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Nov 11, 23 / Sag 07, 07 19:36 UTC
Optimizing Health for Space- CosmicGuard: Shielding Cells from Stellar Rays
Radiation and Cellular Health in Space Exploration Space, the final frontier, offers a realm of infinite possibilities and mysteries. As humanity reaches out to the stars, we grapple with challenges, both known and unknown. One such formidable challenge is space radiation. Unlike the relatively mild radiation we're exposed to on ...
Nov 17, 23 / Sag 13, 07 05:06 UTC
Un saludo. Deseo saber cómo va este proyecto, no parece que los usuarios estén muy interesados y deseo saber que dicen ustedes, espero su respuesta. Si tiene Instagram me gustaría conocerla.
Oct 19, 23 / Oph 12, 07 18:56 UTC
Optimizing Health for Space- AstroFit: Strengthening Muscles and Bones Beyond Gravity
Physical Fitness and Bone Preservation in Space Space exploration, while a marvel of human achievement, brings forth a set of challenges to the physiological integrity of astronauts. Among these, the effects of prolonged exposure to a microgravity environment, such as muscle atrophy and bone density loss, have been subjects of ...
Oct 17, 23 / Oph 10, 07 14:54 UTC
Optimizing Health and Wellness for Space Travel and Living
Space exploration marks one of humanity's most ambitious endeavors. As we edge closer to long-term space travel and the potential colonization of other planets, it is imperative to address the multifaceted challenges to human health and wellness that space presents. Physical, psychological, and environmental factors intertwine, requiring comprehensive preparation strategies ...
Oct 12, 23 / Oph 05, 07 21:51 UTC
The Science of Earthing
Earthing, often referred to as grounding, is the act of connecting the human body to the Earth's surface, either directly or via conductive devices. Emerging scientific studies indicate a spectrum of health benefits from this practice, such as: - Reduced Pain: Individuals have reported alleviation from chronic pain, headaches, and ...
Oct 10, 23 / Oph 03, 07 02:21 UTC
Space Wellness- Understanding Earth's Electric Field
Earth's electric field is a region of space around Earth where charged particles experience a force. The electric field is directed away from positive charges and towards negative charges. The strength of the electric field is determined by the amount of charge and the distance from the charged particle or ...
Oct 4, 23 / Sco 25, 07 15:44 UTC
As we venture into the realm of space and contemplate long-term space habitation, there's a profound connection to our home planet that we risk overlooking: Earth's natural electric field. More than just a scientific curiosity, this electric field has been an intrinsic part of our evolutionary journey. A prolonged absence ...
Sep 26, 23 / Sco 17, 07 14:58 UTC
Space Wellness- The Challenges of Water in Space
Water is foundational to human holistic health, serving as the lifeblood of our physiological, cognitive, and emotional well-being. On Earth, water sustains our cells, aids in nutrient absorption, lubricates our joints, regulates body temperature, and supports countless metabolic reactions crucial for life. Beyond these tangible functions, water holds symbolic significance ...
Sep 20, 23 / Sco 11, 07 15:34 UTC
Space Wellness: The Importance of Water, Humidity, and Hydration in Outer Space
Life in space is awe-inspiring, a testament to human achievement and resilience. Yet, as we push the boundaries of interstellar exploration, we need to acknowledge and address the unique health challenges this new frontier presents. Among these, understanding water, humidity, and hydration stands paramount. Water in Zero Gravity: It's Not ...
Sep 18, 23 / Sco 09, 07 22:07 UTC
Holistic Health Solutions to Microgravity: Thriving in Space with Asgardia
Microgravity, the diminished gravitational force that occurs in space, can be as mesmerizing as it is challenging for those who experience it. Floating objects and a sensation of weightlessness might appear fun, but our Earth-evolved bodies respond in unexpected ways to this low-gravity environment. A primary concern for space dwellers, ...
Sep 14, 23 / Sco 05, 07 05:41 UTC
Understanding the Impact of Microgravity on the Human Body in Space
Microgravity, or the state in which people or objects appear weightless and free-fall at the same rate as the spacecraft that contains them, poses unique challenges to the human body. When humans transition from the gravitational pull of Earth to the weightlessness of space, our bodies react in myriad ways. ...
Sep 12, 23 / Sco 03, 07 15:01 UTC
Space Wellness- UVB Radiation and Vitamin D Synthesis
Vitamin D synthesis in the human body is primarily driven by exposure to UVB radiation. Why is this important and how might this be affected by celestial living? Here's a deeper dive: UVB Radiation and Vitamin D Synthesis: - Wavelength: Ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation, specifically within the wavelength range of ...
Sep 12, 23 / Sco 03, 07 17:35 UTC
reverse engineering the ways of nature but keeping it compatible with the original natural laws..
Sep 6, 23 / Lib 25, 07 05:36 UTC
Space Wellness- Creating health and wellness legislation for space living!
Asgardia is venturing beyond the confines of our planet, and I am excited to be at the forefront of the groundbreaking journey into space wellness. With a vision that intertwines science, health, and the infinite possibilities of the cosmos, I am working diligently to pioneer strategies and legislation for Asgardia ...
