Jul 6, 18 / Leo 19, 02 15:13 UTC

Introducing ARTgardia  

Hello all,

Voices of Asgardia, the original media concept for Asgardia has shifted it's focus on cultural development and creativity. That having been said, we're planning on having a digital art gallery we've lovingly nicknamed ARTgardia.

Stay tuned for more.

Jul 10, 18 / Leo 23, 02 01:01 UTC

I am not a artist but I am very interested by this project I hope It will be a great success

I will follow this project with a great interest

  Last edited by:  thomas courbin (Asgardian)  on Jul 10, 18 / Leo 23, 02 01:02 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jul 10, 18 / Leo 23, 02 09:07 UTC

Interested to help out on podcasts for example. I work quite often with Audacity. 

Nov 5, 18 / Sag 01, 02 13:30 UTC

Hello Asgardians!

I am a transdisciplinary artist and I am open for collaborations. Check jilasvicevic.com and if you have any inspirations, don't hesitate to contact me. :)