May 13, 17 / Gem 21, 01 18:51 UTC
Nov 29, 17 / Sag 25, 01 19:37 UTC
High priority should be given to cleaning the debris from around the Earths orbit. Somebody’s gotta do it to insure safety in orbit and transportation to and from. Sign me up!
Dec 20, 17 / Cap 18, 01 12:46 UTC
I would expect to have
- Its own agricultural industry (hydroponic farming),
- Food processing (preservation, packaging, distribution etc),
- Power (generation, distribution, maintenance) even distribution of power to earth maybe through space station arrays,
- Pharmaceutical (experimentation and creation of new medicines) ,
- Waste recycling industries,
- Privatised Waste disposal (even taking toxic material from earth and disposing them on to uninhabited planets or shooting them on to the just thinking out loud, but its going to be highly profitable..
- mining (we could think about mining other planets for resources),
Dec 22, 17 / Cap 20, 01 06:30 UTC
People who know how to correctly do the moonwalk while only wearing one sparkly silver gliter glove eeeeheee!
Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 22:24 UTC
Genetic engineering and space exploration (searching a new planets for create colonies)
Jul 1, 18 / Leo 14, 02 16:36 UTC
Is there a careers tab any where on here. I am currently a Project Analyst and would like to apply and put my skills to work for the Asgardian community
Jul 1, 18 / Leo 14, 02 19:25 UTC