Aug 31, 18 / Lib 19, 02 02:46 UTC
What happened to Bitcoin revolution? ¶
Hi, fellow Bitcointalkers I want to share few thoughts with you.
Recently, I have the impression that the revolution that Satoshi and his Bitcoin initiated is used by various people for purposes that have nothing to do with the main slogans of this revolution. I mean, of course, ICO, but not only, I'm talking about the entire cryptocurrency market and everything related to blockchain technology.
What is recently happening is simply unacceptable and must change. This is why regulators are coming, first to the world of ICO's and later to the entire crypto market. We all feel it on our own skin with every new investment in ICO. Complete lack of information it is always possible to have a clean scam and there is no control.
That is why earnings from this investments are sometimes hundred-fold because it is pure speculation and I have an irresistible impression that the revolution, decentralization and all other values that bitcoin has initiated have been lost and only the money and gains count today.
Somewhere, everything we were fascinated with a few years ago, namely privacy, anonymity, decentralization is somehow lost and used for everything except of what Satoshi was all about.
I believe that Satoshi is still alive. And I ask myself what Satoshi thinks when he looks at what happened to his project and revolution?