Dec 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 17:54 UTC

Re: Asgardia: A Self sustaining Atmosphere  

The creation of water through water electrolysis, is a method that will work for Asgardia before a proper biosphere is implemented. The hydrogen gas also created through this process may also be very useful for fuel in a power generator (along with the solar panels and possible other methods). I'm happy to see that pwmmal has been giving input to the conversation from the beginning and the idea given by Keegan about the large scale removal of carbon dioxide, and the proper way to sustain the atmosphere. Such as the tubes and red leds for algae (the ship will most likely have an artificial gravity system implemented so that the process would continue to work as normal). I'm glad that this forum has reached this extent of conversation and I'm looking forward to future thoughts on the subject. I have been reading every comment of the forums I have created and I am not disappointed so far.

Jan 29, 17 / Pis 01, 01 14:43 UTC

Hi m an architect, i have been working in the design of a bio laboratory aimed to study how to colonize outer space, i made an academic document about how a Bryosphere can feed a Biosphere with multiple species, the focus is tolerate our extinction. i want to ask you might know how important are algae to the atmosphere?

Hello Asgardia admins, i wish you could delete this post, thanks.

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  Last edited by:  Vladimir Perez (Asgardian)  on Mar 14, 17 / Ari 17, 01 17:31 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jul 21, 17 / Vir 06, 01 05:37 UTC

I have made previous statements in posts I had created that state the importance of algae in the creation of an atmosphere.

Jul 31, 17 / Vir 16, 01 15:57 UTC

Now more and more you can hear about the growing of the biomass of green algae (Chlorella). But in fact, to increase the yield through the medium, carbon dioxide is passed (intentionally). 

6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2

Numerous studies have established that all of the carbon of Chlorella is derived from carbon dioxide. And in the process of photosynthesis it releases as much oxygen as it absorbed (in a molar ratio), like the higher plants. Chlorella biomass is used as a food additive in animal feed. Some people also use them as an additive to human food.
Chlorella can become the main (but not the only) component of the air regeneration system.


Сейчас  все чаще можно услышать о выращивании биомассы зеленых водорослей  (Хлорелла). А ведь для увеличения урожая через среду пропускают  углекислый газ (намеренно). В многочисленных исследованиях установлено,  что весь углерод Хлорелла получает из углекислого газа. А в процессе  фотосинтеза выделяет столько же кислорода сколько поглотило (в молярном  отношении) как и высшие растения. 

6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2

Биомасса  Хлореллы используется как пищевая добавка в корм животным. Некоторые  люди также используют их как добавку к человеческой пище.
Хлорелла может стать основным (но не единственным) компонентом системы регенерации воздуха.

Jul 31, 17 / Vir 16, 01 16:02 UTC

By the  way, according to research, the best nutrient medium for Chlorella is  the human urine diluted 80-160 times ... And this means that Chlorella  can be simultaneously used as one of the components of the system for  the utilization of biological waste.


Кстати по данным исследований лучшей питательной средой для Хлореллы является разбавленная в 80-160 раз моча  человека... А это значит, что Хлорелла может одновременно использоваться как один из компонентов системы по утилизации биологических отходов.