Jun 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 06:32 UTC
Will asgardia send us anything similar to passports? ¶
Does Saudi Arabia offer us something similar to passports?
Admin Edit: Translation provided by google.
Reason: Provide English Translation
Jun 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 06:32 UTC
Does Saudi Arabia offer us something similar to passports?
Admin Edit: Translation provided by google.
Jun 24, 17 / Leo 07, 01 06:59 UTC
That sounds interesting, but what will be the meaning of it? Where could an Asgardian use the passport? Expecting ideas...! Thanks!
Jul 22, 17 / Vir 07, 01 04:01 UTC
Passports and a personal ID card would be a very nice progression.
Jul 22, 17 / Vir 07, 01 10:38 UTC
@ Elektra
From what I heard from the July 19th Q&A video, I.D. cards will not only have our info, but also have the ability to use the SOLAR crypto currency with the integrated chips on the cards. Identification cards will be ready once all governmental branches have been established.
As for passports , they are on hold until we receive recognition from other nations/states.