Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 14:36 UTC

Hello! I am an insect researcher!  

Is here anyone interested in insects?

Maybe one day we can study alien insects together~

Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 17:48 UTC

I am a biologist, and I own a collection of unferred bees native to Brazil, which besides producing honey, wax, polem and propolis, make more than 80% of the pollination of local plants. And they are not biting or picky

Dec 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 07:38 UTC

Maybe, one day.

Until then however, there is a use for folks like you.

One key issue with attempting biostasis is the insect balance. They are critical to an ecosystem, but in the wrong quantities can be just as detrimental as having none. Therefore balance is required.

Maybe this is something you'd like to be looking into whilst you're awaiting the opertunity to observe "alien insects"?

Jan 8, 17 / Aqu 08, 01 18:50 UTC

Maybe, one day you will not only study alien insects but also create your own species for different ecosystems that will inhabit new worlds.

Jan 29, 17 / Pis 01, 01 14:40 UTC

Hi m an architect, i have been working in the design of a bio laboratory aimed to study how to colonize outer space, i made an academic document about how a Bryosphere can feed a Biosphere with multiple species, the focus is tolerate our extinction.

Hello Asgardia admins, i wish you could delete this post, thanks.

Link to video and PDF

  Last edited by:  Vladimir Perez (Asgardian)  on Mar 14, 17 / Ari 17, 01 17:32 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jul 22, 17 / Vir 07, 01 05:10 UTC

Finding alien life in general would be very fulfilling and exciting to study. Especially in the field of insects and other multi cellular organisms. For all we know there could be millions of insect species underground on some moons and planets in our solar system. Such as the underground of Mars or even on some moons of Jupiter or Saturn. Of course their biology would need to be drastically different to that of Earth insects but it would only make for a more interesting topic of study and discussion.