Jan 7, 17 / Aqu 07, 01 16:52 UTC

[bug] issue of Topic with full chinese  

i've just found that if a topic's name is written in full Chinese, the hyper link will refer to the list page like:https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/china-40/?page=1

but if there is any english character, like :" Ah...我只是想知道大家是基于什么想法申请的Asgardia " and the link will be ok as : https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/china-40/topic/ahasgardia-697/ maybe cause by URI handling? or maybe just my web browser? seems unlikely... i'm using newest google chrome browser.

Jan 7, 17 / Aqu 07, 01 17:17 UTC


The issue has been noted and is currently in investigating. Thank you for your report.