Sep 12, 23 / Sco 03, 07 15:06 UTC
Thank you! I truly do, and I'm excited to help shape a happy and healthy future for all Asgardians!!!
Sep 6, 23 / Lib 25, 07 14:32 UTC
i see you personally of greatest value of love and care towards all asgardians.. thanks.. grtz,dirk
Sep 5, 23 / Lib 24, 07 04:12 UTC
Space Wellness- Spiritual Wellness
In this ever-expanding universe, one nation stands as a beacon of diversity and inclusivity: Asgardia, the Space Nation. Asgardia is built upon a foundation of respect and acceptance, cherishing the rich tapestry of human experience, culture and belief that our global community offers. This fundamental principle extends firmly into the ...
Sep 5, 23 / Lib 24, 07 10:24 UTC
a galaxy consists of all different stars, planets and moons.. each one of them are all unique.. grtz,dirk
Sep 5, 23 / Lib 24, 07 08:15 UTC
Can you help me with the mayorship?
Aug 30, 23 / Lib 18, 07 17:06 UTC
Space Medicine vs Space Wellness: Understanding the Distinctions and Complementary Roles in Asgardians Health
As the concept of life beyond Earth becomes a tangible possibility, particularly for pioneers like the citizens of Asgardia, understanding how to maintain health in space is paramount. Within this critical area of space exploration, two concepts often come to the forefront: Space Medicine and Space Wellness. While they might ...
Aug 28, 23 / Lib 16, 07 15:43 UTC
Space Wellness- Occupational Wellness
Occupational Wellness is a vital, but oftentimes overlooked aspect of Health and Wellbeing. In Asgardia, it is my hope that immense value will be placed on occupational wellness, recognizing that it is crucial to our collective success and individual fulfillment in the unique space environment. Each role in our community ...
Aug 22, 23 / Lib 10, 07 15:31 UTC
Space Wellness- Intellectual Wellbeing
In Asgardia, I believe that intellectual wellness is the cornerstone of our thriving space community. Our journey into the cosmos is not just a physical voyage, but an intellectual odyssey as well. Nurturing a spirit of curiosity, lifelong learning, and intellectual exploration enables us to better comprehend our unique experiences, ...
Aug 22, 23 / Lib 10, 07 23:13 UTC
Aug 15, 23 / Lib 03, 07 00:36 UTC
Space Wellness- Emotional and Mental Wellbeing
In Asgardia, we deeply understand that space presents unique challenges, not just to our physical selves, but to our emotional and mental well-being as well. By prioritizing emotional and mental wellness, it is my hope to foster a supportive and resilient community that is equipped to navigate the profound experiences ...
Aug 17, 23 / Lib 05, 07 17:52 UTC
:) Yep, I jumped straight to a cable to the stars!
Aug 17, 23 / Lib 05, 07 17:43 UTC
i was referring to a spiritual/digital elevator.. :-)
Aug 17, 23 / Lib 05, 07 16:41 UTC
Interesting timing. My son suggested the very same thing recently. One appeared on a television show my children watch and we debated the merits/pro's and con's at dinner the other evening. We decided the greatest challenge is security for the elevator and it's occupants.
See all 4 comments
Aug 7, 23 / Vir 23, 07 03:54 UTC
Space Wellness- Physical Wellbeing
As we look towards Holistic Wellness in space, let's begin by discussing Physical Wellness. It is my hope that Asgardia will wholeheartedly champion the concept of physical wellness in space for all people, regardless of their physical well-being or limitations. I would love to live in a nation that actively ...
Sep 1, 23 / Lib 20, 07 20:42 UTC
Asgardia Space Games
Aug 10, 23 / Vir 26, 07 07:05 UTC
i am wearing such a little device for my health.. if every asgardian would now wear such a device we could already setup a digital olympics per sport category..
Aug 9, 23 / Vir 25, 07 16:39 UTC
I have been considering that very question. We don't want to merely survive in space, we want to thrive as a nation. I think the simplest way to consider prioritizing would be divide those elements that are vital to survival and work backwards from there. For instance: The topic of ...
See all 8 comments
Jul 31, 23 / Vir 16, 07 15:26 UTC
Space Wellness: A Comprehensive Introduction
I am incredibly excited to represent Asgardia in Parliament and to explore the burgeoning frontier of Wellness in Space! That being said, I've pulled together a thought or two on Asgardian Wellness and will flush out these ideas as the days and weeks pass! In the mean time, I hope ...
Apr 3, 24 / Tau 10, 08 11:31 UTC
This is of great interest to me and I am delighted to see a representative looking at health and wellbeing. I have a substantial amount of ideas on how a health service could run in a brand new society from the day to day running and management up to how ...
Aug 2, 23 / Vir 18, 07 01:36 UTC
Wonderful information, that's so interesting, thank you for sharing this with us
Apr 13, 23 / Tau 19, 07 12:52 UTC Hello, I am Maria Brown with a first shoulder holster buyer. I was hesitant to spend a lot of money without having a feel wearing the holster. Once I had changed it from left-handed to right-handed and then adjusted the straps to my size, I put it on for ...