Jan 23, 17 / Aqu 23, 01 16:04 UTC

Fashion In Asgardia  

Hi Asgardia, I'm Fashion Designer/Stylish,

Are We Have any Fashion Designer/stylish In the Forum,

I'm thinking about Design Uniforms for men and women how working in Asgardia for future, For childrens and Kids, we can made our fashion style, hair style, asgardia fashion show, asgardia fashion week, asgardia fashion style

Share your thoughts guy's, Thank you.

Feb 2, 17 / Pis 05, 01 00:08 UTC

That would be awesome!

I know I would love wearing Asgardia items! =)

Feb 2, 17 / Pis 05, 01 23:55 UTC

Good to see you here please share your ideas dear asgardian, thanks.

Feb 4, 17 / Pis 07, 01 20:05 UTC

I'm a Crochet Designer... Garments and interiors.....

Feb 4, 17 / Pis 07, 01 20:08 UTC

I will model men's clothing if you like

Mar 26, 17 / Tau 01, 01 16:39 UTC

I am in favor of determining a dress for asgardians it's unity. Same color having a fashion in asgardia ladies and gents separates .thanks.

Jun 21, 17 / Leo 04, 01 08:53 UTC

This should be part of the ministry of culture and partly (as in Paris) the chamber of commerce if one would be created.

Fashion is fundamental to the creative economy of the world, and absolutely necessary.

Jun 21, 17 / Leo 04, 01 12:05 UTC

Thanks anton,

she's our proud, i hope I'll be the next one... ;-)

Jul 22, 17 / Vir 07, 01 03:53 UTC

There should be a variety of new clothing lines unique to Asgardia. Such as clothing for different types of work to be done and some for social and home situations. I recommend that the clothing should be as comfortable as possible while still holding a good visible appeal. 

Nov 20, 17 / Sag 16, 01 19:57 UTC

I can design an Asgardia T-shirt, sell it to citizens/candidates and donate the monies back to the Kingdom.

  Last edited by:  Jorge Madrigal (Asgardian)  on Nov 20, 17 / Sag 16, 01 19:58 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Feb 15, 18 / Pis 18, 02 12:10 UTC

Well I believe fashion should be left to the individual as it usual is.. It'd be incredibly dissapointing if we were regulated uniforms... ESPECIALLY haircuts to match. BUT I'd do whatever was required to become part of Asgardia even if it meant wearing a uniform. For special occasions that would be super cool though.

  Last edited by:  Kyle Schweitzer (Asgardian)  on Feb 15, 18 / Pis 18, 02 12:11 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Dec 31, 18 / Cap 29, 02 04:34 UTC

こんにちは、私は新しいデザインのアクセサリーを作っています。これからのアスガルディアには欠かせない物だと思っています。このアクセサリーをアスガルディアに定着させるためにはどうすれば良いとおもわれますか?私のページまたは、Instagram #CLOGG を見て下さい。コメントまってます。

Oct 20, 19 / Oph 13, 03 09:18 UTC

Space Fashion Communities  https://asgardia.space/en/social/communities/278