Mar 21, 17 / Ari 24, 01 18:45 UTC

Re: Curated list of Bugs - Website Update 0001-03-24  

There is a bug in the interactive map that is shown on the homepage of the site. It's about the percentages of people who speak a certain language. Due to the fact that the Portuguese language did not appear in the registration form when clicking on the percentage of spoken languages appears an anachronistic fact and impossible that in some cities appear very low percentages of people who speak Portuguese which is totally impossible because the Portuguese language is spoken by 100% of Portuguese citizens. The registration form did not have the option of Portuguese as a native language, so some Portuguese registered it as a secondary language, but most did not put it because, of course, it was not a second language. This has to be corrected because it gives totally wrong information to those who do not know the country. Same thing in Brazil. That's why in the languages spoken by Asgardians the map says there are only 2,470 Poruguese speakers and I assure you that there are more than 9,361 Portuguese speakers among registered Asgardians.

Mar 21, 17 / Ari 24, 01 19:02 UTC

General Data Integrity Bugs added to the lists.

Mar 21, 17 / Ari 24, 01 19:15 UTC

Should also suggest tweak to background_color, to move away from the garish white. I'm not particularly fussed what, as long as it's less "retina intensive". Don't even need to remove it from white, #ffffff1a doesn't look too ugmo and massively reduces the glare. It would slightly obscure the post title, I found various green tones, say #08A510, to be sufficiently obserable, but would ideally require seperating off into it's own element in .css to prevent colour bleed to other facets that might not be as appreciated. Yellows work too, but definitely would require seperate element to prevent the text merging into the white background in the post content. In fact, the "eyeflower yellow" works quite nicely for post titles...

  Updated  on Mar 21, 17 / Ari 24, 01 19:24 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times
Reason: Additional data

Mar 23, 17 / Ari 26, 01 04:53 UTC

Someone might not see it at first, but the calendar don't convert the current date right. Everthing around the todays date is properly assigned. It seems that it takes the current gregorian date.

Calendar screenshot

  Last edited by:  Ivan Ilic (Asgardian)  on Mar 23, 17 / Ari 26, 01 04:58 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: updated link

Mar 23, 17 / Ari 26, 01 06:49 UTC

That's probably a bogus, mrisaacs. The actual day marked at the calendar shows the gregorian day number for orientation.

But well, i add it. Thanks.

Mar 23, 17 / Ari 26, 01 07:39 UTC

I still think the ugmo white background overlayed on top of the background image to be a bug. It surely can't be a feature. New and improved retina damage with every page!

Mar 23, 17 / Ari 26, 01 08:12 UTC

Added, EyeR.

Mar 23, 17 / Ari 26, 01 14:07 UTC

Nihylum: (Idea/Topic by: GVanderslice)

Idea for improvement of the forum (i think private msg is a must....)

  Last edited by:  Humberto Bravo (Asgardian)  on Mar 23, 17 / Ari 26, 01 14:07 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: credits of idea

Mar 23, 17 / Ari 26, 01 15:11 UTC

That's already on the way as far as i remember. But added.

Apr 24, 17 / Gem 02, 01 13:32 UTC

This topic is no longer maintained. The new list of bugs can be found here:

Apr 24, 17 / Gem 02, 01 13:53 UTC

Please be sure that ALL fonts used on Asgardia.Space are Creative Commons Zero License.  Do not use Arial, Tahoma or any fonts without an Open Source License or Creative Commons Zero License ("CC0").  This is excruciatingly important for the upcoming posting of the Declaration of Unity.  And, the Declaration of Unity and all following documents should be presented with a CC0 font license - if we do not ensure this, the document in and of itself is a tainted legal document and opens the door for litigation.  I would make this the highest priority.  And, all communications going out should also be in CC0 License.  My two cents and now I need a coffee break.  Have a great day.

  Updated  on Apr 24, 17 / Gem 02, 01 13:57 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Apr 24, 17 / Gem 02, 01 13:55 UTC

Wrong place to mention that, please create an own topic at the feedback forums. The Licensing of Fonts for future documents is not a bug. At least this topic is no longer maintained and deserves a close.

Thank you.