Your location
Horgen, Switzerland
Sep 3, 23 / Lib 22, 07 12:10 UTC
Vatandaşlık almak istiyorum
Sep 22, 22 / Sco 13, 06 18:58 UTC
Just looking for some stamp collectors! I was wondering if Asgardia was planning to create some stamps too :-D that would be terrific!
Aug 5, 22 / Vir 21, 06 15:48 UTC
Vatandaslik basvurusu
Jul 15, 22 / Vir 00, 06 14:40 UTC
Mar 26, 22 / Tau 01, 06 01:13 UTC
App für Asgardia - IOS, Android & Microsoft
Guten Tag zusammen Ich finde Asgardia sollte einen App haben der es ermöglicht wie bei Facebook zu stöbern Beiträge zu teilen und zu Liken. Die Bedienung wäre einfacher und für Smartphones wäre es Perfekt.
Apr 10, 22 / Tau 16, 06 05:50 UTC
It's truly a beautiful thing that's started here. Hopefully it thrives to the full extent of a complete nation!!! I am very eager and excited for the future!!!
Mar 30, 22 / Tau 05, 06 00:26 UTC
Hi Amanda, I’m glad, there’s a place, called Asgardia, for us to be united. My dream comes true. I always talked to myself: why all the people of the World can’t be United and protect our Dear Earth and our Planet in our Will?We all come from God, and are ...
Mar 29, 22 / Tau 04, 06 04:07 UTC
This would be helpful in spreading positive news about Asgardia.
Dec 28, 20 / Cap 27, 04 12:50 UTC
Welcome fellow Asgardians! Let us know where you're from in Switzerland or not, it doesn't matter in the end we are all one nation here in Asgardia. German and English is allowed :)
Nov 22, 19 / Sag 18, 03 13:24 UTC
Hello, world! Whenever I want to start something the first thing is "Hello, World!"
Nov 22, 19 / Sag 18, 03 18:45 UTC
Hi Ali! :D
Nov 22, 19 / Sag 18, 03 13:43 UTC
Welcome to Asgardia! So nice to see you here! If you'd like to catch up on all of the Asgardia news, you can find it in this part of the news section: You can explore the different areas within the website to learn more about Asgardia by clicking on ...
Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 15:44 UTC
"Der Weltraum - unendliche Weiten. Wir befinden uns in einer nahen Zukunft. Dies sind die Abenteuer der jungen Nation Asgardia, welche noch nahe der Erde unterwegs ist, um fremde Welten zu entdecken, unbekannte Lebensformen und neue Zivilisationen. Die Nation Asgardia dringt dabei in Sphären vor, die nie ein Mensch zuvor ...
Jun 26, 19 / Leo 09, 03 06:58 UTC
Are there any plans that the Solar currency of Asgardia will become a cryptocurrency. I think this would be a very important step for our nation... what do you think?
Feb 19, 21 / Pis 22, 05 15:22 UTC
I'm so happy that we finally got our wallet and that we have our own crypto currency. Asgardia rocks! I'm honored to be part of this amazing nation!
Jul 25, 19 / Vir 10, 03 08:58 UTC
Yes i agre
Jun 26, 19 / Leo 09, 03 17:10 UTC
Last I understood, they were making SOLAR for Asgardians to use internally to Asgardia. LUNAR was to be the cryptocurrency used by Asgardians and non-Asgardians alike.
See all 4 comments
Nov 13, 18 / Sag 09, 02 21:42 UTC

I strongly believe that the paid citizenship model defeats the very principles that Asgardia was built on.

Jan 9, 19 / Aqu 09, 03 14:13 UTC
Yeah well, taxes will need to be paid anyway at some point. Nothing comes for free...
Nov 13, 18 / Sag 09, 02 23:12 UTC
A new ID Card in Germany costs around 60,00 € Honestly there is not a big difference!!
Nov 3, 18 / Oph 27, 02 05:47 UTC

Golden State Warriors continued their winning streak.

Golden State won 116-99 at the home game against the Minnesota Twins in the 2018-19 NBA regular season held at Oracle Arena in Oakland, California on Wednesday.

With the win, the Golden ...

Oct 29, 18 / Oph 22, 02 21:09 UTC

Nov 14, 18 / Sag 10, 02 05:49 UTC
I'm so excited for you! I was recently in Kiev too. :)) What a fantastic city.
Oct 31, 18 / Oph 24, 02 07:41 UTC
Thank you Dirk!
Sep 16, 18 / Sco 07, 02 17:10 UTC

Dear people,

We can choose our dream and new home!

its come true and please dont feel bad and work for asgardia!

Jul 12, 18 / Leo 25, 02 13:57 UTC

I love Asgardia I‘m waiting for it 👽😀

Jul 1, 18 / Leo 14, 02 18:16 UTC

Wenn ich mich registriert habe bin ich dann auch Bürger und darf auf das raumschiff wenn es startet

Dec 8, 17 / Cap 06, 01 20:09 UTC

So, das ist es also. A-S-G-A-R-D-I-A.

Die Idee einer Weltraumnation geboren auf der Erde. Anklang auf der ganzen Welt findend und von uns, ihren Bürgern, mitbestimmt.

Ist es nur eine Ideologische Utopie eine Nation auf den Fundamenten des menschlichen Schöpfungsvermögens zu gründen?

Vermutlich ...

Mar 4, 18 / Ari 07, 02 16:27 UTC
Hallo Christopher Kannst Du Deine Bedenken etwas konkretisieren? Ich bin neugierig was genau Du hier ansprichst. Schöne Grüße, Jordy
Nov 23, 17 / Sag 19, 01 10:49 UTC
Der blaue kristall

«Du bist eine Schamanin!» teilte mir mein Therapeut unverblümt mit. Diese Worte brachten mich komplett durcheinander. Ich sollte tatsächlich eine dieser Wochenend-Trommler sein? Eine, die aus Spass am Transzendenten sich mal eben in himmlische Tranczustände begibt? Ja, Spiritualität ist ein Teil meines Lebens – doch dieses konsumorientierte Bild eines ...

Jul 28, 17 / Vir 13, 01 16:46 UTC


Jul 20, 17 / Vir 05, 01 23:15 UTC
Brain Heart -- mankind -- pUblic


Mankind - Humanity Respect

Jun 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 10:39 UTC
I want to make Asgardia the best nation, wich everybody will know and be a part if it.

I'm a dreamer, I want to create a good place to live.

I'm very interested in politics