Apr 10, 18 / Tau 16, 02 18:01 UTC

German engineer, ipma project manager and teamleader in one of greatest robotics company since 20 years.

Inventor and CEO of an own company since 25 years

Apr 8, 18 / Tau 14, 02 12:18 UTC

Let us look in two directions from space. Asgardia is the best place to look unto earth and into space. The People living in Asgardia will become the new partners to develop future. Together with people jearning for a better life in both.

Mar 11, 18 / Ari 14, 02 09:26 UTC

شاید برای امروز دیر باشد ولی برای فردا باید امروز تصمیم گرفت .

سالها زندگی در غربت به من آموخت که دنیا سراسر استعمار است . شاید تنها راهی که میتوان از این اختلاف طبقاتی رها شد این باشد که یک بار از اول همه ...

Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 14:33 UTC

In English:

I'd like to introduce myself first. My name is Baran Atalan, and I'm currently studying social education. From the moment I first heard about Asgardia, the project fascinated me and I often asked myself the question "Will it work and is mankind ...

Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 17:36 UTC
Hallo, ich bin ein Kandidat für eine freie Stelle im Parlament von Asgardia District 9 Portugiesisch. Ich habe Ihre Kampagnenplattform analysiert, und ich habe für Sie gestimmt, und ich habe auch meine Stimme unterstützt. Ich lade Sie ein, meine Kampagnenplattform zu kennen und Ihre Stimme für mich abzugeben. Beste Grüße ...
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 14:44 UTC
Hello !!! I read your platform and I voted for you. I invite you to know my campaign, and return your vote for me. Access my profile and vote for me. All the Best !!! https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Other/25269/
Feb 21, 18 / Pis 24, 02 23:04 UTC

Asgardia is the chance to show the world how well it could work.

The biggest problem we face as mankind is our slow ability to learn from past mistakes. We still wage wars. We misuse media to blind people. We accept corruption, oppression, imbalance of wealth and ...

Apr 3, 18 / Tau 09, 02 01:18 UTC
Parabéns pela campanha limpa e honesta, digna de um Asgardiano. Nos dias que antecederam as eleições parlamentares em Asgardia, eu conheci pessoas altamente qualificadas para ocupar um cargo no Parlamento, mas que por algum motivo não conseguiram chegar alcançar este objetivo. O que eu tenho a dizer para estas mentes ...
Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 20:29 UTC
Hi, Mark! It's me again. I am Lucio Garcia da Costa, Bachelor in Social Sciences, Federal Public Employee and resident in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil and I am a candidate for the Government of Asgardia. I'm not here to ask for your vote. I will be happy, simply ...
Mar 31, 18 / Tau 06, 02 23:28 UTC
The ideas of the Asgardian Brothers are innovative, as they should be! I think the moment we're living is incredible. The construction of the NEW, from ideas and ideals based on free thought, fraternity, love, all creation and tolerance in all its forms, show us that our Nation is really ...
See all 6 comments
Feb 20, 18 / Pis 23, 02 19:52 UTC

In den letzten 6 Jahren habe ich auf meine medizinischen Kenntnisse geachtet und behandle Patienten, die an Krankheiten leiden, die durch Helmintose und das Auftreten von hoher Pathogenität und Toxinen im Körper verursacht werden.

Die Behandlungsmethoden, die ich nach den Prinzipien ...

Mar 31, 18 / Tau 06, 02 23:31 UTC
The ideas of the Asgardian Brothers are innovative, as they should be! I think the moment we're living is incredible. The construction of the NEW, from ideas and ideals based on free thought, fraternity, love, all creation and tolerance in all its forms, show us that our Nation is really ...
Mar 9, 18 / Ari 12, 02 02:04 UTC
I really liked your platform, so I voted for you. I'm a 9th district candidate, check out my platform too.
Mar 8, 18 / Ari 11, 02 21:51 UTC
Hello! My honorable Asgardian fellows, For creating the best space nation and protecting the earth please vote for me. Today's last day. Don't wait please vote now. I need your support. Please vote for me. Here is my platform: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/English/21006/
See all 4 comments
Feb 13, 18 / Pis 16, 02 13:27 UTC

A german born and US educated MBA and lawyer who works in the EU as a Chief Innovation Evangelist developing new solutions in the high tech industry. A 'hands on' mentality and always looking for the parts that can be put together to be a solution. I am interested ...

Mar 31, 18 / Tau 06, 02 23:29 UTC
The ideas of the Asgardian Brothers are innovative, as they should be! I think the moment we're living is incredible. The construction of the NEW, from ideas and ideals based on free thought, fraternity, love, all creation and tolerance in all its forms, show us that our Nation is really ...
Mar 3, 18 / Ari 06, 02 17:43 UTC
I voted for you because I believe you have a good platform and will be an amazing leader. Please check out my platform: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Portuguese/23313/ Vote for me!!!
Feb 12, 18 / Pis 15, 02 20:27 UTC

Create prosperity, not just wealth. By creating an integrated Asgardian financial system with access for everyone. Based on distributed ledger technology (DLT – like Blockchain) and fully mobile. My background, personal and business network will make that happen.

