Jan 22, 17 / Aqu 22, 01 23:17 UTC

Line breaks  

This is a test of entering single line breaks. Each of the following will be separated by a double line break for clarity. 1. pasted CR, 2 pasted LF, 3. pasted CRLF, 4. pasted html, 5 key press.ENTER, 6. key press SHIFT + ENTER. Hopefully one of these methods will give me a single line break.

  1. line1 line2

  2. line1 line2

  3. line1 line2

  4. line1[HTML_REMOVED]line2

  5. line1 line2

  6. line1 line2

Now let's see the results.

Jan 22, 17 / Aqu 22, 01 23:20 UTC

All methods failed to display a single line break (using Google Chrome). Try for yourself.

EDIT1: I notice that forum formatting automatically generated an ordered list when I typed double line breaks followed by the numbers in my post above. If you try to copy the information I posted, the numbers will also be lost. I suggest that there be an option to post plain text, otherwise posted information may be compromised: that could present problems and introduce potential risks (especially for scientists trying to share information).

EDIT2: Plain text with a Unicode compatible monospace font would be best.

  Last edited by:  Nicholas Wilkinson (Asgardian)  on Jan 23, 17 / Aqu 23, 01 01:08 UTC, Total number of edits: 21 times

Jan 23, 17 / Aqu 23, 01 09:20 UTC

Thanks, I'll read the formatting guide shortly. Hopefully I can somehow set plain text in order to paste information without auto-formatting corrupting the binary.

Jan 23, 17 / Aqu 23, 01 09:39 UTC

I see you have inline deformatting: that produces plain text. It helps a lot - thanks! :)

  Last edited by:  Nicholas Wilkinson (Asgardian)  on Jan 23, 17 / Aqu 23, 01 09:40 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jan 23, 17 / Aqu 23, 01 22:19 UTC

You also have a "preview" feature available.

The forum basically uses markdown, simple markdown.

Jan 23, 17 / Aqu 23, 01 22:37 UTC

Thanks again, I'm still getting used to the available features now.

Jan 23, 17 / Aqu 23, 01 22:38 UTC

Thanks again, I'm getting used to the available features now. I still make mistakes and have to edit my posts. Oops - a double post has appeared.

  Last edited by:  Nicholas Wilkinson (Asgardian)  on Jan 23, 17 / Aqu 23, 01 22:39 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time