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Jul 26, 19 / Vir 11, 03 18:33 UTC
Weird Space Facts July 26 2019
When the Earth was relatively young, it was struck by a giant object. Because of the collision a piece of the planet was ejected, the piece began to orbit the Earth as a result of its gravitational pull. That's how the Moon was created. #AsgardiaSpaceNews
Jul 27, 19 / Vir 12, 03 23:04 UTC
Can we not share weird things because its already scare me alot.. 😞
Jul 27, 19 / Vir 12, 03 18:27 UTC
But this is so far just a theory just as others... This is another one of the most plausible theories researched and funded by NASA:
Jul 27, 19 / Vir 12, 03 00:41 UTC
Are you sure about that? :)
Jul 22, 19 / Vir 07, 03 15:15 UTC
Parliament Update 0003 VIR 29 SAT | 2019 JUL 22 MON
Exciting times in Parliament. This week we are having our fourth digital Sitting. We will discuss important points like our legislative priorities for the next year and the process of amending the constitution. The Citizenship Committee recently had a meeting with mayors of several cities around the world, like Kuala ...
Jul 23, 19 / Vir 08, 03 07:08 UTC
Nice update. Things will become interesting.
Jul 22, 19 / Vir 07, 03 21:12 UTC
Meetings in Damascus? When , and how can I know about them?
Jul 22, 19 / Vir 07, 03 15:54 UTC
Thank you very much for update.
Jul 15, 19 / Vir 00, 03 13:14 UTC
Parliament are gearing up for the digital and physical Sittings
Hello Asgardians, if you’ve seen the updated Calendar, today is Saturday 28th of Leo and although it might be the weekend in Asgardia, for people using the Gregorian calendar, it’s the start of a new week and with it is our Parliamentary Update. It's been another busy week for Parliament ...
Jul 9, 19 / Leo 22, 03 15:45 UTC
AMPs in Chile: Attending Rare Solar Eclipse Event
This year 2019, we witnessed the star event most awaited by the astronomical world. On July 2, and for almost three minutes, a total solar eclipse was observed in the central zone of Chile that darkened the skies of the southern hemisphere, generating a halo of mysteries and emotions to ...
Aug 7, 19 / Vir 23, 03 14:06 UTC
Thank you friend, It was really an adventure for the Asgardians who made this trip, as well as Parliamentarian I feel the responsibility of pushing the actions and ideas to make things happen and not only be a spectator .... for Asgardia a Unit a Humanity I will soon be ...
Aug 7, 19 / Vir 23, 03 01:11 UTC
This is an incredible rousing article.I am essentially satisfied with your great work.You put truly exceptionally accommodating data. Keep it up. Continue blogging. Hoping to perusing your next regards-
Jul 8, 19 / Leo 21, 03 14:29 UTC
Parliament reaffirm commitment to transparency
Parliament is deepening its level of commitment, transparency and communication with Asgardians. Opening communication channels in our webpage and consistently sharing Parliament news in social media was the first step. Soon we are going to be sharing in an article more details about the functioning of parliament. Also soon we ...
Jul 10, 19 / Leo 23, 03 15:47 UTC
Yeah , i am really happy i can see light in our dreams . Thank you our parliament for changing how parliamentarian are usually
Jul 9, 19 / Leo 22, 03 04:09 UTC
Awesome, thanks for the information!!!
Jul 9, 19 / Leo 22, 03 01:03 UTC
Very good
Jul 7, 19 / Leo 20, 03 12:30 UTC
Nightsky PMI
Thought I'd share some holiday/sky scenery too~ It's about 1 year ago mid summer in Palma de Mallorca / PMI while i was at the beach experimenting with my P9 Lite's night mode~ ISO 80 / Expos Timing of 8" / Focal Lengh 3.79mm
Jul 8, 19 / Leo 21, 03 11:12 UTC
Hi, very nice photo! Please join our Photo community :)
Jul 7, 19 / Leo 20, 03 12:33 UTC Part 2 :)
Jul 7, 19 / Leo 20, 03 12:28 UTC
Nightsky PMI
Part 2: This time i slowly start to learn from my capture mistakes I used a tiny coke can to stabilize the phone XD ISO 800 / Expos Timing of 3" / Focal Lengh 3.79mm
Jul 4, 19 / Leo 17, 03 12:14 UTC
Meet John Fine, Chair of the Trade & Commerce Committee
John Fine is a big Star Trek fan. He has watched every Star Trek movie in existence at least 4 times, and some many times more. It is only natural that when MP Fine saw information about Asgardia in social media he was fascinated about it, and after some research, ...
