Jan 4, 18 / Aqu 04, 02 05:43 UTC
Make money now! ¶
The time it's overdue to make money.
Cryptocurrencies software is any things but not new. We could implement it in Asgardia in less than a month if we will.
Making an open platform for SEO, SMM, digital marketing and traditional ones where all Asgardian having the competence gone a be able to receive commissions. The tokins could be Solars this will increase the value of our national currency.
A part of the profits could be used to the conception of the Ark. An Ark providing the possibility for space tourism and also the location of some units. The promotion by the Asgardians who have the competence. The commissions could be huge and the profits applied to grow our territory will give a real possibility to have a free viable permanent habitat at least for the first 100 thousand Asgardians.
Faster we make money faster we get our Kingdom. Making it a reality now it's a possibility.
What do you think what could you do, please do reply?