Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 16:58 UTC
Asgardia space industries ¶
Greetings everyone.
Our nation is making progresses in reaching its targets, but future challenges will require stronger efforts from a political and economical point of view; about this last point, a stable fount of income would be helpfull in order to substain our activities.
The space surrounding our planet is full of space junk, pieces of old rockets, probes and satellites which could be putted to a better use, so my proposal is: why don't we put them to a better use recycling them in order to build new probes and satellites, realizing the first automatized orbital factory? Surely it's an abitious target, but if we can achieve it we can sell orbitant modules to privates and nations to an extremely competitive price (since both the materials are cheap and launching expenses are pratically zero), thus getting massive fundings for Asgardia and an easy, economic and safe way to produce space modules for everyone.
I would really like to know, from those of you who work in aereospace sector, which are the main limitations to this project and how could we solve it, since i think this would be a great opportunity for Asgardia.
Thanks for your attention.