Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 14:09 UTC

Certificates preparation - please make sure your name is written correctly  

Dear Fellow Asgardians,

As I have already mentioned in some FB discussions, the Certificates will be issued and emailed in the first half of January to all those who have filled in the Verification form. May I kindly ask you to double check your form, making sure that your name is written correctly, and update if necessary. The name that will appear on the certificate is the name you have written in the first lines.

This is the name which will eventually appear on your Asgardian ID card, and future documents. The name should be written in the same way as it is written in your national passport for foreign travel (if you do not have one - then how it would have been written if you were to apply). Ultimately, when Asgardia is in the position to issue passports, and if you decide to ask for one, you will need to be able to identify yourself as yourself.

I am hearing from my colleagues that at the moment we have several Captain Kirk's, Mr. Spok's, Princess Leah's, Darth Vader's, one Frodo, one Dumbledore and one Marilyn Monroe. While on a personal level I wholeheartedly appreciate the sentiment of having a nickname of a beloved inspirational character, I would like to remind you that we are here at an early stage of building up a fully functional system which will be serving the people on various levels including administrative.

Once the certificates are issued it will take time, effort and resources to change the name.

PLEASE - double check today that your name is written correctly.

I thank you very much for your understanding and timely action.

Lena De Winne

  Last edited by:  Elena Clarke De Winne (Asgardia Official, Asgardian)  on Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 14:37 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: editorial

Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 14:37 UTC

Hi Lena,

For citizens who are transgender and have not been able to change their names legally in their country of origin, are there any steps they can take so their ID reflects their identity as they live it rather than what's on their documents? I'm not in this position but i know of at least one Asgardian who is.


Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 14:43 UTC

Hi Lena,

Quick question if I may, my first name has a tilde: João, but in the form I have typed without it. Since I live in the UK and the tilde in UK keyboards don't "act" the same way, will this be an issue?

Thank you.

Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 15:34 UTC

Hi Lena!

I am a little confused about your instructions about the names. In the first massage of this forum topic you told us that our name will appear on the certificate in the way we write it in the FIRST LINES of the ID form, and that it should be the same way as it appears in our own papers of our home country. But at the ID form page, the first lines are marked as: Write your name in English format. And only at the THIRD and FOURTH line there is the instruction: Write your name in the format and way as it appears in you own papers. So witch line is witch?

  Last edited by:  Daniel Kira (Asgardian)  on Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 15:35 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 15:51 UTC

Is the profile(forum) name and photo important for the certificate?

Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 16:12 UTC

hi we have to upload the same photo on our application as i have it on my pass port ..or i can upload any photo as i want..?? does that photo should be in proper ways..???

Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 18:50 UTC

Hi Lena,

My question is the same as the question written by Daniel Kira. So I copied it here.

" I am a little confused about your instructions about the names. In the first message of this forum topic you told us that our name will appear on the certificate in the way we write it in the FIRST LINES of the ID form, and that it should be the same way as it appears in our own papers of our home country. But at the ID form page, the first lines are marked as: Write your name in English format. And only at the THIRD and FOURTH line there is the instruction: Write your name in the format and way as it appears in your own papers. So which line is which?"

Our names aren't written in English format in our own papers. They're written in the official language of our country.

Thank you.

Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 19:01 UTC

To my best knowledge in every foreign travel passport there is transcription of the name in Latin letters. This is necessary for issuing tickets, for example. These are the first lines of the form - your Family Name and First Name. Only afterwards it is asked what are your Family Name and First Name if they are in a different language.

Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 19:09 UTC

About transgender names. Realistically looking at things, it will take some time until Asgardia will be in the position to issue documents that allow travel. If now it makes one feel better to already get the name which in any case will be taken after the exchange of the documents upon completion of all the procedures, please go ahead and fill it in. My suggestion would be to chose gender and name which match, and to do it only if one is hundred per cent sure of the intention to go through with the sex change operation. I can assure you that I understand enough how delicate this situation can be for the people concerned and their families and friends. I promise that I will personally look into these files if necessary to make adjustments at any point later.

Please note that in the selection of gender there is a third line "...". One is free to chose it with or without any further clarifications.

Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 19:12 UTC

PHOTO This certificate does not require a photo. This is something one can display on the wall (or hide from the whole world) and enjoy. It will look in a way similar to a University Graduation Certificate.

Later, when we are ready to offer identification document, we will ask for a "pass-foto" - similar to one you provide for any other plastic card size document.e

Pictures we have asked to upload, the same like for any on-ine interaction, are for mutual comfort of communication. For the same reason we strongly encourage everyone to communicate under their real names, as we do ourselves.

  Last edited by:  Elena Clarke De Winne (Asgardia Official, Asgardian)  on Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 19:18 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: extra relevant info

Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 19:17 UTC

SPELLING OF THE NAME. The best would be that you copy and paste your name as it is currently written in your foreign travel document. If you expect to exchange the document and get another spelling, please go ahead and use a different spelling here. Just please be aware that one day when Asgardia is in the position to issue travel documents, it will be better for you that all your documents have your name written in the same way. Because ultimately the purpose of your documents is to identify yourself - when you you travel, when you get administrative services from your local town-hall, when you apply for something, when you identify yourself in a bank, when you receive papers upon completion of education, etc. So please think forward - what is more useful for you. Ultimately we are working towards offering all sorts of administrative services.

Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 19:45 UTC

Hi Lena My surname in my travel documents is written with letters Č and Ć. I have got two Č letters and one Ć in my surname. Here in the application i can write it only with letter C.

Will I have problems because of that?

Thank you.

Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 20:00 UTC

Romanian language has these ă, ș, ț, î, â but the form doesn't accept them.

  Last edited by:  Radu Maican (Asgardian)  on Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 20:06 UTC, Total number of edits: 3 times

Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 20:03 UTC

Letters like Č and Ć. Please write the same way as you will write in a plane ticket.

Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 20:07 UTC

Letters like Č and Ć. Please write the same way as you will write in a plane ticket.