Jul 5, 19 / Leo 18, 03 13:55 UTC
Thank you Yana, you are the best and continue to inspire me 😊
Jul 5, 19 / Leo 18, 03 10:30 UTC
I met John in Vienna. On the way back from the inauguration, we wound up at the airport together and had a really great conversation while waiting for our flights. Very genuine guy working hard for Asgardia.
Jul 4, 19 / Leo 17, 03 18:18 UTC
Dear John, what a great story of a very kind person!
Jul 3, 19 / Leo 16, 03 09:12 UTC
An Interview With Chairman of Parliament, Lembit Opik
Asgardia’s Chair of Parliament, Lembit Öpik, answers questions from AMP Helena Aramendia about his involvement with Asgardia, his expectations for its future and what’s going to happen next. For Lembit, Asgardia is a necessary step for the human race - and he says those who don’t believe in a space ...
Jul 9, 19 / Leo 22, 03 03:19 UTC
I’m more interested in what is to be gained by asking this question.
Jul 3, 19 / Leo 16, 03 18:15 UTC
its a good question. Id also be interested to know.
Jul 3, 19 / Leo 16, 03 18:05 UTC
Actually I'm talking total out of the 1 million, I'd like to know if they are still active or not. more than likely a lot of them left, but are still being counted
See all 4 comments
Jul 1, 19 / Leo 14, 03 09:00 UTC
Parliament Update, Asgard 14, 0003 (01 July 2019)
It's our birthday! The 24th of June of 2018 the first parliament of the first Space Nation in the History of Humanity had his first session. This week was the anniversary of this historical event. Since then Asgardia has grown up to over a million followers and more than 18.000 ...
Jun 27, 19 / Leo 10, 03 16:23 UTC
Asgardia’s Best Unity Day Celebration Contest Winners Announced

Dear Asgardians, Thank you for actively participating in the contest and congratulations to the winners! Every participant’s video vividly demonstrated the main idea behind Asgardia’s Unity Day celebration: “One Humanity, One Unity”. Based on the public voting, we determined the winners in three nominations: The first prize, an invitation ...

Jul 6, 19 / Leo 19, 03 07:04 UTC
Jun 29, 19 / Leo 12, 03 12:22 UTC
Поздравляю победителей!
Jun 8, 19 / Can 19, 03 14:01 UTC
Actualización del Parlamento 7 de junio de 2019
Nuevos nombramientos, planes para el “Día del Asteroide” y actualizaciones de comités, nuestras noticias semanales están aquí. Nos complace ofrecerle otra actualización sobre el trabajo del Parlamento de Asgardia, comenzando por nuevos nombramientos. Hoy felicitamos al MP Ismail Sengul, (Distrito 3, Turco) por su nombramiento como Secretario Ejecutivo del Comité ...
Jun 8, 19 / Can 19, 03 08:28 UTC
Parliament update June 7, 2019
New appointments, plans for Asteroid day and committee updates, our weekly news are here. We are pleased to bring you another update on the work of Asgardia’s Parliament starting with announcements. Today we congratulate MP Ismail Sengul, (District 3, Turkish) on his appointment to the position of Executive Secretary of ...
Jun 1, 19 / Can 12, 03 07:23 UTC
Noticias del parlamento. 31 de mayo 2019 - 11 de junio 0003
Esta semana en el Parlamento de Asgardia se ha notado bastante movimiento en los aspectos prácticos de su trabajo, como por ejemplo la traducción. El presidente del Parlamento, Lembit Opik, consciente de que se necesita tener traducción simultánea de calidad, fácilmente disponible y conómicamente viable, está dando prioridad a la ...
Jun 2, 19 / Can 13, 03 04:37 UTC
Muchas gracias Helena Aramendia por tu incanzable labor al frente de las relaciones públicas en el comité de información y comunicación, es de gran ayuda la difusión de nuestro ejercicio parlamentario.
Jun 1, 19 / Can 12, 03 07:20 UTC
Parliament update. June 11, 0003 (May 31 2019)
This week the Parliament of Asgardia has seen considerable movement in the practical aspects of their work, such as translation. The Chairman of Parliament, Lembit Opik has consistently championed the need to have high-quality simultaneous translations that are easily available and financially viable and has placed a high priority on ...
