Feb 22, 17 / Pis 25, 01 14:51 UTC

Spammer on the Site  

Not sure how it happened, but, this user has been posting the same thing across multiple forums.


Feb 23, 17 / Pis 26, 01 14:30 UTC

Seems we have another one.


Feb 23, 17 / Pis 26, 01 16:45 UTC

Is there a procedure for reporting these or should I just keep posting here as I notice them?

I ask because, at the moment, I have free time at work while processes I have developed do their work. Until something breaks, or another rule gets changed, I have some time on my hands.

Feb 23, 17 / Pis 26, 01 17:57 UTC

As I do not have a Facebook account, I'll just keep up the guard here, then.

Fixer grabs his polearm and spacesuit and stands nearby

I think I will go add my Skype account to my introduction page, though. I get that straight to my cellphone.

Feb 24, 17 / Pis 27, 01 20:11 UTC

Got another one.


Feb 26, 17 / Ari 01, 01 20:13 UTC

you can create a script guard so if the same user tries to post the same post in differenet topics (or even different users tries that) to alert the mods or admin who are onine to check it and make thhse posts invissible until they have been aprooved for view

Feb 27, 17 / Ari 02, 01 05:58 UTC

I've already suggested, elsewhere and previously...

The input mechanism itself should sanitise contents, and minimally check for; a) post speed and frequency, b) user agent, c) source IP - scrape publicly posted proxy servers and known TOR exit nodes etc and blacklist c) post contents, comparing to say the last five posts and seeing how much of it is the same, or matches previously blacklisted as spam posts. This can either outright disallow posting and or post but flag for moderator attention/verification.

Additionally tools like fail2ban are able to watch the ngnix logs(and should already be watching other system logs in a sane deployment, along with IDS) in near-realtime and any particular feature or behaviour you can pattern, and define a response to, then it can be used to pick up any "unwanted behaviours" and either outright respond in near realtime and/or generate reports of said activities.

Then you actually have to do something about the abuse of your systems. Take the IP of the offender, whois and gain contact details for their supplier and lodge abuse reports with log extracts and get their hardware off my internet. If you review the suppliers ToS and AuP then it's highly likely that the errant behaviours will form one or more violations and citation of alongside the evidence should result in rapid service termination. There's a lovely trend in some rented services wherin additional charges are levied for allowing your hardware to be used in such a fashion and some even charge per emittence of spam message. Make it cost them as much as possible for every attempt.

In addition to scraping for known hostile exit nodes, it may also be sensible to scrape and contribute to publicly posted blacklists of IP's/Users/Spam in order that as we protect ourselves we can also protect others in a effort of mutual benefit.

If you'd really want to dive into it then tools like Maltego can be used to graph the attacks, and find additional evidences - getting all the juicy details would involve LEA ceredentials and or illegal activities(When we have a legal system...) as most ½ decent companies will cite user privacy when attempting to obtain customer details, but over time it can show some quite "interesting" data.

  Updated  on Feb 27, 17 / Ari 02, 01 06:10 UTC, Total number of edits: 3 times
Reason: typo, additional data.

Mar 13, 17 / Ari 16, 01 13:27 UTC

[Removed Link]

Another one.

MOD EDIT: Thank you very much, I've removed the link after we dealt with the post. You support in this is totally amazing!

  Last edited by:  Jason Rainbow (Global Admin, Global Mod, Asgardian)  on Mar 13, 17 / Ari 16, 01 13:42 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Removal of link

Mar 13, 17 / Ari 16, 01 14:54 UTC

Actually, what's amazing is that you'd waited until being hit by spam to begin thinking of a solution. This should of happened before it'd left the develserver. In fact, one can possibly argue it should of happened before it even got to the develserver.

There's a lot of things that are paid far too little attention, too many things lent far too little worth. Far more concerning than the lack of thought placed into anything, least of all security, is the lack of care or "love" for the service itself. This isn't the behaviour exhibited by any sysadmin that intends the project to last more than five mins. Absent this, there will never be a drive for anything better. Infecting your hardware being a prequisite for absorption ensures it's only possible to build a team that have already proven themselves unsuitable for provision of better.

I can understand being new to something, although nothing here is particularly new. I can't understand how any of these problems were not predicted, or countered previously to public release. How could it honestly be not expected to happen?

I shall respond to the below post here, to avoid increasing the post count and distrupting cohesion further. I was not aware the specified purpose of this thread was to simply identify spam posts required for removal, and therefore apologise for any disruption caused. And I didn't create the thread you linked to talk about the problem, I created it to do something about the problem, which is why it contains things that will have a positive impact on long term prevention.

  Updated  on Mar 13, 17 / Ari 16, 01 16:51 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Additional data

Mar 13, 17 / Ari 16, 01 15:29 UTC


Please leave comments out of this post. There is another post that was dedicated to talking about spammers on this site -->

THIS thread was specifically created by me to only post links to persons spamming the site by myself or others. Please don't post in it and cause it to become active for other purposes.

Thank you.

  Updated  on Mar 13, 17 / Ari 16, 01 15:30 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Mar 16, 17 / Ari 19, 01 14:17 UTC

[removed link]

Mod Many thanks

  Last edited by:  Jason Rainbow (Global Admin, Global Mod, Asgardian)  on Mar 16, 17 / Ari 19, 01 18:41 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Removal of link

Mar 17, 17 / Ari 20, 01 16:56 UTC


Y'can remove the post I've made once spam sanitised

MOD: The post can now be found in the Economics board of the forum.

  Last edited by:  Jason Rainbow (Global Admin, Global Mod, Asgardian)  on Mar 17, 17 / Ari 20, 01 17:21 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Mar 22, 17 / Ari 25, 01 11:55 UTC

And a more subtle one.


Mar 22, 17 / Ari 25, 01 12:19 UTC

Thanks guys for reporting them!

If you see any more, please definitely post about it. :)

Regards, Rebekah Berg, Lead Community Administrator, Asgardia

Mar 22, 17 / Ari 25, 01 23:24 UTC

and a less subtle one. https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/general-discussion-14/topic/about-citizenship-application-4256/?post=20414#20414

If you trim this post from the thread once you sanitise the spam the last poster/post count can be used to casualy assesss for at a single glance.

  Updated  on Mar 22, 17 / Ari 25, 01 23:25 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time