Aug 9, 18 / Vir 25, 02 04:34 UTC


Please admins take a look into the blogs tab and the off-topics in the forums, as clearly the site has been raided, and this could of been notified sooner if we had a permanent discord server, or a quick chat room...

or maybe more transparency overall


Aug 9, 18 / Vir 25, 02 07:31 UTC

Hi Bob, 

Thank you for the information!

Unfortunately we have been suffering from several spam attacks in recent weeks that we are endeavoring to combat, although I will say that we have not been hacked.

If you see any spam posts in the blogs or forums on the asgardia websites, that has not been attended to, please feel free to email us with a notification. 

Please email "", additionally please do not comment directly on the spam posts as this may inadvertently cause your own account to be banned. 

Many thanks everyone,


Jason Rainbow,

Social Media Coordinator,
