Apr 6, 18 / Tau 12, 02 15:46 UTC

Cloud Computing Expert

Mar 28, 18 / Tau 03, 02 10:40 UTC

Nothing is impossible

The bigger our dreams, the better the future .

Our goals must transcend the boundaries of space, and elevate Asgardia to be an example of humanity, with work, patience, perseverance, we will achieve our dreams, by building Asgardia ...

Mar 11, 18 / Ari 14, 02 17:49 UTC

أسغاريا البناء الجديد ، المليئ بعزيمتنا و بقوانا الفكرية ، ينبغي له أن يكون مليئ بالمحبة و الإيخاء، نقي من حزازات التاريخ التي لم يكن لنا يد في تشكيلها، ينبغي له أن يعظم العدل في كل شيء ، مثالا جميلا للحسن الخلق، أسغارديا نخبة كل البشر ، لن ينفعني ...

Nov 11, 18 / Sag 07, 02 12:44 UTC
приглашаю посетить мою тему паралельный мир в разделе Наука и техника . Оставьте свое сообщение . https://asgardia.космос / ru / форум / форум / наука и техника-176
Sep 17, 18 / Sco 08, 02 04:07 UTC
Я и мой друг их Сектора Газы сейчас начали работу над Проектом : Газа - Новый Сингапур :)
Mar 7, 18 / Ari 10, 02 18:12 UTC

Greetings,. My name is Anas Moukayed and I have wide experience with Security, Fire detection and and fire extinguishing systems.I have Bsc in Mechanical Engineering and Master in Business Administration (MBA).

Asgardia for me is like the dreamland where we are looking for to have a peaceful ...

Mar 4, 18 / Ari 07, 02 10:21 UTC

I am a physician of 10 years years experience in the medical field with research projects that are published and others ongoing.

I intend to create an electronic educational platform that provides equal educational opportunities for everyone with provision of e-learning platforms and regular attendance platforms whenever ...

Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 17:50 UTC
مرحبا، أنا مرشح لشغور في البرلمان في منطقة أسغارديا 9 البرتغالية. لقد حللت منصة حملتك، وصوتت لصالحك، وأيدت تصويتي أيضا. أدعوكم إلى معرفة منصة حملتي، وإرجاع صوتك لي. مع أطيب التحيات !!! https://asgardia.space/en/user/282830/profile/view/
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 11:59 UTC
Dear Asgardian, I am pleased to participate in your District 8# Arabic I like you to place your support in my candidacy of district # 4 Spanis, you can vote for me in: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Spanish/25009/
Mar 4, 18 / Ari 07, 02 09:29 UTC
أني أتطلع لإنشاء مجتمع موحد يضم باقي المجتمعات من كل بقاع العالم لنصبح في النهاية مجتمع واحد يشارك فى المستقبل الذي نطمح فيه ، نحو مستقبل أفضل للجميع (الفرد يدعم الجميع والجميع يدعم الفرد). I LOOK FORWARD TO ESTABLISHING A UNIFIED SOCIETY TO SHARE WITH THE REST OF THE SOCIETIES ...
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 17:40 UTC
مرحبا، أنا مرشح لشغور في البرلمان في منطقة أسغارديا 9 البرتغالية. لقد حللت منصة حملتك، وصوتت لصالحك، وأيدت تصويتي أيضا. أدعوكم إلى معرفة منصة حملتي، وإرجاع صوتك لي. مع أطيب التحيات !!! https://asgardia.space/en/user/282830/profile/view/
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 11:59 UTC
Dear Asgardian, I am pleased to participate in your District 8# Arabic I like you to place your support in my candidacy of district # 4 Spanis, you can vote for me in: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Spanish/25009/
Feb 14, 18 / Pis 17, 02 19:42 UTC

سئمنا من قيود الأرض .... أنا لست بروفسوراً أو سياسياً أو صاحب خبرةٍ في المجال السياسي ، وما وضعت اسمي بين قائمة المرشحين آملاً الفوز ، لكن أسميت نفسي مرشحاً لأنني كمواطن في دولتي في الأرض قد سئمت من أكاذيب الساسة ٍسئمت ممن يسمي نفسه ممثلاً للمواطن بينما هو ...

Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 11:57 UTC
Dear Asgardian, I am pleased to participate in your District 8# Arabic I like you to place your support in my candidacy of district # 4 Spanis, you can vote for me in: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Spanish/25009/
Mar 3, 18 / Ari 06, 02 17:13 UTC
I voted for you because I believe you have a good platform and will be an amazing leader. Please check out my platform: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Portuguese/23313/ Vote for me!!!
Mar 2, 18 / Ari 05, 02 00:54 UTC
Hello my dear friend !! I analyzed your campaign platform, and I voted for you, and I endorsed my vote as well. I invite you to know my campaign platform, and return your vote for me. Access my profile, and endorse your vote or if you have not voted for ...
Feb 14, 18 / Pis 17, 02 11:36 UTC

الهدف من ترشحي لبرلمان مملكتنا الغالية هو ان نعمل جميعا من اجل مستقبل افضل لنا جميعا مستقبل يكون اساسه التسامح وعدم التمييز على اي اساس سواء كان اللون او الدين او العرق كلنا متساوون في الحقوق والواجبات هدفي ان تكون مملكتنا افضل مكان وان تكون اقوى دوله وهان الهدفان ...

Apr 3, 18 / Tau 09, 02 22:10 UTC
Dear Asgardian Brothers! Tomorrow 04-04, we remember the 50 years of the death of the "Man who had a dream". Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the perssonalities that had great influence in my formation. I do not need to tell you how much this man has been or ...
Mar 31, 18 / Tau 06, 02 23:16 UTC
The ideas of the Asgardian Brothers are innovative, as they should be! I think the moment we're living is incredible. The construction of the NEW, from ideas and ideals based on free thought, fraternity, love, all creation and tolerance in all its forms, show us that our Nation is really ...
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 22:19 UTC
سأصوت لك، انظر منصة بلدي، وأنا أحب لك وأريد أن يكون لك كصديق.
See all 5 comments
Feb 13, 18 / Pis 16, 02 14:59 UTC

Work together we gain together.

That's the life on the earth, so we work today on the earth and tomorrow we will got our gain in the space.

Don't stop and work harder to arrive to your dream, our dream, dream about leaving in the ...

Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 11:57 UTC
Dear Asgardian, I am pleased to participate in your District 8# Arabic I like you to place your support in my candidacy of district # 4 Spanis, you can vote for me in: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Spanish/25009/
Mar 3, 18 / Ari 06, 02 17:09 UTC
I voted for you because I believe you have a good platform and will be an amazing leader. Please check out my platform: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Portuguese/23313/ Vote for me!!!
Mar 2, 18 / Ari 05, 02 00:53 UTC
Hello my dear friend !! I analyzed your campaign platform, and I voted for you, and I endorsed my vote as well. I invite you to know my campaign platform, and return your vote for me. Access my profile, and endorse your vote or if you have not voted for ...
Feb 12, 18 / Pis 15, 02 16:27 UTC

I believe a meaningful life should be all about aiming high and working hard to reach that high. Though I never grew up, “I want to be an Influential Person Someday,” and I have no regrets taking the path that has led me to where I am today. ...

Apr 2, 18 / Tau 08, 02 00:58 UTC
Hi, Ahmed! I am Lucio Garcia da Costa, Bachelor in Social Sciences, Federal Public Employee and resident in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil and I am a candidate for the Government of Asgardia. I'm not here to ask for your vote. I will be happy, simply if you read ...
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 11:56 UTC
Dear Asgardian, I am pleased to participate in your District 8# Arabic I like you to place your support in my candidacy of district # 4 Spanis, you can vote for me in: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Spanish/25009/
Mar 2, 18 / Ari 05, 02 00:57 UTC
Hello my dear friend !! I analyzed your campaign platform, and I voted for you, and I endorsed my vote as well. I invite you to know my campaign platform, and return your vote for me. Access my profile, and endorse your vote or if you have not voted for ...
Feb 5, 18 / Pis 08, 02 11:39 UTC

هيا لنجعل من أسكارديا وطننا للعيش والأمن والسلام و لمساعدة سكان الارض

Let's make Ascardia our nation for life, security and peace and to help the people of the Earth ...

Mar 31, 18 / Tau 06, 02 23:17 UTC
The ideas of the Asgardian Brothers are innovative, as they should be! I think the moment we're living is incredible. The construction of the NEW, from ideas and ideals based on free thought, fraternity, love, all creation and tolerance in all its forms, show us that our Nation is really ...
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 22:18 UTC
سأصوت لك، انظر منصة بلدي، وأنا أحب لك وأريد أن يكون لك كصديق.
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 12:00 UTC
Dear Asgardian, I am pleased to participate in your District 8# Arabic I like you to place your support in my candidacy of district # 4 Spanis, you can vote for me in: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Spanish/25009/
See all 5 comments
Jan 15, 18 / Aqu 15, 02 09:03 UTC

Let us create a new future far from the idea of the borders that we have drawn with our limited minds. I have been treacherous to Syria for more than seven years because of the war and injustice practiced in more than ...

