I get your point on not basing our healthcarre system on a previous one, but is sugested the spanish one because despite having problems, like long waiting lists, old equipment and infrastructure in some hospitals, low wages for the healthcare workers, a decentralized organization which brings inequality in the treatment options to citizens of diferent parts of Spain of the and a very low capacity for the volumen of patients that seek medical atention. The spanish system has great things like being free and universall to everibody and in cases where the life of somebody is at risk treatment is always started very soon and even surgery if that person is for example an oncological patient. As well we have a state of the art national transplant organization, which performed a total of 4,769 organ transplants in 2015, and which is being used as a model to set up their own transplant system in other countries like China. This brigs us to Spain having a life expectancy at birth of 83.30 in 2014 (sorry i couldn't find more recent data), which is among the highest in the world. I used this country as an example because Im spanish and im a 6th year medical student, thats why I started this post because I think it could be usefull for Asgardia and its something in which I can help.
I agree with you in the fact that medicine should take in account the wellbeing of the patients too, the spirituality is important to lots of people but you cannot expect to cure food poisinig by praiyng. There is some evidence thet meditation increases the grey matter volumen of the brain, and it might have healing properties, but I dont think this is because some supernatural effect of meditation, but maybe because meditation changes the mindset of somebody and that beneficial change expands from the brain to the rest of the organism, still reaserch should be done on this so that doctors are shure if it works or it dosn't and can use it in tratments, and maybe show the people meditation skills that might enrich their inner ilfe.
Another very exciting thing about the Asgardian project is that we have the chance to make our own laws. On Earth research with many psychoactive drugs is banned, like for example with psychedelics or empatogens which might prove usefull in the treatment of anxiety or depression with one or only a few sessions instead of for example giving Valium or antidepresants to somebody for life forgeting about it and making that person take mind altering drugs every day. Luckily there is some research that is starting to be conducted about the use of psylocibin on the treatment of death related anxiety on terminally ill patients. And its having some success on making people feel more happy in the little time they have gone left, and I think that is great news. This is why I wanted to include medical research in the topic because we might have a chance to start investigating stuff that has not been payed atention until now, or si forbiden, or is just not profitable enought to bother and it might help people on Space and on Earth from a different point of view, taking in mind the wellbeing of people. As well, in space colonization medical research should be a priority, in my opinion, because the human body is going to face conditions it has never faced before. And we better be prepared.