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Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovakia
Jul 7, 23 / Leo 20, 07 14:52 UTC
What are Keto Gummies exactly? A nutritional supplement called Anele Mdoda keto Gummies may assist persons following a ketogenic diet in maintaining their current fat consumption. They are created with all-natural, premium components with the intention of promoting ketosis and improving the health and wellbeing of the consumer. Official Website:- ...
Jun 29, 22 / Leo 12, 06 20:05 UTC
A new concept for the generation of thrust for space propulsion is introduced. Energetic thrust is generated in the form of plasmoids (confined plasma in closed magnetic loops) when magnetic helicity (linked magnetic field lines) is injected into an annular channel. Using a novel configuration of static electric and magnetic ...
Jun 29, 22 / Leo 12, 06 12:23 UTC
Space contact ?
my hobby is radio astronomy.. one day I watched the hydrogen sun of the hydrogen through a radio telescope ☀️ and it brought the desired result .. I share my knowledge and results with was found to be the Ophiuchus Supercluster galaxy. please all have independent verification and possible ...
Jun 29, 22 / Leo 12, 06 14:45 UTC
My love is music.
Feb 17, 21 / Pis 20, 05 02:16 UTC
Hi everyone! Nice to meet you all .
May 1, 19 / Gem 09, 03 12:29 UTC
Anyone can shed a closer light on submission of personal information for citizens ? Questions are - is there a deadline for submitting the information ? How does one submit them ( is it a special submission, or is it the profile here on this site ? ) ? Who ...
Aug 6, 18 / Vir 22, 02 04:15 UTC
Nov 8, 17 / Sag 04, 01 19:10 UTC
Ron Nikola Tesla

Ron Nikola Tesla, my best friend

Jul 5, 17 / Leo 18, 01 06:34 UTC
we need to become united

Right now, we Asgardians are creating new era. We are shapeshifters of our nation and we will create nation that will be united, strong and free from conflicts created by differences between us.

To earn this goal, we need strong leadership. Most of us became Asgardians, because ...

Jun 25, 17 / Leo 08, 01 22:59 UTC
Cansat - vlastný satelit pre každého

Aktuálne pracujem na zostrojení amatérskeho cansatu - satelitu vo veľkosti klasickej nápojovej plechovky. Cansat je vynesený do niekoľkých stoviek metrov pomocou drona alebo rakety. Model satelitu bude prenášať telemetrické dáta na zem pomocou bezdrôtovej technológie (tlak, výška, vlhkosť vzduchu, teplota, poloha GPS). Projekt je postavený na mikro počítači Arduino ...

Aug 16, 18 / Lib 04, 02 06:42 UTC
Aké bude jeho primárne využitie pre spoločnosť ??
Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 14:13 UTC

After showing such project to numerous of people, friends and promoting it on social media, many people asked me "is this legit, is it even possible, why?" I answered simply "one day we have to do it, it's all just good for us, advancement, research and discovery, it's 2017 ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
Greetings fellow Asgardians, I have pondered for some time, on how to create a more balanced economic system. To make this first message short, i'll try to just get the 2 basic principles: 1. Money is CREATED in each cycle (day, week, month..), for every participant, evenly. 2. Money is ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
I like the idea: you move away from a circular monetary system to an automated linear one, which provides wealth. The big issue for any currency is the value it has against other currencies. This is the reason for a lot of corrections (taxes, budget cuts, IMF interventions etc) today. ...