Apr 2, 18 / Tau 08, 02 00:27 UTC
Hi, Ahmad! I am Lucio Garcia da Costa, Bachelor in Social Sciences, Federal Public Employee and resident in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil and I am a candidate for the Government of Asgardia. I'm not here to ask for your vote. I will be happy, simply if you read ...
Mar 7, 18 / Ari 10, 02 12:40 UTC
I put my vote on you now I would like you to vote for me: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Spanish/25009/
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 11:55 UTC
Dear Asgardian, I am pleased to participate in your District 8# Arabic I like you to place your support in my candidacy of district # 4 Spanis, you can vote for me in: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Spanish/25009/
See all 4 comments
Dec 27, 17 / Cap 25, 01 19:11 UTC


Apr 3, 18 / Tau 09, 02 01:14 UTC
Congratulations on the clean and honest campaign, worthy of an Asgardian. In the days leading up to the parliamentary elections in Asgardia, I met people highly qualified to hold a post in Parliament, but for some reason failed to achieve this goal. What I have to say to these extraordinary ...
Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 20:36 UTC
Hi, Ahmed! It's me again. I am Lucio Garcia da Costa, Bachelor in Social Sciences, Federal Public Employee and resident in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil and I am a candidate for the Government of Asgardia. I'm not here to ask for your vote. I will be happy, simply ...
Mar 31, 18 / Tau 06, 02 23:15 UTC
The ideas of the Asgardian Brothers are innovative, as they should be! I think the moment we're living is incredible. The construction of the NEW, from ideas and ideals based on free thought, fraternity, love, all creation and tolerance in all its forms, show us that our Nation is really ...
See all 16 comments
Dec 12, 17 / Cap 10, 01 07:24 UTC


We all born free, free to choose, free to think, free to determine our future. Freedom and openness of choices are the basis of human evolution and are the only way for man to walk on the way to answer the ...

Nov 13, 18 / Sag 09, 02 12:56 UTC
Разработка темы Паралельный мир открывает возможности ВЕРНУТЬ свою молодость и продлить жизнь до бесканечности .Все это описывается в моей теме на форуме .Хотите вернуть свою молодость подключайтесь в помощь разработки данной темы .Смотрите тему Паралельный мир в разделе Наука и техника на форуме Асгардии .
May 15, 18 / Gem 23, 02 11:35 UTC
Hello my fellow Asgardians , the countdown of voting begins, so I invite you please to confirm your vote. If you are an undecided voter, I advise you please to check my platform. If your are satisfied and convinced by my Parliamentary program, Vote for me and recommend me to ...
May 15, 18 / Gem 23, 02 05:47 UTC
well noted and said, viva
See all 9 comments
Dec 11, 17 / Cap 09, 01 17:40 UTC

برنامجي في هذه المرحلة التأسيسية يقوم على تعزيز البنية القانونية والعلم والسعي نحو تطوير المفاتيح القانونية للبحث العلمي وتوظيفه في كافة المجالات وخصيصاً في مجال تحقيق العدالة وذلك حسب اختصاصي العلمي والقانوني.

وستكون بداية الطريق من خلال تعزيز البنية القانونية المتينة للدولة الجديدة وذلك سعياً نحو تحقيق ...

Apr 2, 18 / Tau 08, 02 00:37 UTC
Hi, Modar! I am Lucio Garcia da Costa, Bachelor in Social Sciences, Federal Public Employee and resident in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil and I am a candidate for the Government of Asgardia. I'm not here to ask for your vote. I will be happy, simply if you read ...
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 11:56 UTC
Dear Asgardian, I am pleased to participate in your District 8# Arabic I like you to place your support in my candidacy of district # 4 Spanis, you can vote for me in: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Spanish/25009/
Mar 2, 18 / Ari 05, 02 00:59 UTC
Hello my dear friend !! I analyzed your campaign platform, and I voted for you, and I endorsed my vote as well. I invite you to know my campaign platform, and return your vote for me. Access my profile, and endorse your vote or if you have not voted for ...
Nov 30, 17 / Sag 26, 01 12:37 UTC

لقد أدرك كل واحد منا المحن والظلم في النظم الاجتماعية للأرض وبلادنا، هذه الخطوة الأولى لاتخاذ قرار بشأن طريق نحو ما نعتقد أنه حق للبشرية جمعاء.
هذه القفزة هي قفزة ثقة وإيمان لكل مواطني أسغارديا وسوف تستمر هذه القفزة في تطوير أمة جديدة آمنة خالية من التحيز والفساد ...

Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 11:57 UTC
Dear Asgardian, I am pleased to participate in your District 8# Arabic I like you to place your support in my candidacy of district # 4 Spanis, you can vote for me in: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Spanish/25009/
Mar 3, 18 / Ari 06, 02 16:56 UTC
I voted for you because I believe you have a good platform and will be an amazing leader. Please check out my platform: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Portuguese/23313/ Vote for me!!!
Mar 2, 18 / Ari 05, 02 00:55 UTC
Hello my dear friend !! I analyzed your campaign platform, and I voted for you, and I endorsed my vote as well. I invite you to know my campaign platform, and return your vote for me. Access my profile, and endorse your vote or if you have not voted for ...
Nov 26, 17 / Sag 22, 01 18:24 UTC

لأن أحدثكم عن برنامجي الانتخابي ،، ولن أسرد لكم الكثير ،، فإني على يقين بأني سوف أبذل قصارى جهدي وما أوتيت من علم من أجل النهوض بدولة أزجارديا. وأنا على ثقة تامة من ذلك.

حيث أن دولتنا العزيزة ما زالت في بداية الطريق وقد ...

Mar 8, 18 / Ari 11, 02 18:16 UTC
مرحبا بك سيد حسن يشرفنى التعرف اليك وادعوك الى الاطلاع على برنامجى الانتخابى والتصويت لى سيكون دعما قويا لى ولقد اطلعت على برنامجك وساقوم بالتصويت لك شكرا جزيلا https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Arabic/22613/
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 11:57 UTC
Dear Asgardian, I am pleased to participate in your District 8# Arabic I like you to place your support in my candidacy of district # 4 Spanis, you can vote for me in: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Spanish/25009/
Mar 3, 18 / Ari 06, 02 17:14 UTC
I voted for you because I believe you have a good platform and will be an amazing leader. Please check out my platform: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Portuguese/23313/ Vote for me!!!
See all 4 comments
Nov 26, 17 / Sag 22, 01 08:30 UTC

بعيداً عن أرض مليئة بالظلم والفقر نلتقي في مملكة فضائية حيث الحرية والعدالة, أعدكم بنشر وتطبيق أفكار الحرية والتنوير, لكم مني البدأ في مسيرة التغيير نحو انسان كامل

Where there is no injustice, no freedom, no freedom

Away from a land full ...

Apr 2, 18 / Tau 08, 02 00:43 UTC
Hi, Rafi! I am Lucio Garcia da Costa, Bachelor in Social Sciences, Federal Public Employee and resident in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil and I am a candidate for the Government of Asgardia. I'm not here to ask for your vote. I will be happy, simply if you read ...
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 22:20 UTC
سأصوت لك، انظر منصة بلدي، وأنا أحب لك وأريد أن يكون لك كصديق.
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 11:56 UTC
Dear Asgardian, I am pleased to participate in your District 8# Arabic I like you to place your support in my candidacy of district # 4 Spanis, you can vote for me in: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Spanish/25009/
See all 5 comments
Nov 24, 17 / Sag 20, 01 21:24 UTC

Basic elements of citizenship

Citizenship consists of three basic elements:

Civil component

Including individual freedom, freedom of expression, belief and belief, the right to own property, the right to justice and the realization of the civilian component of citizenship in ...

Nov 23, 17 / Sag 19, 01 17:31 UTC

A citizen of justice and security to participate and create the future The renaissance of the homeland and the dignity of the citizen Our priorities No to the racism of religions The secret of success in national unity Hand in hand towards the highest national priority The secret of ...

Mar 31, 18 / Tau 06, 02 23:17 UTC
The ideas of the Asgardian Brothers are innovative, as they should be! I think the moment we're living is incredible. The construction of the NEW, from ideas and ideals based on free thought, fraternity, love, all creation and tolerance in all its forms, show us that our Nation is really ...
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 11:58 UTC
Dear Asgardian, I am pleased to participate in your District 8# Arabic I like you to place your support in my candidacy of district # 4 Spanis, you can vote for me in: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Spanish/25009/
Mar 3, 18 / Ari 06, 02 14:38 UTC
I voted for you because I believe you have a good platform and will be an amazing candidate. Please check out my platform: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Portuguese/23313/ Vote for me!!!