Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 14:09 UTC
Certificates preparation - please make sure your name is written correctly ¶
Dear Fellow Asgardians,
As I have already mentioned in some FB discussions, the Certificates will be issued and emailed in the first half of January to all those who have filled in the Verification form. May I kindly ask you to double check your form, making sure that your name is written correctly, and update if necessary. The name that will appear on the certificate is the name you have written in the first lines.
This is the name which will eventually appear on your Asgardian ID card, and future documents. The name should be written in the same way as it is written in your national passport for foreign travel (if you do not have one - then how it would have been written if you were to apply). Ultimately, when Asgardia is in the position to issue passports, and if you decide to ask for one, you will need to be able to identify yourself as yourself.
I am hearing from my colleagues that at the moment we have several Captain Kirk's, Mr. Spok's, Princess Leah's, Darth Vader's, one Frodo, one Dumbledore and one Marilyn Monroe. While on a personal level I wholeheartedly appreciate the sentiment of having a nickname of a beloved inspirational character, I would like to remind you that we are here at an early stage of building up a fully functional system which will be serving the people on various levels including administrative.
Once the certificates are issued it will take time, effort and resources to change the name.
PLEASE - double check today that your name is written correctly.
I thank you very much for your understanding and timely action.
Lena De Winne
Reason: editorial