Aug 15, 17 / Lib 03, 01 19:20 UTC

Re: astronomy club  

Here are the databases of astronomical objects. What they do not suit you? They are created on the basis of observations by scientists on special professional equipment. And not with telephone cameras as you suggested.

Dirk, with all due respect, before you publish your messages, sometimes see what is in the world on your question. And it seems that you do not know how to use the Internet search. These are the first lines that Google issued to this request ... And there are also bases in NASA, Russian and European institutions.

Aug 15, 17 / Lib 03, 01 22:28 UTC

With all due respect, don't you think Dirk's posts are just a cheap way to show the real thing he want to be read by the most number of asgardians?
Yes, I'm referring to his posts' last row. ;-)
I repeat: if you like to speak with persons who're trying to "do something", and not to use a spartphone to take photos, just contact me on Discord: it's not to "speak to me" but just the way to speak to others, the valuable persons I think you're searching, am I wrong? (ElweThor#4993)

Aug 16, 17 / Lib 04, 01 13:18 UTC


Thank you. Maybe I did not exactly translate the message and misunderstood its true meaning.
On the account of comments "against someone". If this is a warning to me. That here probably did not correctly understand me. It was advice how you can make your message more interesting, attractive, informative. Probably this is again the inaccuracy of the translation) If someone offended - I apologize - did not want to))

Aug 16, 17 / Lib 04, 01 18:46 UTC

@Jason Rainbow
I just make "you" (the administration) notice that the wanna-be-scientific posts was just "spam": to make people clicking to the inserted link, nothing other.
If you like to read "some conversations on Science" it's hard to believe you'll find something into his posts as they're mostly like "I wish to invent the perpetual motion, any thoughts?" (and the link to vote for him).
So, if you think that's "normal", just don't blame me: blame yourself.

Aug 18, 17 / Lib 06, 01 03:55 UTC

I like the idea of an astronomy club. I have been interested in building a simple but functional small-scale radio telescope. They can be made quite inexpensively with an old satellite dish and a few other items and are applicable to a range of scientific topics which could subsequently be discussed here such as orbits, light, radiation and its effects on the body, and the electromagnetic spectrum. 

Nov 25, 17 / Sag 21, 01 04:12 UTC

I like the idea of an Astronomy club.  I started 2 of them myself in the 1980's.  I know how to start one and what it takes.  I myself am an Amateur  Astronomer. 

Nov 25, 17 / Sag 21, 01 16:34 UTC

My Master's Project thesis is a research project studying supernovae and I've been using the telescopes here at the university of Southampton to take images - they're not pro level telescopes but probably better than amateur ones - think we can roughly reach 16th/17th magnitude in our images. I can post up some images I've taken once they've been graded if people would be interested. I'm trying to get a colour image of the Ring Nebula to work in AstroImageJ at the moment. I've also got a Python code for developing supernova lightcurves (very niche) if anyone would be interested in looking at that?

