Apr 30, 17 / Gem 08, 01 17:19 UTC
Civic Asgardia Launches the ANN ¶
Civic Asgardia Launches ANN
ASGARDIA - April 28, 2017 (USA EST) - Civic Asgardia launches its newest initiative, the Asgardian News Network (ANN), in an effort to offer a centralized news hub for Asgardians. The ANN is an initiative of Civic Asgardia under volunteer Communications Coordinator Ryan Zohar.
Zohar, a US Navy veteran and a communications technology technician, stated the ANN initiative came out of issues surrounding planning and transparency which he encountered when the community was in it's infancy. Inspired by the Asgardian project, Zohar had immersed himself in any topic and opportunity he felt could be beneficial to the project. One such opportunity, which has been endorsed by the administration and the community, is Voices of Asgardia. Zohar founded and runs the first radio station of Asgardia.
Now Zohar's commitment to the Asgardian project has pushed him to find a solution to the issues surrounding dissemination and transparency of information to the broader Asgardian community. That solution is the Asgardian News Network. The Asgardia News Network will focus on gathering and distributing news pertaining to official Asgardian affairs and the every-day life and opinions of Asgardians. The sources for news are primarily the Asgardia NGO and the Asgardian community.
In an email, Zohar explained, “Information [within Asgardia] is being released in the same manner that NASA releases their research information: In large chunks, so that the whole picture makes more sense, and the real achievement can be recognized rather than the small day-to-day progresses in legal and diplomatic functions". It is the purpose of ANN to ensure those releases are brought together in one formal area for the Asgardian community.
Major contributor to ANN, Linda Yeleussizova, believes that ANN will be part of the "… new and very interesting features..." surrounding the launch of the new website and community on May 20th. In her opinion, the Asgardian project "... is developing and we need to form a pool of independent opinions and articles in addition to the official chronicles."
From the perspective of the founder of ANN, Ryan Zohar, “the ANN was designed for the community - to give them a chance to be Asgardian while the diplomacy and legalities are being developed by professionals". Zohar's aim is that ANN will help create a distinctively Asgardian culture by giving Asgardians a channel to put forth their ideas and to be exposed to the ideas of other Asgardians. It is the hope of all involved that ANN will have a positive impact within the community and that Asgardians will take full advantage of it.
If you are interested in submitting your own articles please read the guidelines (Link to guidelines goes here) and submit your finished piece via email to submissions@asgardia.space
Yoevelyn Rodriguez
Volunteer Communications Assistant
Civic Asgardia