I was referring to the change in Earth based dates for periodic events. Say, the Perseids. On Earth they begin in mid-to- late July. In Asgardia, they'd being in mid-to late Asgard. Imagine how fun would it be for astronomers back home to communicate with Asgardia,
"Earth to Asgardia, we predict the Perseids to appear in July" "July, confirm".
Come Asgardian July, we're all craning our necks over at the viewport, looking for a hint of a shower, while the organizer of the stargazing club frantically communicates with ground support "Asgardia to Earth, you frickin lied to us" "Mate, I said July, it's August right now, our clock's gone kaput or what?"
Although this is just a (poorly framed) example, I imagine this is how communication will be. It would be hard to adjust to the new dates, and even more tedious for Earth citizens to make conversions and communicate. It would be considered proper etiquette for Earthlings to keep an Asgardian calender, and for Asgardians to keep in mind Earth based dates. Public holidays would be a disaster. Christmas would not be 25 December anymore.
Hope this gets my point across.