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United States, North Logan
Jan 18, 24 / Aqu 18, 08 16:41 UTC
I'll get right to it. Spirituality is something that is very important to me. Having spent a great deal of time considering what spirituality might look like in the future, I think Asgardia stands to offer the perfect foundation on which we can build that future. I would like to ...
Apr 4, 24 / Tau 11, 08 02:06 UTC
Hello everyone I’m new here 😄🤝😄
Mar 10, 24 / Ari 14, 08 09:12 UTC
I myself consider my self as being Christ centered, and not at all perfect. I do my best to walk in love with everyone just as Jesus taught. As well as following the 10 commandments. And meditate as much as I can where I am one with our Heavenly father ...
Nov 10, 17 / Sag 06, 01 17:21 UTC

So excited for the satellite to launch tomorrow! Who would have guessed since we started that we would already be this far!!! Holy Moly!!