Wohlstand ...

Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 22:54 UTC
Hi, Matthias! It's me again. I am Lucio Garcia da Costa, Bachelor in Social Sciences, Federal Public Employee and resident in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil and I am a candidate for the Government of Asgardia. I'm not here to ask for your vote. I will be happy, simply ...
Mar 31, 18 / Tau 06, 02 23:28 UTC
The ideas of the Asgardian Brothers are innovative, as they should be! I think the moment we're living is incredible. The construction of the NEW, from ideas and ideals based on free thought, fraternity, love, all creation and tolerance in all its forms, show us that our Nation is really ...
Mar 7, 18 / Ari 10, 02 12:20 UTC
I put my vote on you now I would like you to vote for me: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Spanish/25009/
See all 5 comments
Jan 7, 18 / Aqu 07, 02 13:32 UTC

Dear Asgardians,

Every step forward we take means a step into the future for ourselves, our kids and any future generation. ASGARDIA as a vision for a better future has gained so many supporters in such a short time, and shows ...

Jun 19, 23 / Leo 02, 07 08:10 UTC
Dear Asgardians, I inform you that I am running for a second elective term. If you wish to renew your trust in me, you can support me by voting for me on this link: asgardia.space/elections/parliamentary-elections/candidates/328?-link-328 Best regards. Asgardia's Member of Parliament Deputy Chair of the Citizenship Committee General Secretary and ...
Nov 16, 18 / Sag 12, 02 14:23 UTC
Добрый день . Еще раз размещаю ссылку на мою тему в форуме ASGARDIA , раздел Наука и техника , тема Паралельный мир https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/science-and-technology-176/ Здесь я публикую свои опыты и наблюдения этого направления
Sep 6, 18 / Lib 25, 02 10:05 UTC
Vote for you
See all 14 comments
Dec 12, 17 / Cap 10, 01 15:04 UTC
Business & Product Development, Environmental Protection Systems & Technologies, all based on incubator thinking for passionate people who are turning their energy into progress creating synergies consciously. Living a life without any expectations. Quote: "If you wanted sweets, and life gave you lemons, make a lemonade. And if the lemons ...
Jan 2, 23 / Aqu 02, 07 05:32 UTC
Error 404 is displayed 🤔
Mar 31, 18 / Tau 06, 02 23:29 UTC
The ideas of the Asgardian Brothers are innovative, as they should be! I think the moment we're living is incredible. The construction of the NEW, from ideas and ideals based on free thought, fraternity, love, all creation and tolerance in all its forms, show us that our Nation is really ...
Dec 6, 17 / Cap 04, 01 13:15 UTC

My Name is Bernd and i life in the near of Stuttgart in Germany. I´m a Computer Engineer and work as IT Systemadmintrator in a big Insurance Company.

In my freetime i like do Photograph or look into the Stars with my Telescope. The Universe fascinating me ...

Nov 16, 18 / Sag 12, 02 14:23 UTC
Добрый день . Еще раз размещаю ссылку на мою тему в форуме ASGARDIA , раздел Наука и техника , тема Паралельный мир https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/science-and-technology-176/ Здесь я публикую свои опыты и наблюдения этого направления
Apr 3, 18 / Tau 09, 02 01:20 UTC
Congratulations on the clean and honest campaign, worthy of an Asgardian. In the days leading up to the parliamentary elections in Asgardia, I met people highly qualified to hold a post in Parliament, but for some reason failed to achieve this goal. What I have to say to these extraordinary ...
Apr 2, 18 / Tau 08, 02 00:14 UTC
Hi, Bernd! It's me again. I am Lucio Garcia da Costa, Bachelor in Social Sciences, Federal Public Employee and resident in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil and I am a candidate for the Government of Asgardia. I'm not here to ask for your vote. I will be happy, simply ...
See all 4 comments
Dec 5, 17 / Cap 03, 01 14:01 UTC



Dear fellow Asgardians,

My name is Marko Alexander Dian. I am a ...

Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 23:34 UTC
Hi, Marko! I am Lucio Garcia da Costa, Bachelor in Social Sciences, Federal Public Employee and resident in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil and I am a candidate for the Government of Asgardia. I'm not here to ask for your vote. I will be happy, simply if you read ...
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 14:44 UTC
Hello !!! I read your platform and I voted for you. I invite you to know my campaign, and return your vote for me. Access my profile and vote for me. All the Best !!! https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Other/25269/
Mar 3, 18 / Ari 06, 02 15:41 UTC
I voted for you because I believe you have a good platform and will be an amazing leader. Please check out my platform: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Portuguese/23313/ Vote for me!!!
See all 6 comments
Nov 29, 17 / Sag 25, 01 09:13 UTC

Nowadays it's hard to keep the technological and health progress equal. There is always one part which gets more attention. And this is the factor, why our civilization is where it is today (based on the climate change, diesel scandal, mass production, ..). For me ...

Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 23:52 UTC
Hi, Alexander! I am Lucio Garcia da Costa, Bachelor in Social Sciences, Federal Public Employee and resident in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil and I am a candidate for the Government of Asgardia. I'm not here to ask for your vote. I will be happy, simply if you read ...
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 14:44 UTC
Hello !!! I read your platform and I voted for you. I invite you to know my campaign, and return your vote for me. Access my profile and vote for me. All the Best !!! https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Other/25269/
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 22:11 UTC
Ich werde für dich stimmen, sehe meine Plattform, ich mag deine und ich möchte dich als Freund haben.
See all 4 comments
Nov 12, 17 / Sag 08, 01 20:37 UTC


Deutsche Version


Als Diplomierter Kulturmanager ist es wichtig für mich, dass Themen wie Bildung, Förderung von Kultureller Bildung, sowie der Förderung von Kultur im Sinne von Kunst.

Wieso ist die Förderung von Kultur so wichtig in unserer heutigen Zeit? ...

Jul 9, 18 / Leo 22, 02 17:50 UTC
Ich finde das ist ein toller Ansatz, und unterstützte das als angehende Lehrerin auf jeden Fall! Weiter so!
Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 20:41 UTC
Hi, Fred! I am Lucio Garcia da Costa, Bachelor in Social Sciences, Federal Public Employee and resident in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil and I am a candidate for the Government of Asgardia. I'm not here to ask for your vote. I will be happy, simply if you read ...
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 22:14 UTC
Ich werde für dich stimmen, sehe meine Plattform, ich mag deine und ich möchte dich als Freund haben.
See all 13 comments
Oct 27, 17 / Oph 20, 01 20:19 UTC

Hello, I am Daniel from Vienna, Austria, and would like to join the Leadership of Asgardia. I am 32 years old and help other association in administrative work. I organize small events and I am very good with computers and developing software. I had the opportunity to join the ...

May 31, 18 / Can 11, 02 17:49 UTC
You will make a good leader. I believe
Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 23:16 UTC
Hi, Daniel! I am Lucio Garcia da Costa, Bachelor in Social Sciences, Federal Public Employee and resident in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil and I am a candidate for the Government of Asgardia. I'm not here to ask for your vote. I will be happy, simply if you read ...
Mar 3, 18 / Ari 06, 02 15:39 UTC
I voted for you because I believe you have a good platform and will be an amazing leader. Please check out my platform: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Portuguese/23313/ Vote for me!!!
Jun 14, 17 / Can 25, 01 12:34 UTC

My name is Sebastian (27) and I'm currently finishing my master degree in nanotechnoloy at the Leibniz Univerisity in Hannover, Germany. My key topics are lasertechnology, biomedical engineering, photonics and of course the micro- and nanotechnology. Beside my studies I'm working at the Laser Zentrum Hannover.

Since ...

Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 22:40 UTC
Hi, Sebastian! I am Lucio Garcia da Costa, Bachelor in Social Sciences, Federal Public Employee and resident in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil and I am a candidate for the Government of Asgardia. I'm not here to ask for your vote. I will be happy, simply if you read ...
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 14:44 UTC
Hello !!! I read your platform and I voted for you. I invite you to know my campaign, and return your vote for me. Access my profile and vote for me. All the Best !!! https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Other/25269/
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 22:12 UTC
Ich werde für dich stimmen, sehe meine Plattform, ich mag deine und ich möchte dich als Freund haben.
See all 6 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 11:55 UTC

Dear fellow asgardians,

I'm a computer science student from Paderborn, Germany. Currently I'm working on my masters degree. I have a lot of experience in council and comitee work since I participated for serveral years in the student council of the computer science and mathematics department and ...

Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 22:39 UTC
Hi, Oliver! I am Lucio Garcia da Costa, Bachelor in Social Sciences, Federal Public Employee and resident in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil and I am a candidate for the Government of Asgardia. I'm not here to ask for your vote. I will be happy, simply if you read ...
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 14:44 UTC
Hello !!! I read your platform and I voted for you. I invite you to know my campaign, and return your vote for me. Access my profile and vote for me. All the Best !!! https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Other/25269/
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 22:13 UTC
Ich werde für dich stimmen, sehe meine Plattform, ich mag deine und ich möchte dich als Freund haben.
See all 15 comments