May 26, 17 / Can 06, 01 15:43 UTC

Kids Space Art Project!  

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Good day Asgardians!

Is your child/cousin/nephew/neice/brother/sister an artist and loves to draw pictures of space and space related themes? We'd like to see their art!

The Asgardian children's art gallery be visited on, and is dedicated to the children of Asgardia. We hope that families will enjoy drawing space and discussing spaceships, stars, planets and Earth.

To be eligible, the artist should be under 18, but doesn’t have to be your son or daughter. Your brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces, and even your neighbors, students and younger friends are welcome to participate, as long as their drawings relate to space in some way!

A maximum one entry per Participant must be submitted online on website by 11.59 p.m. EST on June 30, 2017

**Click the photo for the original post.

May 30, 17 / Can 10, 01 04:20 UTC

"To be eligible, the artist should be under 18, but  doesn’t have to be your son or daughter. Your brothers and sisters,  nephews and nieces, and even your neighbors, students and younger  friends are welcome to participate, as long as their drawings relate to  space in some way." (


If, for example, my 9-year-old son draws and also has Asgardian ID, why can't he participate? Based on what is discrimination?

May 30, 17 / Can 10, 01 04:33 UTC

Hello @Dmitry Novoseltsev

Anyone under the age of 18 is eligible to participate (your own children or otherwise) as long as as the drawing relates to space, so your son would be eligible and encouraged to participate. 


  Last edited by:  Shane Watt (Global Mod, Asgardian)  on May 30, 17 / Can 10, 01 04:33 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

May 30, 17 / Can 10, 01 05:06 UTC

Thank you. Son will definitely try to participate.

 However, for other individuals, the fundamental question remains. I am confused (including in the debate on the draft Constitution) that the stated goals and values, however, immediately introduced some formal restrictions for any persons or groups. Like many times in history in trying to build progressive societies and nothing good has not ended.

May 30, 17 / Can 10, 01 05:41 UTC

@Dmitry Novoseltsev,

The kids space art project, although dedicated to Asgardian children is open to all children, as per other concerns regarding matters of inclusivity that is a topic for another thread perhaps. I look forward to seeing your son's drawing. 


Jun 1, 17 / Can 12, 01 19:57 UTC

Hı @Shanewatt.

My daughter Asgardia member. Is it possible to participate from its own page. ?

Jun 1, 17 / Can 12, 01 20:48 UTC


Yes, Absolutely :)