Oct 28, 17 / Oph 21, 01 22:02 UTC

Missing message icons on asgardia.space for 3 days and potential solution  

This seems to be a problem that has lasted the past 3 days.  

Users are reporting not being able to see the icon "messages" (the one next to your profile photo on the top right side of the asgardia.space pages when you're logged in) and therefore write and read messages exchanged with the Asgardians they friended there.

I believe I found the problem but only half a solution. In the source there is a line of code; remove the Hidden style in your browser's developer tools and the two missing icons will appear. Here is the relevant line of code: "<div class="messenger-container js-messenger hidden" data-socket-url="/socket/messenger/" data-user-info-url="/en/user/api/chat-user-info/">" - the word "hidden" needs removing. I get the icons to appear but I'm told my lists are empty though. 

This could be related to all the "WebSocket connection to 'wss://asgardia.space/socket/notifications/' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established." messages I get in my console.

Oct 28, 17 / Oph 21, 01 22:17 UTC

More info; the numerous websocket messages I mentioned above were just warnings.  Below are the actual errors.

common.827d100.js:778 Uncaught ReferenceError: machina is not defined
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> ((index):1764)
at mightThrow (common.827d100.js:766)
at process (common.827d100.js:769)

common.827d100.js:2146 WebSocket connection to 'wss://asgardia.space/socket/notifications/' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 502

  Last edited by:  Mariya Kudryavtseva (Asgardian, Member of the Parliament)  on Mar 5, 19 / Ari 08, 03 15:30 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Oct 28, 17 / Oph 21, 01 22:40 UTC

I believe that something websocket-related on asgardia.space is down.  I tried using a websocket client to access wss://asgardia.space/socket/notifications but it would not open because it does not seem to be available.

UPDATE: Problem appears to be fixed now, or at least for the time being.

  Last edited by:  Dahl Winters (Asgardian, Candidate, Global Mod)  on Oct 29, 17 / Oph 22, 01 00:26 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Oct 29, 17 / Oph 22, 01 00:35 UTC

For further details (I've been wondering about posting this myself) It usually appears when you have an unread message and the notification icon beside the chat icon also stays hidden - the only solution I've found is to wait until one of my friends does something which then re-activates the icons with a notification.

I have a feeling this is supposed to be a feature (don't bother someone when there is nothing new to show), but we are seeing it as a bug lol

Oct 29, 17 / Oph 22, 01 00:46 UTC

There is some JQuery just above the google analitics JS near the bottom of the document throwing that, I'm not sure what machina is or what machina.init() is supposed to do here, but machina.js is a lazy keyboard input script - which I could see no use for

  Last edited by:  Mariya Kudryavtseva (Asgardian, Member of the Parliament)  on Mar 5, 19 / Ari 08, 03 15:30 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Oct 29, 17 / Oph 22, 01 08:52 UTC

Thanks Chris for the insight. Ivan Rosel who also is experiencing the problem has over 200 friends I believe, so they are probably doing things to trigger notifications all the time.  Thus his icons should be showing up quite regularly compared to mine since my activity is lower.  Yet it is just the opposite.  The problem went away for me in the past few hours but not for him.

The problem seems to have grown worse with time as the icons disappear for longer periods.  The 502 response I get about the websocket handshake failing might be indicative of a load balancer issue (I saw some things that suggest the website is running on AWS).  I had a particularly nasty intermittent bug last year on AWS that was load-related and adjustments were needed to accommodate increased message load.

  Last edited by:  Dahl Winters (Asgardian, Candidate, Global Mod)  on Oct 29, 17 / Oph 22, 01 09:28 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Oct 29, 17 / Oph 22, 01 15:19 UTC

Yes, and often my icons do show despite having no activity - I removed the hidden CSS clause from the friends icon, and sure enough it shows, however it said I have no friends (hopefully this helps the scripters isolate the problem)

Oct 31, 17 / Oph 24, 01 17:09 UTC

I see they are working on it, no guys, the try/catch didn't solve it!

furthermore I've noticed that in resolutions between 600px and 100px (give or take) the icons won't show. - I could troubleshoot that further and provide solution but I assume they are qualified.

back to the problem at hand - I think a good solution for the time being (and after) would be a place to see your communications... an inbox so to speak (for that matter a hierarchy would be just lovely) - this would be far superior to the chat anyway because long messages will cause long delays in loading the homepage.  This messenger applet was obviously written by noobs anyway!

on tabs that are open for a long time I get this JS error: common.f10e033.js:2146 WebSocket connection to 'wss://asgardia.space/socket/notifications/' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 502
ReconnectingWebSocket.open @ common.f10e033.js:214 - I get several of them and they switch between /notifications/ and /messenger/ I likewise get several warnings that the connection was closed before a connection was established between most of the errors (though sometimes none between)

The problem is drastically intermittent and I sympathies with the devs - but they should use a different messenger app or write one themselves, it's not hard... they are likely telling their superiors the same though.... 

  Last edited by:  Mariya Kudryavtseva (Asgardian, Member of the Parliament)  on Mar 5, 19 / Ari 08, 03 15:30 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Nov 2, 17 / Oph 26, 01 01:38 UTC

... could it be we have too many friends online?

Nov 2, 17 / Oph 26, 01 01:54 UTC

Hey friends,
Today, it has been 7 days I haven't seen the message icon appearing.
Two theories:
– the update of the website;
– when one has too many friends (I have close to 600 friends...).

Anyway. It doesn't seem the support team sends anyone reading these threads here as there was no answer given here and no change in the situation.

I'm getting tired of this as this was my main way of communicating with my Asgardian friends... 

Nov 2, 17 / Oph 26, 01 02:23 UTC

how hard is it for the devs up in ops to make us an inbox where we can see our messages without the messager

I say that rhetorically, cause I know the answer is it should take 2 hours

  Last edited by:  Asgardian 794177 (Asgardian, Candidate)  on Nov 2, 17 / Oph 26, 01 02:24 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Nov 5, 17 / Sag 01, 01 12:09 UTC

I complained about this, didn't see this thread. Maybe we should make a noise in the General thread even though it's not appropriate. At least the moderators respond there, even if to move the message to this thread!