 16, 03 17:03 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest
Did you know that Asgardia has a news section? Here's some of the articles from the last 24 hours that you may have missed! Investing in the Business of Space: Should You Do It? Virgin Galactic will become the first commercial space company to go public. Is this a ...
Jul 31, 19 / Vir 16, 03 11:54 UTC
Asgardia on Social Media
Did you know that Asgardia has several social media accounts to meet your on-the-go news and information needs? Facebook Twitter Telegram Instagram We hope to see you there!
Jul 29, 19 / Vir 14, 03 18:35 UTC
Last Week in Asgardia
Catch up with Asgardian news since last Monday! See more in the news section!
Jul 29, 19 / Vir 14, 03 15:32 UTC
Asgardian Message Featured on the Mexican Space Agency Website
A message written by Asgardia’s Minister of Information and Communication, Lena De Winne, has been featured on the official Mexican Space Agency website. Read about it in the article by the AsgardiaSpaceNews team! #AsgardiaSpaceNation #AsgardiaSpaceNews
Jul 29, 19 / Vir 14, 03 15:34 UTC
One step closer to having our first official recognition! Good job to Ministers De Winne and Niglio for the ground work they have been doing!
Jul 28, 19 / Vir 13, 03 18:30 UTC
Sci Fi Sunday July  22 - 28 2019
Every week we release a weekly round up of top sci fi news in the media. This week, we lost an icon of the genre. #AsgardiaSpaceNews