Jun 3, 19 / Can 14, 03 09:49 UTC
"Digital Space Library" continues its sacred journey to open its doors to education, development and socialization. I would like to thank all the members who supported and the chairmen of the esteemed committee. I'il do my best to do more. Thank you again.
May 25, 19 / Can 05, 03 08:58 UTC
Actualización del Parlamento 04 de junio 0003 (24 de mayo de 2019)
Ha sido otra semana intensa de trabajo para el Parlamento con comités que celebran reuniones regulares y siguen adelante con el proceso de legislar y refinar las prácticas parlamentarias. Durante la semana pasada, el comité de Fabricación acordó que su primera prioridad es definir un documento oficial de estándares, así ...
May 26, 19 / Can 06, 03 03:37 UTC
I think they may want to do that in the future, however, as Asgardia has just recently gotten the entirety of the government really up and running (the core of it anyways) finances are low, and there isn't enough workers to do this yet. That would take a lot of ...
May 25, 19 / Can 05, 03 11:13 UTC
May 25, 19 / Can 05, 03 09:25 UTC
While, I am very appreciative that there is an official Parliament "page", It would be easier if there is a way of having live direct chat session on this page for live of Q & A session on weekly basis. If possible, we, as an Asgardian citizen would feel that ...
May 24, 19 / Can 04, 03 17:57 UTC
Parliament Update 04 June 0003 (24 May 2019)
It has been another bustling week for Parliament with committees holding regular meeting and pushing ahead with the process of legislating and refining parliamentary practices. Over the past week, the Manufacturing committee agreed that their first priority is to define an official document of standards, as well as a protocol ...
May 26, 19 / Can 06, 03 13:00 UTC
I'm aware that you can change the language but the post was posted in both Spanish and English, makes sure there aren't any translating errors that's all.
May 26, 19 / Can 06, 03 00:14 UTC
Никита, если страница открылась как Blog а не Social, тогда сначала нажимай на пользователя кто опубликовал пост, а потом там будет кнопка перевода поста. Открой по ссылке, там есть кнопка перевода
May 25, 19 / Can 05, 03 17:59 UTC
Also applaud that these announcements are on both English & Spanish to reach even more people, one day I can imagine the languages will increase but until then you’re great)
See all 9 comments
May 23, 19 / Can 03, 03 12:57 UTC
An Interview with Member of Parliament Cheryl Gallagher- Spanish
El Parlamento asgardiano comenzó oficialmente en junio de 2018. Los diputados fueron elegidos como representantes de todos los asgardianos. Desde entonces, Asgardia ha crecido y cambiado, siempre con la mirada puesta en el futuro que estamos creando. En el Parlamento, siempre recordamos que no estamos aquí para nosotros mismos, sino ...
May 23, 19 / Can 03, 03 12:46 UTC
An Interview with Member of Parliament Cheryl Gallagher
Asgardian Parliament officially started in June 0002 (June 2018). MPs were voted as representatives of all Asgardians. Since then Asgardia has grown and changed, always looking to the future that we are creating. In Parliament, we always remember that we are not here for ourselves, but that we represent everyone ...
Jul 3, 19 / Leo 16, 03 13:29 UTC
Cheryl amazing interview and I just read it again, very inspiring!
May 27, 19 / Can 07, 03 02:01 UTC
May 26, 19 / Can 06, 03 22:26 UTC
Thanks Ariadne!😊
See all 7 comments
May 17, 19 / Gem 25, 03 12:20 UTC
Update from Parliament
Today’s update on the activities of Parliament comes from the Committees of Foreign Affairs, Justice and Safety & Security. Over the past month, the Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Sergii Sergieliev, and his committee members have been pouring their efforts into three main areas that put a firm ...
May 25, 19 / Can 05, 03 09:20 UTC
While, I am very appreciative that there is an official Parliament "page", It would be easier if there is a way of having live direct chat session on this page for live of Q & A session on weekly basis. If possible, we, as an Asgardian citizen would feel that ...
May 22, 19 / Can 02, 03 01:51 UTC
Firstly, I just want to thank you for your service to Asgardia, and helping keep fellow Asgardians informed in the nation's infancy. Thank you a lot! My questions for you, are about the economy. When do you think solars will be available to purchase? Whenever I go to the marketplace, ...
May 18, 19 / Gem 26, 03 01:51 UTC
good up date but forgot Asgardian month date haha
See all 4 comments