Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 01:55 UTC


Share Your Community, Share Your Unity! 

Share Your World By tagging #AsgardiaUnityDay0001 this Unity Day weekend!

 Tweet, Instagram, or post on our forums to share a pic of you at home, near a local landmark, in your neighborhood, or with other Asgardians using the hashtag: 


You never know, you might see your Unity Day picture shared through the Facebook page or on the website! 

Let's celebrate Unity Day 0001!

Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 02:15 UTC

So we are all going to ignore the errors and issues that result in the "voting" process having no validity whatsoever and have a photo party instead. Nice plan.

I'll tell you what: Instead, I'll tally up the percentage of users that "voted" for the constitution on Unity Day and if it less than 50% of the registrations, I'll post a celebratory photo then. Hopefully, the message will be received that you cannot corale people into a free society, even if the tactics used are borderline deceptive. Personally, I believe strongly in the Asgardian concept. I just think the initial steps have been executed poorly. The only reason why I am staying around is in the hope of being able to contribute to a genuine and meaningful consultation on the constitution followed by a robust, reliable and auditable voting process.

Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 08:11 UTC

I am to young What !!!!!!!! What is wrong whit me Asgardia Maybe I am young But I think I am still asgardian am I I cant upload my file I cant write or share something in my blog so than ??????

Jun 17, 17 / Leo 00, 01 01:25 UTC

I thought the voting wasn't tallied yet? People are planning to celebrate already?

I am unsure if it is confidence or hubris.


Jun 17, 17 / Leo 00, 01 01:31 UTC

Oh, ok, I can get behind that. 

I am all for positive thinking, just not leaping before looking.


Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 19:49 UTC

Probably a dumb question...but how do I post photos on here? I live meters from a monument that sits on the Greenwich meridian line and I want to share a photo of it.

To me, the meridian line represents the beginning of time (ok yes it's the start of each day)...and I wanted to post it with the caption "from one beginning to another".

Thanks in advance for any help.

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 20:08 UTC

This will be reminded as an "Ollie day", meaning Oliver Hardy ... no need to explain why. ;-)

Jun 19, 17 / Leo 02, 01 03:11 UTC

Thank you everyone who participated in #AsgardiaUnityDay0001! We were amazed at the amount of photos that were submitted around social media!

Onwards for another year!

Jun 22, 17 / Leo 05, 01 08:24 UTC

Party is not over already?

Jun 22, 17 / Leo 05, 01 21:30 UTC

How about a pettiton for a re-draft of the constitution, done right. We need to first and foremost focus on making our foundation unshakable.