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Taiwan, Taipei City
Apr 5, 24 / Tau 12, 08 03:39 UTC
Hope to see a real peaceful place that all races are equal.
Apr 5, 24 / Tau 12, 08 16:32 UTC
I do too. Sometimes in order to find a real peaceful place is to fight for that peaceful place.
Apr 3, 24 / Tau 10, 08 09:42 UTC
I'm glad to be obe of the Asgardian.
Apr 2, 24 / Tau 09, 08 16:33 UTC
Jan 7, 24 / Aqu 07, 08 08:28 UTC
physical robot hurry up and develop production
May 23, 22 / Can 03, 06 12:17 UTC
計如謀中帶線針, 針頭隱,線跡藏! 唯有傻兒為針身埋! 只盼無人為此,遇巧事!
Mar 24, 22 / Ari 27, 06 02:45 UTC
時間,總是讓 我的想法與問題,給予各種不同的 答案 ! Time always allows my thoughts and questions to give various answers! 這些 答案,總是有辦法讓我得到各種 學習與參閱! These answers, there is always a way for me to get all kinds of learning and reference! 每個想法與問題的 答案,總是有辦法讓認知與觀點和看待每個想法與問題的角度如同蒲公英一樣的精彩與漂亮! The answer to every idea and question, there is always a way to ...
Mar 4, 22 / Ari 07, 06 07:15 UTC
天鴿如黑雨墜, 隻隻如星火點, 若生無存與逃? 🙁
Feb 28, 22 / Ari 03, 06 06:48 UTC
只是,一個想法! 不要讓戰爭的藉口成為扼殺童年的理由! 不要用戰爭的各種理由和藉口,讓每個孩子的快樂童年變成焦土! 不要以大人的言語和語氣作為戰爭的理由和藉口,讓每個孩子的彩鑽童年都變成一片焦土! Just, an idea! Don't let the excuse of war become the reason to kill childhood! Don't use the various reasons and excuses of war to make every child's happy childhood become scorched earth! Don't use the words and tone of adults as the reason and excuse ...
Feb 28, 22 / Ari 03, 06 23:07 UTC
Peace, Love and Unity!
Feb 3, 22 / Pis 06, 06 15:28 UTC
Hi l'm new to here .
Feb 8, 22 / Pis 11, 06 00:09 UTC
Feb 4, 22 / Pis 07, 06 14:07 UTC
Hola bienvenido a esta hermosa como hermano
Jan 12, 22 / Aqu 12, 06 23:41 UTC
I can fly
Dec 21, 21 / Cap 19, 05 04:08 UTC
只盼誤解早日化! 莫等憾事遺終老! 惡意為情補一刀, 猜疑為心扎一針, 惡意摸不透, 猜疑看不明, 心若如夜明燈! 思若如正念理! 行若如公正路! 真理看似藏, 謊無墓留存!
Dec 3, 21 / Cap 01, 05 06:04 UTC
當一位英勇與仁慈的國王, 把敵人與死神當朋友般擁抱! 當人民知道國王訓育的兵軍與將相, 只是為了謀殺自己時, 是攜帶一切家當徹夜遠離國都? 或著是用一切方式制止國王的想法? 在看不透也摸不明的事態下..... 人民眼中英勇與仁慈的國王, 是傻如身穿新衣的國王? 還是精於權謀的國王?
Nov 5, 21 / Sag 01, 05 05:30 UTC
人與人之間,如同影與鏡! 無論是工作或親子關係....等 皆能看見 影與鏡! 莫以單一品行, 為人性做定論! Between people, like a shadow and a mirror! Whether it is work or parent-child relationship... etc. You can see the shadow and the mirror! Don't use a single behavior, Make a conclusion for humanity!
Nov 1, 21 / Oph 25, 05 04:41 UTC
當金錢成了童年回憶的最後一根稻草...... 是為了捍衛童年的回憶而努力珍藏? 還是迷失於金錢的慾望? 當人們的眼裡,童年成了金錢的商品般任意買賣..... When money becomes the last straw of childhood memories... Is it to defend the memories of childhood and try to treasure them? Or the desire to get lost in money? When the eyes of people,childhood has become a commodity of money like arbitrary buying and selling.....
Oct 29, 21 / Oph 22, 05 04:09 UTC
當品行的美德與金權的公正, 成了天平上貪婪的支點...... 當貪婪與慾望主導心靈與道德的抉擇時, 讓人們更無知與迷惘....... 誰是來自真理的至上之光?
Oct 31, 21 / Oph 24, 05 14:04 UTC
Oct 28, 21 / Oph 21, 05 01:58 UTC
自從看過Blindness (2008) 之後, 突然想到...... 如果,有一天! 人們突然喪失聽力與口語識別能力和患了讀寫障礙時,這個世界會如何運作?? Just an idea Since watching Blindness (2008), suddenly think of...... If, one day! How will the world work when people suddenly lose their hearing and spoken recognition skills and suffer from dyslexia?
Aug 11, 21 / Vir 27, 05 05:23 UTC
人如樹,樹如人! 看得透的是自然的百態! 摸不透的是脈礦的原石! 以心性為修的是支芽之葉! 以品行為修的是大氣之風! 若一切皆如樹落為種子, 若一切皆根苗為始之啟, 若一切皆塵土為終之散⋯⋯⋯ 何能為此心知修,習得愛與惜?
Aug 8, 21 / Vir 24, 05 23:26 UTC
如果工作和家庭及健康呈現一個三角形! 如果只沉迷於其中一個物質因素時, 這個三角形會變得不完整! 但是, 有能力為工作和家庭及健康進行彈性管理的人, 會使這個三角形呈現平衡狀態! If work, family and health present a triangle! If only addicted to a substance which factor, This triangle will become incomplete! However, Those who are capable of flexible management for work, family and health, Will make this triangle appear balanced!
Aug 9, 21 / Vir 25, 05 08:36 UTC
That must be because beautiful people make the world a better place.
Aug 8, 21 / Vir 24, 05 23:20 UTC
如果,有一天! 國際奧林匹克委員會決定直播帕拉林匹克運動會! 不知道, 每個人是否會為每一位參與帕拉林匹克運動會的運動選手加油??? 尤其是, 參與帕拉林匹克運動會的選手們為比賽所需做的訓練與付出的時間, 可能比奧林匹克運動會選手們的訓練與付出多了數倍! 此外, 帕拉林匹克運動會的比賽外,還有聽障奧林匹克運動會和世界特殊奧林匹克運動會的比賽也值得關注! If, one day! The International Olympic Committee decided to live stream Paralympic Games! Don't know, Will everyone cheer for every athlete participating in Paralympic Games??? especially, The training and time spent by the players participating in Paralympic Games for the game, ...
Aug 9, 21 / Vir 25, 05 08:42 UTC
We will all cheer and respect those who are able to compete together, and whtt is needed is and Olympic games for our own space nation, in particular I am working on a sport that can be incorporated into the paralympics
Jul 26, 21 / Vir 11, 05 03:04 UTC
心若不知愛與惜, 見全上天獨下地! 良德行如日輪轉, 親與情如心行修! 莫讓惡意侵家門, 全下地獨人上天! 心若不知愛與惜.........